HomeMy WebLinkAbout876933 State of Wyoming Corner Record
(In compliance with the CORNER PERPETUATION AND FILING ACT, Wyoming Statutes, 1997, Section 33-29-140, et seq., and the Rules and Regulations
of the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors)
Reverse side of this form may be used if more space is needed.
Record of origbal s~vey and citation of so.ce of hist~iml bform~ion (if com~ is lost or oblit~med). D~iption of
corn~ monumenmtion evidence bund an~ monument and acc~sori~ establi~ed to perpetuate ~e l~ion of ~is com~.
Sk~ of relative Ioc~ion of monument, accessories, and referen~ po~ts wi~ co~se and distan~ to a~acent com~(s) (if
det~mined in ~is s~ve~. Me. od and rmionale for reestabli~ment of lost or obliterated comer.
Record:-- 1901 - Stahle.
NOO°-O2'W between Sections 20 and 21.
37.40 Intersect Line 1-4 - Lot No. 48 at a point 8.65 chs. S89°-43'E
of Cor. No. 4/48 and 1/52.
At point of intersection
Set a sandstone 22x12x3 ins. 16 ins. in the ground for closing
cor. of Secs. 20 and 21, marked C.C. on W.; with 4 grooves on
E. and 2 grooves on W faces; and raised a mound of stone, 2
ft. base, 1½ ft. high N. of cor. Pits, impracticable.
Paul N. Scherbel Corner Record dated 17 April 1978.
Found:-- A quartzitelstone 6x7x7 ins. above ground marked CC on N., 48 on S.,
// on W., //// on E, Ss on S. Sly., 16 ins. of E/W 4 B/W fence,
Ely., 25 ft. of abandoned telephone pole.
Set:-- A green steel fence post alongside; 4 large power poles are along-
side to S.
cc: W
DateofFieldW~. 25 September 2001 OmceRefere.c¢: Book TY-7, page 41.
CROS~ INDEX DIAGRAM Firm/Agency, Address This corner retard was pre~r~
2 3 4 5 a 7 g U 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I7 la 19 20 81 22 22 24 2b by me or under my direction
,i ~,~ ~, } ,i ,i ,i ~, ,i ,i ,i i, ,' Su~eyor SchoOl, Ltd. and su~ision.
~ ................. . , P.O. Box 4296 SE~L & SIGNATU~
......................................................... ~ , , , , , , , 283 Ma~ S~t ~ .... _ ~. .........
~ ~ ; ', ', ~ ', ', , ', ', ~ ', Big P~ey-Marbleton, ~ 83113
~--7, , , U~, ~ ~ ,' ~0, ', '-1, 1~1'>~ ,
--~-~--.-- ~-~t~-~ ..... ~--~ ~ - --~ · - -~ ..... ~- --~-- ----- . Tel~hone Numar: 307-27~3347
............ Telehx Num~: 307-276-3348
o'--[ ~-I- , , , .... ,, ..
' '" ........ ~ '
......... ..... { ............ [ ....... : ,, ~ ............. ,, : , ~ ......... ,, , Co~tyof LINCOLN
Comer Nme: CC Se~ion:~ T~ R ] ] g~ :~ P.M. Cross-bdex No.: P-Q-
SB~EPLS~LSW: Mamh 1994 (SSLTD 10/18~000 version) Rev