HomeMy WebLinkAbout953843Definitions: Date: May 627, 2010 Grantor: John Ralston Bower ASSIGNMENT, BILL OF SALE, AND CONVEYANCE Grantor's Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1678 Paonia, Colorado 81428 Grantee: John Ralston Bower, Trustee of the John Ralston Bower Grantor Trust (under the John Ralston Bower Grantor Trust Agreement dated May 2 2010, as this agreement may be amended from time to time). Grantee's Mailing Address: c/o Frost National Bank Attention: Oil and Gas Trust Department P.O. Box 1600 San Antonio, Texas 78296 Consideration: Ten dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration. Property: All of the right, title, and interest of Grantor in all real property in Lincoln County, Wyoming, including, but not limited to, all of the right, title, and interest of Grantor in and to all oil, gas, and other minerals in and under the land described on the attached Exhibit A. The land described on the attached Exhibit A is the same land described in the Assignment, Bill of Sale and Conveyance recorded on March 24, 1994, in Book 347PR, Page 200 -203, of the Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming. "Property" specifically includes the following: (a) All of the interest, estate, rights, and titles, legal and equitable, contingent or vested, remainder or reversionary, (i) in the Leases described on the attached Exhibit A, including, but not limited to, easements, rights of access, operating rights, surface use rights, contract rights, and other rights and appurtenances associated with or belonging to the Leases described on the attached Exhibit A and the Lands covered thereby as described on the attached Exhibit A, and (ii) in all of the oil, gas, and other mineral interests or rights in the Leases and Lands covered by the Leases and Lands or pooled with the Leases and Lands that are owned or held by Grantor. ASSIGNMENT, BILL OF SALE, AND CONVEYANCE Page 1 514 RECEIVED 6/7/2010 at 10:17 AM RECEIVING 953843 BOOK: 748 PAGE: 514 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Conveyance: a0 f (b) All of the interest of Grantor in and to all of the production casing, both surface and downhole, the surface equipment and machinery, production rods and tubing, separators, heater treaters, tanks, flow line, pipelines, machinery, pump jacks, and any other equipment located on the Lands described on the attached Exhibit A, used in association with the production, treating, marketing, or transportation of oil, gas, and related hydrocarbons. (c) All other rights, titles, and interests of Grantor in and to the Lands and/or Leases described on the attached Exhibit A, including any and all of the leasehold and/or working interest, royalty interest, overriding royalty interest, net profits interest, interest in production payments, and any other economic interest of Grantor and including all interest in the surface estate and the oil, gas, related hydrocarbon, and other mineral estate, including all bonus, executive rights, royalty, and delay rentals, and including all petroleum and related hydrocarbons produced from and subsequently stored upon the Leases and Lands described on the attached Exhibit A or the Leases and Lands pooled or unitized with the Leases and Lands described on the attached Exhibit A. (d) All other rights and obligations; production purchase and sale agreements and contracts; farmout agreements; joint operating agreements; prospect agreements; oil, gas, and mineral leases; pooling and unitization agreements; options; and orders (i) in any way relating to the Leases or the Lands described on the attached Exhibit A; (ii) in any way relating to the production, storage, treatment, transportation, processing, sale, or disposal of hydrocarbons, water, or the minerals or substances produced from the Leases or the Lands described on the attached Exhibit A; or (iii) in any way relating to the ownership by Grantor and /or acquisition of the title of Grantor in the interest in the Lands and/or the Leases described on the attached Exhibit A. Reservations from and Exceptions to Conveyance and Warranty: (1) All liens, restrictions, easements, and encumbrances of record pertaining to the Property. (2) The lien for current taxes and assessments for the Property not yet due and payable. Grantor, for the Consideration and subject to the Reservations from and Exceptions to Conveyance and Warranty, grants, sells, assigns, and conveys to Grantee the Property, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and hold it to Grantee and Grantee's successors and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and the heirs, executors, administrators, and successors of Grantor to warrant and forever defend all and singular the Property against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, except as to the Reservations from and Exceptions to Conveyance and Warranty, by, through, and under Grantor, but not otherwise. ASSIGNMENT, BILL OF SALE, AND CONVEYANCE Page 2 As to the personal property and equipment described in paragraph (b) of the definition of Property, Grantor makes no warranty in regard to the merchantability, fitness for a particular .0 ose condition of the well bore or e• ui ment otential .roductivi of the wells or suitabili either express or implied. Grantee accepts all personal property and equipment AS IS and WHERE IS. Grantor subrogates Grantee to any warranties Grantor has or may have against any third person, prior owner, vendor, or assignor of the Leases and the Lands described on the attached Exhibit A. Grantor agrees to perform, execute, deliver, and /or acknowledge or cause to be performed, executed, delivered, and /or acknowledged any and all additional documents, instruments, acts, and assurances as the Grantee may reasonably require to evidence, create, or perfect the right, title, and interest of Grantee in the Property intended to be conveyed or conveyed by this Assignment, Bill of Sale, and Conveyance. Assumption of Obligations by Grantee: Grantee agrees to assume and be subject to the proportionate share of all obligations under the agreements described in paragraph (d) of the definition of Property. Binding Effect: This Assignment, Bill of Sale, and Conveyance shall bind and inure to the benefit of Grantor, Grantee, and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. Ralston Bower John Ralston Bower, Trustee of the John Ralston Bower Grantor Trust THE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF DELTA This instrument was acknowledged before me on the g? 7 day of May, 2010, by John Ralston Bower. ASSIGNMEN ;�z�„`�., E, AND CONVEYANCE Page 3 My Commission Expires 1/25/12 ear Si€ Notary Public in and for the State of Colorado THE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF DELTA Mr. W. Bennett Cullum Bell Nunnally Martin LLP 3232 McKinney Avenue, Suite 1400 Dallas, Texas 75204 -2429 606567_1.DOC This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 7 day of May, 2010, by John Ralston Bower, Trustee of the John Ralston Bower Grantor Trust. AFTER RECORDING, PLEASE RETURN TO: ASSIGNMENT, BILL OF SALE, AND CONVEYANCE- Page 4 Notary Public in and for the State of Colorado My Commission Expires 1/25/12 517 11W STATE, OF .WYOMING COUNTY OE .LINCOLN The following described lands situated in Lincoln County, Wyoming: San Juan Lincoln; Township 20 North. Range 112 West: Section 20: NW /4; W/2 NEJ4; NE/4 NE/4; W/2 SE/4; E/2 SW /4 NW /4 SW /4; SE/4 SFJ4; Section 28: W/2 NW /4; SFJ4NW/4; SW /4; W/2 SE/4; SW /4 NE/4; Section 32: E/2 E/2, containing 1080 acres, more or less. F XIIIBIIT 8