HomeMy WebLinkAbout873707;73'207 RESOLUTION CALLING` RJ HE RING TO CONSIDER RESOLUTION 1 LR I ~`PROVEM BIEPAID FOR BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BOOK 4-1 65) PR PAGE i ENTS a' t~ .r. ~.I f~lYiJ I. - WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Oakley Improvement and Service District Board of Directors filed a resolution with Lincoln County asking for the financing plan provided by the Wyoming Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund to be submitted to the electors of the special district for approval; and WHEREAS, the Wyoming Legislature in Senate File 47, Enrolled Act Number 7 of the 56`'' Legislature of the State of Wyoming, 2001 General Session provided for funding in the sum of $352,000 to the Oakley Water Supply Project expressly contingent upon the formation of the Oakley Improvement and Service District and approval of a project financing plan by an election held pursuant to the Improvement and Service District Act, W.S. 18-12-101 through 18-12-140, and the Special District Elections Act of 1994, W.S. 22-29-101 through 22-29-408; and WHEREAS, the electors of the special district, in a special election held on May 8, 2001, approved the acceptance of the financing plan provided by the Wyoming Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund; and WHEREAS, the financing plan to be considered is whether or not the Oakley Improvement and Services District shall accept a loan from the State of Wyoming in the amount of $176,880 at an interest rate of four (4%) percent to be paid back over twenty (20) years, the purpose of said loan being the design and construction of a waterline from the Kemmerer-Diamondville water system to the Oakley Improvement and Service District residences; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Oakley Improvement and Service District intend Oakley Improvement\Resolution to Call Hearing -1- to order that the improvements described herein above in the amount approved in the election be paid for by a special assessment against the property located in the district that benefits from the development; and WHEREAS, before passing such a resolution, the Board must have a public hearing that complies with 18-12-116 through 18-12-118 and the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that it is the intent of the Oakley Improvement and Service District Board to resolve at a hearing to be held on July 23, 2001 beginning at 5:00 p.m. at 47 Oakley Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming that a special levy be assessed on property within the service and improvement district whose owners have signed a water tap contract and thereby will be specifically benefitted by the improvement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the nature of the improvement proposed is the design and construction of a water line from the Kemmerer-Diamondville water system to Oakley to provide potable water to those property owners who have signed a water tap contract. The extent of the improvements in the district will be to provide a main water line from Diamondville to Oakley with smaller lines providing water to all within the district who have signed a water tap contract. The probable cost of the improvement is estimated to be $352,880 of which $176,000 is a grant. The balance of $176,880 is a loan that will be repaid over a twenty year period at an interest rate of 4% with assessments based on water taps beginning fall of 2002. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the probable cost per unit of measurement as shown by estimates of a qualified engineer are Oakley Improvement\Resolution to Call Hearing -2- M G, 9-1731A )T U BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we hereby request the Lincoln County Clerk give notice, by advertisement once in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, to owners of the property to be assessed of the details described in § 18-12-117 W.S. (1999). Dated this 41 day of June, 2001. Chairman DALE BARNES, Vice Chairman J T HAR OD, Secretary/Treasurer Oakley Improvement\Resolution to Call Hearing -3- OAKLEY IMPROVEMENT AND SERVICE DISTRICT } Approximate annual amounts to be assessed on the Water Project for the Oakley Improvement and Service District as of June 4, 2001: NAME NUMBER OF TAPS ESTIMATED ANNUAL AMOUNT Carl Annula 1 $ 650 Dale Barnes 1 '/2 * 975 Steve Davis 1 650 Wayne Donnafield 1 '/2 * 975 Bob Finney 1 650 Dan Gramke 4 * 2,600 Alan Harwood 2 '/2 * 1,625 George Miller 2 * 1,300 Gary Park 1 650 Russ Roberts 2 * 1,300 Robert Taylor 1 650 Stephen Trosclair 1 '/2 * 975 Total 20 Taps 13,000 * Please note that as additional taps are added to future residents who come into the District and sign a water contract, the number of taps (and assessments) on the noted residents listed above will decrease. accordingly.