HomeMy WebLinkAbout953734KNOWN ALL MEN THESE PRESENTS, That Act/LI Di Of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming in consideration of Ten and 00 /100's ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to hem in hand paid by t br� n RCS lk J f V i�.t A 11 to \i‘ n CA The receipt of which is hereby confessed and acknowledged, have remise, released, convey and forever quitclaimed and by these presents do for my heirs, executors and administrators, remise and forever quitclaim unto the said l' ee,ct la-an il.irca-M- J ��,SQ- U a.A.q t-in \t/ i n C -a-rk+ heirs and assigns, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand as we have, ought to have or hereafter acquire in or to all of the following described premises, to -wit: d, oS C r i p -h't obeuatd- Q.d a-s ex_ t -t- 4 Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. Dated this �4 day of State of Wyoming County of Lincoln he� foreg 'ng ins was ackno by!� his 2010. Witness my hand and official seal. )ss. akt My Commission Expires: 06710 7/701( RECEIVED 6/1/2010 at 9:50 AM RECEIVING 953734 BOOK: 748 PAGE: 194 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY QUIT CLAIM DEED 2010 d before me iv day of 360194 y Public LAURA FAYE JENSEN NOTARY PUBLIC County of v State of Lincoln Wyoming My Commission Expires May 10, 2011 000195 29 r I J .i'! pESCFORTION' 6.465 ACRES ,1 i :4 A pOrtOn qf the SEi/4. all/4, Section 14, T34N R119W 6th V. Jhaytte',0 Lincoln County WylOmi ha and being tn ore zpart icul a. ii descfib04 tn „,..,,....o it ,,,i;'.. BEGIrif`. EIV 0 ,.30 .feet North and 18 feet.Weia.t.',, from al tiP.e• •',.'.1.710t)PlieitifoUnd ..i.rnir kipg;;;. Lloyd B, Baker's location Of the 4,„•:1,3.:g Duaqefqa,rn.'ii- doiriiiion!;i:'t.6...SeCtiOne•.14 and 23 Of said T34N R1190 thapc::..;i4nnirigN 91 feet to a .polnt.on 'a 1004 „fopt in tfiii.::Nartheasterly Right of U.S,''':' i•- Highway .10 1 1thililbe rWipiii„ along said Curve •throUgh',- a cerkti .'8606. ap arc dlatancs of 1421127 feet' tp Brasti ;found 'marking Stati9n1440-j-68 .1. ''the.pCe'l N 41003!.. tqoPtinuing.alting said Right line, 36 -46 :fcet'i? a ppro4iIii4t4';:t.0 the line 0 an East-West fence; thence. 89 o4 7 25 .;','4iliproximately 'along said fence li ne, 20 1, 3 3::. 'fiiet*!!:*.; 1 ,ft i I:* the tofed't1:„.1'inel of Hemmert Drive.; thence s 0000 '00 E al Herturiiit.'.....;' Drive and the southerly prolongation thereof 3.212. Oft° the POInf.„9,'..:41;..: of Eleginning, .ontaining 0.465 acres of land, and SUBJECT ;76: a Easenierjt over the South'easterly Corneirj..;;•„th.ei:14.6-41* described 'Aw.Description for :.theOlowri0:1fATha)1We. 1 ..i HEMMERT DRIQE recorded in Book 279 PR at pge 261.,