HomeMy WebLinkAbout873585RECI~I.~~GD LiNCCEi_i~I 0[il" TY CLERK, EASEMENT AND OPTION FOR PRIVATE ROAD BOOK- 65 PR PAGE 380 RECITALS KEt,ir' LI`tc:fz ''1'C1,1li'ds, 1. Don Corwin Aullman and Patricia L. Aullman are the owners of a lot or parcel of real property situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming. 2. That the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming is the owner of a lot or parcel of real property situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming. 3. That the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming is desirous to obtain a easement and an option for a private road across the real property now owned by Don Corwin Aullman and Patricia L. Aullman. 4. That the parties have entered into a separate real estate contract which will serve as consideration for a separate contract dated April of 2000 which shall serve as consideration for Don Corwin Aullman and Patricia L. Aullman's grant of an easement and an option for a private road in this matter. II EASEMENT AND/OR PRIVATE ROAD Don Corwin Aullman and Patricia L. Aullman agree to grant to Lincoln County an easement to their above described property. In addition, they agree to give an option to Lincoln County that Lincoln County shall have the right to convert the below described easement to a private road at any time within thirty (30) years of the execution of this document. Don Corwin Aullman and Patricia L. Aullman state that this provision of the contract shall become an effective easement and/or private road at the date of the execution of this document and the transfer of the Warranty Deeds between the parties. In the event that the parties fail to transfer the real property as set forth in this document, Page I of 7 this portion of the contract shall become null and void and there shall not be any easement or right to a private road to the Aullman's above described property. The Aullmans specifically state that once their above described real property is transferred to Lincoln County, this easement and option for private road shall become valid and in force allowing third parties to rely on the following language giving Lincoln County the rights of an easement and/or private road to the real property. III DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT AND/OR PRIVATE ROAD A portion of the E'/SW'/ of Section 14, T34N, R1 19W, of the 6th P.M., in the Town of Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: The True Point of Beginning being an Iron Pipe set at a point in the East R/W line of U.S. Highway 89, said point being 268.36 feet, along a 1859.86 feet radius curve to the Right (cord bears N31 °37'00""W 268.13 feet), through a central angle of 8"16'02", from the State Highway type Monument found marking Station PC 1454+56.3, 50 feet Right; thence, continuing along said 1859.86 feet radius curve to the Right (chord bears N26°29'12"W 64.69 feet), through a central angle of 1059'34", 64.69 feet to an Iron Pipe set; thence N85°27'23"E 488.80 feet to an Iron Pipe set; thence South 60.19 feet to an Iron Pipe set; thence S85°27'23"W 459.86 feet, to the True Point of Beginning, containing 28,471.973 Sq. Ft. or 0.654 Acres of land. IV CONVEYANCE OF EASEMENT Don Corwin Aullman and Patricia L. Aullman hereby agree to grant and convey for an indefinite period of years, from the effective date of this conveyance to Lincoln County, State of Wyoming an easement for the purposes of egress and ingress and the right to install utilities in any manner over and under the easement to the following real property: A portion of the E'/ SWY4 of Section 14, T34N, R1 19W, of the 6th P.M. in the Town of Thayne, Lincoln County Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: The True Point of Beginning being an Iron Pipe set 321.32 feet N81 ° Page 2 of 7 M 0873585 8 ,-y 34'40"E from the State Highway type Monument found marking Station PC1454+56.3, 50 feet Right; thence North 514.10 feet to an Iron Pipe set; thence S88°47'35"E 271.01 feet to an Iron Pipe found; thence S 1015'08"W 469.91 feet to an Iron Pipe found; thence S81 034'40"W 263.52 feet, to the True Point of Beginning, containing 130,683.39 Sq. Ft. or 3.000 Acres of land. TOGETHER WITH: a 60-feet Easement (Private Road) for Ingress, Egress and Utilities, being more particularly described as follows: The True Point of Beginning being an Iron Pipe set at a point in the East RAN line of U.S. Highway 89, said point being 268.36 feet, along a 1859.86 feet radius curve to the Right (chord bears N31 °37'00"W 268.13 feet), through a central angle of 8016'02", from the State Highway type Monument found marking Station PC1454+56.3, 50 feet Right' thence, continuing along said 1859.86 feet radius curve to the Right (chord bears N26029'12"W 64.69 feet), through a central angle of 1059'34", 64.69 feet to an Iron Pipe set; thence N85°27'23"E 488.80 feet to an Iron Pipe set; thence South 60.19 feet to an Iron Pipe set; thence S85°27'23"W 459.86 feet, to the True Point of Beginning, containing 28,471.973 Sq. Ft. or 0.654 Acres of Land. V. SPECIFIC GRANT OF EASEMENT The right of way conveyed and released by this instrument is for the sole purpose of Lincoln County using the easement for egress and ingress to the above referenced property. The Aullmans grant to Lincoln County the right to maintain the easement in a reasonable manner as decided by Lincoln County. Lincoln County shall decide how and when to maintain the easement and there shall be no restrictions upon Lincoln County in their efforts to maintain the easement. In addition, Lincoln County may improve the easement in any manner itfeels is appropriate including, grading, graveling, and/or paving the easement to allow them easier access to the above described real