HomeMy WebLinkAbout873575RECEIVED BOOK `-~§o-PR PAGE - WARRANTY DEED' i f''' 3 U IC' WILLIAM LLOYD SPEARIN and ELLIN ELIZABETH SPEARIN, Granors' o~utb'tl`0 Lincoln, and State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT to WILLIAM LLOYD SPEARIN and ELLIN ELIZABETH SPEARIN, Trustees, or the successors in trust, under the WILLIAM LLOYD SPEARIN and ELLIN ELIZABETH SPEARIN LIVING TRUST, dated March 29, 2001, grantee of County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, the following described real estate situate in County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: A portion of the N1/2NW1/4, Section 24, T36N,R119W, 6th P.M., being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the South line of said N1/2NW1/4, said point being 601.68 feet S89° 29'33"E from the BLM type monument found marking the Southeast corner of said N1/2NW1/4; thence continuing S89°29'33"W 762.32 feet; thence North 927.80 feet to a point in the Northerly line of the property described in that "Affidavit Affecting Title Correcting Legal Description filed 29 Sept., 98, Number 853651, in Book 418 PR, Page 560;" thence N84°58'42"E, along said North line, 338.47 feet; thence N57°48'15" 135.07 feet; thence N16°24'12"E 121.66 feet; thence N0°31'12"W 168.77 feet; thence East 278.00 feet; thence South 1308.11 feet, to the point of beginning, containing 19.050 acres of land. SUBJECT TO and TOGETHER WITH: A Perpetual 60 foot Right-of-Way Easement for the benefit of grantee and it's successors and assigns, for ingress and egress to the above described land, including the right to construct and maintain a roadway and underground utilities over across and along that strip of land 60 feet in width, being part of the NE1/4NE1/4 of Section 23, the N1/2NW1/4 and the NW1/4NE1/4 of Section 24, T36N, RI 19W, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the Center Line being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a Point in the West line of said Section 24, said point being 20.00 feet SO°45'23"W, along said West line, from the B.L.M. type Monument found marking the Northwest corner of said Section 24; thence Southwesterly and Easterly the following: S61 ° 29'35"E 7.37 feet, SO°45'23"W 318.55 feet, S4°01'41 "E 26.69 feet, to the beginning of a 106.00 feet radius curve to the Left, along said curve through a central angle of 81 °56'25" (chord bears S44°59'54"E 139.00 feet) an are distance of 151.59 feet, S85°58'06"E 73.41, N82°14'12"E 21.54 feet to the beginning of a 265.00 feet radius curve to the Left, along said curve through a central F-A b ~ c°° ~}rr®~~.~..175 J C1 angle of 34°14'43" (chord bears N65°06'51 "E 156.04 feet) an arc distance of 158.39 feet, N47°59'29"E 68.58 feet, N49'27'1 0"E 6.12 feet to the beginning of a 247.00 feet radius curve to the Right, along said curve through a central angle of 31°54'47" (chord bears N65°24'33"E 135.81 feet an arc distance of 137.58 feet, N81 °21'57"E 11.71 feet, N80°03'48"E 19.50 feet to the beginning of a 205.00 feet radius curve to the Left, along said curve through a central angle of 21°38'36" (chord bears N69°14'31"e 76.98 feet) an arch distance of 77.44 feet, N58°25'13"E 48.03 feet to the beginning of a 107.00 feet radius curve to the Right, along said curve through a central angle of 57°15'48" (chord bears N87°03'07"E 102.54 feet) an arc distance of 106.94 feet, S64°18'59" 33.28 feet, S48°19'12"E 169.94 feet, S56°34'42"E 361.19 feet, S64°54'54"E 468.97 feet to the beginning of a 499.00 feet radius curve to the Left, along said curve through a central angle of 26°22'06" (chord bears S78°05'57" 227.63 feet) an are distance of 229.65 feet, N88°43'00"E 186.52 feet, N82°10'12"E 623.65 feet, S84°04'06"E 721.21 feet and S84°04'06"E 5.000 feet, more or less to a point in the West line of that tract of land referred to in the Deed of record filed with the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, in Book 270PR, on Page 646. WITNESS our hands this 291h day of March, 2001. WILLIAM LLOYD O EA ELLIN ELI A ETH EARIN STATE OF WYOMING ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by WILLIAM LLOYD SPEARIN and ELLIN ELIZABETH SPEARIN this 29`h day of March, 2001. WITNESS my hand and official seal. OTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: t . Cotni,a Stage of «j w} y«i~oming Air 17 18, 004