HomeMy WebLinkAbout952920C ft t- l am: W to c° oa M y 02 1 a c w 0 woa File No.: 6011018916 Michael Alan McClean and Carol Lee McClean, Trustees of the McClean Family Revocable Trust dated August 6, 2002, grantors of Lincohi County, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration $10.00 in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby Convey and Quitclaim To Michael A. McClean and Carol L. McClean, Husband and Wife as Tenants by the Entirety, grantees, whose address is: 72z?'i iuy 2 mno7 1 all interest in the following described real property, situde in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit: Portions of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 33 and the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 30 North, Range 118 West, of the 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, as more particularly described on the attached Exhibit A, being a copy of a. "Property Description" dated "during August and September of 1989" and prepared by Lloyd B. Baker, PE/LS698. Subject to all easements, exceptions, restrictions, reservations and rights of way of sight or record. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. 4 h Witness our hands this day of April, 2010. Michael Alan McClean, Trustee State of Wyoming County of Lincoln This Instrument was acknowledged before me on 1. By Michael A. McClean and Carol L. McClean. JESSiCA SiMMON COMM. #1843(310 C; NOTARY PUBLIC ('Al.iFoRiN A A NiARIN C &)UN V Cnmrn i xpiresApr/l6. 2013 Streamline Deed Quit Claim Borrowers WY Rev. 4/1/2010 QUITCLAIM DEED l Lee McClean, Trustee CAtPD1� ck (Signature of Notarial Officer) M Commission Expires: c 0/64,0 �"0 CI' 498 RECEIVED 4/14/2010 at 11:37 AM RECEIVING 952920 BOOK: 745 PAGE: 498 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY a cony, NIpfAGrrAre 4isol ffr 4 4 /.ri3O" So/ o Iron noir.ril. TOO /TOOK) .•1PrtoPERTY DESCItI!''1'TO i Pocione' of the NW NWk of S'ec r. on_ 33 and the NEkNEk of Section' T30N','' K'k18W, "'6ih P;l .'`.iancoln ,County, Wyoming and being more pr 7'y.Je as'. follows: .PP.GIWNINJ'' e't a paih;c';66'8''Eee South;;en.d'. 117.40 feec East from. .ha' earner Of Sec,c,i.ona 28 M,;32 and 33 of ,i r Townsh :ana 'Range ac'd rsinntn& 'So�Ich 41;9 feec; (hence Ea 1 g 0 5 '1 fe'e't Eta t'he VIeiterly' TliAtie of Way line O f Iliglyway .89 on' 'a curve 11eving a radius df 2 feet and :coelt.lv,,to the°Wr+at,- e 'ald'Rigfht o:f Way "line being Weacer- 1,y ••`?0 feec front •the •conger line Of' h, i hway then e, run Wing Clem• sai�l,:cuti�e -chrou .h'a 'Centre] &26'06"' an uro •fcec cb.it'9; incerseccion with che'SoUch b$undarY'of /laid NWkNW 33; of said Section 33; thence :N 8957' 25'. W, along la's said South boundary and the South bcundar}+ of ;.,,said NEkNI;.k of Section 32', a distance o,f,335.35 feet'co Cit:e, approximate center line of Salt River, thence in a generally Northerly direction, following the approximate cent'erl'ine QE:Sa1c River the followinE, courses and distAnc.es: N. 34 51'27" E 97;98 feet, N 16 23'53" W 52.75 fect N 57'08'34" W 30.36 fee&, S;53 W 85.85 fceg, N 57 W, 72.28 feet, N•1 07'15" W 158.76 feet, N 5 W 290.29 feet, and N 18'08'27 E 70,33 feet; thence running East 295.53 feec co che poinc'of BEGINNING, Containing 4 ..96,3 .Ac of land. Wdrrstilf yar:» SURVEYOR'S CERTII?ICATE I hereby certify that che survey and description of the property shown ,hereon were prepared by me from actual field nocea taken by me during August and September of 1989. L i oy p `0 p a cT i0 0 1)4 098 o/" s' •ev J 1 �JMINV l EXHIIBIT A 115 1.30 499 IVA It :L [MI oroz/ta