HomeMy WebLinkAbout953790IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF LINCOLN COUNTY, WYO LG 5 2010 THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE, OF DAVID A. TAYLOR Probate No. 2009 -52 DECEASED, KENNETH D. ROBERTS CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT 3rd JUDICIAL DISTRICT LINCOLN COUNTY, STATE OF WYOMING CORRECTED DECREE. OF DISTRIBUTION Linda Kay Taylor, the Petitioner in this matter, having filed an application for Summary Procedure for Distribution of Real Property, a notice of the application having been published once a week for two consecutive weeks and a petition appearing to be in accordance with W.S. 2 -1 -205; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the following property situate in Lincoln County, Wyoming is hereby set over to Linda Kay Taylor: That part of Section 29, T39N R118W of the 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming described on Exhibit A prepared by Marlowe A. Scherbel labeled "Margaret Taylor Living Trust, dated 8 April 1993 David A. Taylor Tract" dated July 19, 1999. This Corrected Decree of Distribution is entered in order to correct the first name of Pet Toner. Dated this,4 day o RECEIVED 6/3/2010 at 10:00 AM RECEIVING 953790 BOOK: 748 PAGE: 356 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY <',°I ATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LUNCO?.J Kenneth 0. Judicial D ik1: r .F county and hereby cerfs true, and cor SIGNED SS. of the Third :id foresaid said, do to be a full, Pro,*Soul Load SUNorila NON. noh.A.l NN�� who na9„Iolbs Na 7 0.130 Uloh n.yhWMUOP N9. 1096 Novo& R.yallailan Ns, 6/ 415 Soap A. Bah..hal m000 noq*JM W 00P mamma A. 6401400 wYa. hadn.atla.. Na e2aa awayev Bma.Aal, Lt°. Shay., Wyvrnrn9 kip Prouty. WyonOn9 aad.PM.. Wy,6 lava Hal (Vnuoa, blab. u. W Mantaan.m, DESCRJPTIMMI, MARGARET TAYLOR LIVING TRUST, DATED 8 APRIL 1993 DAVID A. TAYLOR TRACT To- wit II That part of the Wlh of Sectiod 29, 7371, RI 18W, within the Incorporate.d Town of Alpine, Lincoln Count, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record Lim the Of the e of the Clerk of Lincoln County i In Book 395 of Photostatic 'Records on page 538, described as follows: BEGINNING on the Palisades Reservoir Take Line, 1167D-201-00"E, F 00' E 210.00 feet otos the northern most point of that t act of record in said Office In Book .185 of Photostatic 'Records on page 26, said point' of beginning also being, N85 1685,70 feet from the northwest corner of the SW1/4 ()Fuld Section 29; thence N67 20' -00"E, 100.00 feet, along said Take Line, to a point; thence S22 ..40' -00 "E, 150,00 feet, parallel with the easterly line of that tract of record in said Office in Book 163 of Phdtostatic Records'on page 507, to a point; thence S34 18' -34 "W, 119.27 eat to the northern most point. of Morning Star Drive Rivers Spur) of record in saidf'Fice on Plat Na. 249, identical with the s (Three tract in Book 163, outiteasterty point thence N22 40' -00 "W, 215.00 (feet, along the easterly line of said tract, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; t ENCOMPASSING an area of 0,42 aore, more or less; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the Palisades Reservoir Take Line, being N67 00 "E; TOGETHER with a right of ing -ess and egress and utilities over, under and across a strip of land thirty (30) feet in width with the northerly line described as follows: B.CGJNNING at the Bout most point of the above described tract, identical with the northern most point ofMcIrning Star Drive (Three Rivers Spur); i thence N34 -18' -34 "E, 110.27 feet, along the southerly line of the above described tract, to eastern most pointy thereof, the southerly right -cf- -way lin@ of the above described easement to be shortened or lengthened as necessary to cretite a continuous and contiguous easement with a rninirnum width of thirty (30) feet to me* the easterly right -of -way line of said Morning Star Drive (Three Rivers Spur); each "corner" found as described in the Corner Record filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5 /4" X 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap Inscribed, "SURVEYQR SC. ERBE,i„ LTt AFTON WY PLS 5368 with appropriate details; all in accordance with the platprepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "MARGARET TAYLOR LIVING TRUST, DATED 08 APRIL, 1993 PLAT OF TRACT WITHIN THE NE SW% SECTION 29 T37N .RI 18W IN THE TOWN Ur AL y C LN CO T a ',,,,dated 12 July 1999 4 ee EXHIBIT Ing scritlen terminates liability of the surveyor Age ly 1999 "Modlflcatibn in any f th& cate t— II•LULN LuuNTY CLERK 6.1 6 357 PAGE 121' 0 .;XIIIBIT