HomeMy WebLinkAbout953391Form 3106 -14 (September 1982) 1. Assignee's Name TRANSFER, ASSIGNMENT, OR SUBLEASE OF OPERATING RIGHTS IN OIL AND GAS LEASE NORTH AMERICAN RESOURCES COMPANY, INC. Address (include zip code) 16 East Granite Butte, Montana 59701 The undersigned, as owner of 12.5000 percent of operating rights in the above designated oil and gas lease, hereby transfers, assigns, and /or subleases to the assignee shown above, the operating rights in such lease as specified below. 2. Describe the lands affected by this transfer, assignment, and /or sublease (43 CFR 3101.2 -3 or 3101.1 -4) Township 26 North, Range 111 West 6th PM Section 5: Lot 4 (39.84), S2NW4, SW4 Section 6: Lot 1 (39.83), SE4NE4, E2SE4 Section 8: SE4SW4 Containing 479.67 acres, more or less Lincoln County, Wyoming Surface down to the stratigraphic equivalent of 9,440 feet, as encountered in the Hanson Federal 40 -6 Well, NE4SE4 Section 6, T26N, R111W. RECEIVED 5/12/2010 at 10:23 AM RECEIVING 953391 BOOK: 747 PAGE: 54 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY This assignment is subject to the terms and conditions of that certain "Assignment, Bill of Sale and Conveyance" executed by the parties hereto dated December 18, 1986, effective December 1, 1986 as recorded in the above referenced county and state. Said assignment does not constitute any additional conveyance or assignment of oil, gas and mineral leases, lands or interest therein described but is the same interest being conveyed by this assignment. 3. Specify interest or percent of operating rights being conveyed to assignee 4. Specify interest or percent of operating rights being retained by assignor 5. Specify overriding royalty interest being reserved by assignor 6. Specify overriding royalty previously reserved or conveyed, if any 7. If any payments out of production have previously been created out of this interest, or if any such payments are being reserved under this transfer, assignment, or sublease, attach statement giving full details as to amount, method of payment, and other pertinent terms as provided under 43 CFR 3106. it is agreed that the obligation to pay any overriding royalties or 8ayments out of production of oil created tietein, which, when added to overriding royalties or payments out of production previously created and to the royalty payable to the United States, aggregate in excess of 17 1/2 percent, shall be suspended when the average production of oil per well per day averaged on the monthly basis is 15 barrels or less. I CERTIFY That the statements made herein are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and are made in good faith. Executed this 7 day of Y 19rS9 but Effective December 1, 1986 GeneralHydroc rbons 1982X Oil Ga Program. 200 Transwestern I1 Building C P.O. Box 31515 Chairman of C [Assignor's Signature) (Assignor's Address) General Hydrocarbons, Inc. as Managing General Partner ATTEST: Assistant Secretary (City) (State) (Zip Code) Title 18 U.S.C., Section 1001, makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willfully to make to any department or agency of the United States any false, fictitious, fraudulent statements or representations as to any matter within its jurisdiction. Assignment approved effective JUN 0 1 1987 i si,. t ef t f that eithet party ^g holds legal or equitable UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT PART Billings, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA By FORM APPROVED OMB NO. 1004 -0034 Expires: August 31, 1985 Lease Serial No. W 72845 Lease effective date October 1, 198:1 NT 59107 (Authorized Officer) BUREAU. U LA D MANAG 10.148747% 2.351253% 0 7.5% €it'PEsM;23C< r M .iNITE4ANCE UNET JUN 1 7 1987, (Title) (Date) NOTE: This form may he reproduced provided that copies are exact reproductions on one sheet of both sides o/ this official /orm in accord- ance u mth prni isions of 43 EEC 3106. CF?Tan \T Lq T d'sm -tom CERTIFIED to be a true and.comparative copy of the official records on file AP O.054 1 4 2010 executed this L day of `I) NORTH AMERICAN RESOURCES COMPANY, INC. a A 7 7 G2 President (Assignee's Signature) ATTEST: Assistant Secretary USE OF FORM Use only for assignment of operating rights (Including working interests) in oil and gas leases. If transfer of operating rights is accompanied by an operating agreement, a single copy of such agreement must be submitted with the assignment. If more than one transfer of operating rights is made out of a lease, a separate instrument of transfer is required for each assignment. A separate instrument of assign- ment shall be used for each lease out of which an assignment is made. 2. FILING AND NUMBER OF COPIES File three (3) completed PART II ASSIGNEE'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF OPERATING RIGHTS AND.'r1R OPERATING AGREEMENT (SUBLEASE) A. ASSIGNEE CERTIFIES THAT the assignee and all other parties in interest (as defined in 43 CFR 3100.0 -5(b)) in this as- signment are: 1. Citizens of the United States or qualified alien stockholders in a domestic corporation; association of the United States; or any State or Territory thereof; or municipalities. 2. Of the age of majority in the State where the lands to be assigned are located. 3. In compliance with the acreage limitation set forth in 43 CFR 3101.1 -5 and 3101.2 -4. B. ASSIGNEE AGREES That, upon approval of this transfer of operating rights and /or operating agreement (sublease) by the authorized officer of the Bureau of Land Management, he will be bound by the terms and conditions of the lease described herein as to the interests covered by this assignment, including, but not limited to, the obligation to conduct all operations on the leasehold in accordance with the terms and conditions of the lease, to condition all wells for proper abandonment,to restore the leased lands upon completion of any drilling operations as prescribed in the lease, and to furnish and maintain such bond as may be required by the lessor pursuant to the regulations (43 CFR 3104.2). C. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED That the statements made herein are true, complete, and correct to the best of undersigned's knowledge and belief and are made in good faith. INSTRUCTIONS NOTICE AUTHORITY: 30 U.S.C. et. seq. 16 East Granite Butte (City) The Privacy Act of 1974 and the regulation in 43 CFR 2.48(d) provide that you be furnished the following information in connection with information required by this assignment and request for approval. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE Tne information is to be used to process the assignment and request for approval. ROUTINE USES: (1) The adjudication of the assignee's rights to the land or resources. (2) Documentation for public information in support of nota- tions made on land status records for the management, disposal, and use of public lends and resources. (3) Transfer to appropriate Federal agencies when concur- rence is required prior to granting a right in public lands or resources. (4)(5) Information from the record and /or the record will be transferred to appropriate Federal, State, local or foreign agencies, when relevant to civil, criminal or regulatory investigations or prosecutions. EFFECT OF NOT PROVIDING INFORMATION If all the in- formation is not provided, the assignment may be rejected. Che Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) requires us to inform you that: This information is being collected pursuant to the law (43 CFR 3106 3(c)). ['his information will be used to create a record of lease assignment. tesponse to this request is required to ob'. n a benefit. (Assignee's Address) MT (State) 59701 (Zip Code) 'itle 18 U.S.C., Section 1001, makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willfully to make to any department or agency of the United tates any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or representations as to any matter within its jurisdiction. and manually signed copies in the appropriate BLM office. A $25.00 nonrefundable filing feemust accompany this assignment. File assignment within ninety (90) days after date of final execution. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ASSIGNMENT The assignment, if approved, takes effect on the first day of the month following the date of filing of all required papers. If an operator's bond is required, it must be furnished prior to approval of the, assignment. '0055