property. VI. RESTRICTIONS ON THE GRANT OF EASEMENT The easement shall be constructed and maintained in a good and workman like manner. The expense of construction an maintenance of the easement shall be borne by Lincoln County. Don Corwin Aullman and Patricia L. Aullman, their heirs and/or Page 3 of 7 83 successors in interest shall not be responsible for any costs associated with the maintenance of the easement. VII. OPTION TO CONVERT EASEMENT TO A FEE SIMPLE PRIVATE ROAD Don Corwin Aullman and Patricia L. Aullman their heirs and successors in interest, specifically state and declare that they grant to Lincoln County, State of Wyoming the right to convert the above described easement to a fee simple interest being granted to Lincoln County, State of Wyoming for the purposes of constructing and conducting a private road to the above described real property. This option shall be available to Lincoln County for the period of thirty (30) years from the date of the execution of this document and the transfer of the Warranty Deeds by the parties, whichever is later. The Aullmans agree that if they are requested by Lincoln County, State of Wyoming to convert the above stated easement to a fee simple estate, that the Aullmans, their heirs, and/or successors in interest shall execute any and all necessary documents to grant the fee simple interest in the easement to Lincoln County. The description of the fee simple interest shall be the same description as contained in this document referring to the grant of the easement. If Lincoln County requests that the easement be converted to a fee simple interest in the property, Lincoln County agrees that it will not use the fee simple interest for a public access. The intent of the parties is that if Lincoln County requests that the easement be converted to a fee simple interest, that they will use the road for the purposes of a private road for ingress and egress to their property being transferred to them, from U.S. Highway 89. In the event Lincoln County converts their easement granted to them from the Aullmans to a private road, Lincoln County hereby agrees to grant to Don Corwin Aullman Page 4 of 7 J8'4 and Patricia L. Aullman an easement for ingress and egress and for utilities above and below the ground to any and all of the property now owned by the Aullmans, their heirs or successors in interest adjacent to the herein described easement granted to Lincoln County and/or private road. VIII. GRANT OF RIGHTS TO LINCOLN COUNTY TO RESTRICT ANY AND ALL OTHER USE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED EASEMENT Don Corwin Aullman and Patricia L. Aullman specifically grant to Lincoln County the right to restrict any and all third parties from interfering with or causing difficulties with the use of the easement to the above stated property. The use of the easement will be governed by the current and future Lincoln County policies, rules and regulations concerning county roads in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming. However, these restrictions on the use of county roads shall not infer that this shall be a public easement in any manner. Specifically, Don Corwin Aullman and Patricia L. Aullman grant to Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, the right to remove any and all material in any manner or form placed within the easement by "any" party. IX. EASEMENT TO RUN WITH THE LAND This grant of easement and/or option to have the easement transferred to a fee simple interest shall run with the land and shall be binding on and shall be to the benefit of the parties to this agreement, their respective heirs, successors, or assigns. X. RESERVATION BY DON CORWIN AULLMAN AND PATRICIA L. AULLMAN In the event that Lincoln County elects to use the option to convert the herein described easement to a private road, Lincoln County hereby agrees to at that point to grant back to Don Corwin Aullman and Patricia L. Aullman their respective heirs, Page 5 of 7 0873585 38,) successors in interest and/or assigns the right for an easement of egress, ingress and to install utilities above and below the ground to any adjacent property now owned by Don Corwin Aullman and Patricia L. Aullman. Lincoln County agrees to be responsible for the cost of the preparation of all documents related to converting the easement to a private road and granting the herein described reservation of an easement back to Don Corwin Aullman and Patricia L. Aullman. DATED this day of, 2001. DON CORWIN AULLMAN PATRICIA L. AULLMAN It LINCOLN COUNTY BY: KATHLEEN DAVISON, CHAIRMAN LINCOLN COUNTY COMMISSION S'T A TE O A l " i l z ~O i! 10 ~ A ~ ~ IIIIti \ ~/11 i~ Jeanne vvagner V Lincoln County Clerk Page 6 of 7 ..'73585 8 eY STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) SUBSCRIBED ANS SWORN to before me this --;Y day of, 2001 by Don Corwin Aullman and Patricia L. Aullman, husband and wife. WITNESS my hand and official seal. G P Bill' mto 30 CONJOIN My commission expires: 7 -/S-aool NOTAR UBLIC STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Kathleen Davison, the Chairman of the Lincoln County Board of County Commissioners, appeared before me and was personally known to me, and was by her duly sworn and upon oath represented that she signed on behalf of the Lincoln County Board of County Commissioners, by the authority of the Lincoln County Board of County Commissioners and that she executed the instrument on behalf of the Lincoln County Board of County Commissioners being the free act and deed of the Lincoln County Board of County Commissioners this l 41 , day of -TYY cA.ch 12001. WITNESS my hand and official seal. 7LINCOLN NOTARY PUBLIC , STATE OP WYOMING ES 9-o)- My commission expires : Uumvy-~, G NOTARY PUBLIC Page 7 of 7