HomeMy WebLinkAbout876931 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In compliance with the CORNER PERPETUATION AND FILING ACT, Wyoming Statutes, 1997, Section 33-29-140, et seq., and the Rules ~nd Regulations of the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors) Reverse side of this form may be used if more space is needed. Record of orighal survey and ci~tion of source of historical hformaion (if comw is loa or oblit~ed). D~iption of corn~ monumen~tion evidence found an~or monument and accessori~ ~mbli~ed to perpetuate ~e location of ~is com~. Sk~ch of rel~ive location of monumem, accessories, and ref~ence poin~ wi~ eo~ and distan~ to a~acent comer(O (if determhed h ~is survey. Me. od and rationale br reestabli~ment of lost or obliterated comer. Record:-- 1901 -- Stahle. NOO°-O2'W between Sections 20 and 21. 40.00 Set a sandstone 22x12x2 ins. 16 ins. in the ground for ¼ sec. cor. marked ¼ on W. face, and raised a mound of stone, 2 ft. base, 1½ ft. high, W. of cor. Pits impracticable. Paul N. Scherbel Corner Record dated 1 May 1976. Found:-- A quartzite stone 8x7x6 ins. above ground marked ¼ on W., SS on E. Mound of stone in tire casing to W. Set:-- Monument is Nly., 400 ft.± of tin building, Nly., 175 ft. of E/W 4 B/W fence, and Wly., 200 ft.± of N/S graded road. cc: BLM Date ofField Work: 25 September 2001 Omc:~erere,¢e: Book TY-7, pa.qe 41. CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM Firm/Agency, Address This corner record was prepared I 2 3 4 S § 7 e e loll 121314 151017 le lO ;~O 2-122 20 24 2§ by me or under my direction ^ i 1' i [ ~ ~ ~ Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd. and supervision. " --,'---~T .... 1 .... F .... ?_. i --T-- --T-- -I .... ~-- '-~ .... c -,~ -~ ~-,, I I I ', .-I :-,-~--,~-1 ,-~- P.O. Box4296 SEAL&SIGNATURE ~ ......................................................... , , , ,[ , 283 Main Street ~'I I i ; i [ I ', i ', ', ', i BigPiney-Marbleton. WY 83113 ' .... I. ' a ' '/ ' ' ~J I ~ ,~--',~1~, 1-11~1 ,,_~ .... ~ ...... t--~ .... ~ . ..... ~- ~-. .... .-- -~ .... ~--I-~. Telephone Number: 307-276-3347 ...... Telefax Number: 307-276-3348 [ ~-~ .... ?', 'lg' :15', ~-t,4&-~l ;-~-~ o, I· i I ..... M L __I ....... L o --I ..... T .... ~, ....... ~ ....... ~ --~ .... ~- , -~ ~-- -~-- o ~ --L-. --+' .... J ..... L .... ~- .... I' .... ',~ .... t' .... '-- --L-q,__~__,. .... , q % kL ',,~ ', . .,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, : ,, ,, ,, ,, . d. / / S __L .... X u ..... ~c ..... f .... a .... ~- .... '---~-U-- ~_t_ .... ~. .... ~__ S ............ ..... ~ ......... ~ ..................... LINEOLN z Se~ion:~T2~N R]]2~ :~P.M. Cross-lndexNo.: P-9 -- Revised Comer N~e: a _ . SBRPEPLS~LSW: March 1994 (SSLTD 10/18~0~ v~sion)