HomeMy WebLinkAbout873717i7 B'OOK_ 65 PR PAGE_ (~_6 3._ WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: COMMUNITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK 200 NORTH CENTER STREET ROCK SPRINGS, WY 82901 ATTN: PHYLLIS JOHNSON LOAN NUMBER: KAMM1006 ASSIGNMENT OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that COMMUNITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK (Assignor), in consideration of the sum of EIGHTY THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE AND 00/100 Dollars( $80,175.00 ) and other valuable consideration paid to it by W.C. D.A. , 155 N. BEECH CASPER, WY 82602 (Assignee), the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer, set over and convey unto Assignee that certain Mortgage/Deed of Trust executed by MICHAEL H. KAMPMAN, II AND JILL ANNE KAMPMAN, HUSBAND AND WIFE to Assignor on property situated in the County of LINCOLN State of WYOMING and described in said Mortgage/Deed of Trust as follows, to wit: SEE LEGAL ATTACHED. A/K/A 109 KAMPMAN LANE DIAMONDVILLE, WY 83116 which said Mortgage/Deed of Trust is recorded in the office of the Recorder/Register of Deeds of said County and State on June 4, 2001 in Book Number 465PR at Page 664 as Document Number 6/3664 together with the said Note therein described, and the money due or to become due thereon, with interest at the rate specified in said Note. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the Assignee, its successors and assigns, forever; subject only to the provisions in the s in ture of Mortgage/Deed of Trust contained. IN VITNESS WHEVEOF CO 'XKUNITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK has aused this)inArrumen be duly signed this 31ST day of MAY 2001 By~ 11 r P LL. O ON Title VICE SI NT STATE OF WYOMING LINCOLN ) SS. County) By Title On this 31ST day of MAY, 2001 , before me, a Notary Public in and for the County of LINCOLN State of WYOMING personally appeared PHYLLIS JOHNSON to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he/she is VICE PRESIDENT / MORTGAGES Of COMMUNITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said corporation, (no seal is required) by authority of its Board of Directors and the said corporation acknowledged the execution of said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of said corporation, by it voluntarily executed. Witness my h~, - d Notarial S the day and year last above written. aNEdV &#vALL • NOTARY PtJBUG ~ Notary Public in and for L COLN County, C004 of State of Wyoming UN* My Commission Expires: February 2, 2002 DRAFTED BY: SOUTHWEST TITLE CO., INC. COMMUNITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK 200 NORTH CENTER STREET ROCK SPRINGS, WY 82901 DOCUASB 03/05/99 nowass.wrx 12/12/2000 CY 3'21 7 ~J 6 4 EXHIBIT A Legal Description for Michael H. Kampman, II and Jill Anne Kampman , •.y. ''tf,. Part of Parcel 60 of the Town of Diamondville, Lincoln County, Wyoming more particularlydescribed as follows: BEGINNING at a point which lies S 49°17' W, 70 feet from Corner No. 5 of Parcel 63 of the said Town of Diamondville and running thence S 49°43' E, 40.0 feet; thence S 49°17' W, 40.0 feet; thence S 40°43' E, 100.00 feet; thence S 49°17' W, 39.6 feet; thence N 40°43' W, 140.0 feet; thence N 49'17' E, 79.6 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO Part of Section 23, T21N R116W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at Corner No. 5 of Parcel 63, an iron pipe set in concrete, of the Town of Diamondville, Lincoln County, Wyoming and running thence S 49'17' W, 149.6 feet; thence N 40°43' W, 140.0 feet; thence N 49°17' E, 149.6 feet to a point on the property line of Parcel 63, said property line being the line from Corner No. 5 of said Parcel 63 to Corner No. 6 of said Parcel 63; thence along said property line S 40°43' E, 140.0 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO A parcel of land embracing portions of Tracts 46 and 50 of Johnson & Jaeckles resurvey of Section 23, T21N R1 16W of the 6th P.M., within the NE1/4SE'/a of said Section 23, Lincoln County, Wyoming described to wit: BEGINNING from a point N 19°00'40" W, 1391.40 feet from the Southeast corner of said Section 23, also being the Southwesterly corner of Parcel 63 of the replat of the Town of Diamondville, said Parcel 63 described in Grant Deed recorded April 8, 1943 in Book 24 of Deeds on page 128 of the records of Lincoln County Clerk; thence S 40°03'38" E, 72.76 feet, along the southerly boundary of said Parcel 63; thence S 49°10'49" W, 149.48 feet; thence S 40°30'05" E, 139.82 feet; thence S 49°39'01" W, 60.00 feet; thence S 86°21'50" W, 125.83 feet to the easterly boundary of land contained in Warranty Deed recorded December 31, 1998 in Book 423PR on page 836 of the records of Lincoln County Clerk; thence N 06°28'34" W, 541.03 feet, along land in said Book 423; thence S 41 °58'26" E, 310.74 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.