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F ' c lrifiCC~i.''d 00~14T CLERK IN THE DISTRICT COURT 47"tRD JUDICIAL DISTi'I l l l 4 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WVQl1 J F; IN THE MATTER OF DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP OF ) VICTOR TRUMAN JULIAN, Deceased. ) Probate No. AFFIDAVIT FOR DISTRIBUTION OF ESTATE STATE OF WYOMING ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) sso©K`c~_P12 YAG 9 It I, Michael R. Julian, being first duly sworn, on oath depose and state as follows: 1. That I am over the age of twenty-one (21) years. 2. That Victor Truman Julian was my father. 3. That my father, Victor Truman Julian died on the 251}i day of October, 1999, in Kemmerer, Wyoming. 4. That my father, Victor Truman Julian had a Trust upon his death but did not have a Will and the property discussed herein was not in his Trust. 5. That the only issue of my father are me and my sister, Joni Kae Gunderson. 6. That Joni Kay Gunderson has disclaimed any interest in the property of the Victor Truman Julian Estate and agrees that the property in said estate shall be distributed as though she did not survive Victor Truman Julian as is shown by the Disclaimer of Interest in Property of Joni Kay Gunderson attached hereto. 7. That Victor Truman Julian had no spouse. 8. That the value of the entire estate of Victor Truman Julian, wherever located, does not exceed seventy thousand dollars ($70,000.00). 9. That thirty (30) days have elapsed since the date of the death of Victor Truman Julian. 10. That no application for appointment of a personal representative is pending or has been granted in any jurisdiction regarding Victor Truman Julian. 11. ' That I am entitled to the payment or delivery of the property of Victor Truman Julian and there are no other distributees of the Decedent having a right to succeed to the property under probate proceedings. ProbateVulianWffidavit of Distribution 12. That the personal property owned by Victor Truman Julian is as follows: a. Western Resources Life Insurance Policy #WRD 21000 Dated this- _ day of May, 2001. n"M=2 `5 S~~64~ MICHAEL R. JULIA) STATE OF WYOMING ) ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) I, Michael R. Julian being first duly sworn, states that I am the affiant noted above, that I have read the same, know the contents thereof, and that the statements contained therein are true. MICHAEL R. JULIAN Subscribed and sworn before me this L_ day of May, 2001. DEBRA A. HANSEN • NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF ;i; . STATE OF LINCOLN . WYOMING (J ~y !N rz.. U. /yctrovl a nJ MY COMMISSION IRE5 < NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: ProbateUulian~Affidavit of Distribution 2 J ~ l) DISCLAIMER OF INTEREST IN PROPERTY I, JONI KAE GUNDERSON of Kemmerer, Wyoming hereby disclaim for myself and my heirs, legatees, devisees, and legal representatives, any and all claims on my part to any of the property in the estate of my dad, Victor Truman Julian, deceased; specifically, the following property: Western Resources Life Policy #WRD 21000 I further disclaim and renounce that this item or any portion thereof belong to me nor should it be left to me by any last will of the deceased. I further disclaim and renounce any interest in or right thereto even under the intestacy statutes of the State of Wyoming. I hereby agree for myself and my heirs, legatees, devisees, and legal representatives that the property described above belongs to said deceased and shall be distributed in accord with the Wyoming intestacy statutes and shall go to my brother, Michael R. Julian. This disclaimer is made pursuant to §2-1-401 through 404 W.S. (1980 as amended) with the intent being that I hereby in writing and irrevocably, without qualification refuse to accept any interest in said property and accordingly, am aware that my disclaimed interest would pass as though I did not survive my dear father, Victor Truman Julian. Dated this -,3Dday of 22001. Mr.i JO KAE GUNDERSON STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) Subscribed and sworn before me this., 46 y day of 2001. My Commission Expires: v. A 9 ~ r NOTARY PUBLIC 2