HomeMy WebLinkAbout876940 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In compliance with the CORNER PERPETUATION AND FILING ACT, Wyoming Statutes, 1997, Section 33-29-140, ct seq., and the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors) Reverse side of this form may be used if more space is needed. Record of ~ighal s~vey and citation of so. ce of histori~l hformmion (if com~ is 1o~ or oblit~med). Des~iption of corn~ monumenmtion evidence ~und anW~ monument md a¢~ss~ies e~abli~ed to perp~uate ~e locmion of~is comer. Skach of relmive locmion of monument, ac~ssories, and re~ren~ pohts wi~ co.se and distan~ to a~acent comer(~ (if d~erm~ed h ~is s~ve~. Me. od and r~ionale for ree~abli~ment of lo~ or oblRerated comer. Record:-- 1901 -- Stahle. NOO°-O4'W between Sections 29 and 30 for closing corner against Lot 53. Found:-- A red quartzite stone 5x6x7 ins. above ground 13x8x9.total marked CC on S., 53 on N., ///// on E. Mound of stone to S. Set: A 2 ins. galvanized steel pipe 30 ins. long (BLM type) with brass cap inscribed as shown in position of original marked stone and buried original stone alongside to N. Monument is Wly. 100 ft.± of N/S 3 B/W fence. Enlarged mound of stone. Set a green steel fence post Nly. 9 ins. Placed tire casing around monument and post. Date ofField Work: 27 August 2001 OfflceReference: Book TY-2, page 32. CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM Firm/Agency, Address This corner record was prepared 2 3 4 § § 7 0 9 I0 11 12 13 14 15 115 17 lt~ lO EO 21 22 23 24 2~ by me or under my direction ' I Surveyor Scherbel. ^ -4- -4-- i i i i i i ~ ~ i ' i Ltd. and supervision. , -] ..... r-----fi .... f .... T-~ ~ --. .... [ .... T-- , ' ' -~---~ ~ ~ -~-1.--i- P.O. Box 4296 SEAL m SIGNATURE c --3, --p- -,~: 3--,~-- --~ ,--~ --' ~ --t .............. ,, ,, , , ,' .... ,'-- ,'-- -,, .... ,t- ,--,,-- -,,-- 283 Main Street ~' i ; I , I I I i I ; I ', Big Piney-Marbleton, WY 83113 -4 ....... . Telephone Number: 307-276-3347 ~ ~ I ..... ~ Telefax Number: 30%276-3348 -fi-I :~ ,-O-r ~., 1-I, .... 20 , , -j~, ,~O~t-, ~,,9 I ~E3~ I 2~,~-~~,6 I ', ...... .... ':' i ...... !. i i- × ~-4~ 1~- ', 33~, 4,~3-~-, -~E4 ',-~I--V3~.-,F--~-3? × ~ [-,--1 ....... ,. ,. f ....... , ,. f ........................... ~ ,.' :' ,,. ,.' ,,. ,,. County of L I NCOLN Corncr~am¢: CC Lot 53 S¢~ion:~T 26N R l13W: 6th?.M. Cross4n&x~o.: T-U-5(1) SBR~E?L$/PLSW: March 1994 ($SLTD 10/18/2000 version)