HomeMy WebLinkAbout873169DMINFIMPt Prepared by: DOCX ASSIGNMENT SERVICES When Recorded Mail to: DOCX 20 SOUTH LIMESTONE STE 220 SPRINGFIELD, OH 45502 (937) 328.7991 rroject No.. Assignor No.: Assignee No.: Pool No.: PIN/Tax ID # Investor No.: Property Address: 106 ALPINE HILLS ETNA 00-007672 WY EC: EC2: LEGAL: Film # 08311 227892 ASSIGNMENT OF MORTG,4GE For good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, NOVASTAR MORTGAGE, INC., A VIRGINIA CORPORATION whose address is:1900 W. 47TH PLACE, SUITE 205, WESTWOOD, KS 66205 by these presents does convey, grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer and set over to. THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, AS INDENTURE TRUSTEE whose address is: 450W. 33RD STREET, 14TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10001 the described Mortgage, together with the certain note(s) described therein with all interest, all liens, and any rights due or to become due thereon. Said Mortgage is recorded in the State of WYOMING County of LINCOLN Official records on 04/27/00 as Document No.: 865607 / in Mtg. Book444 S82 / at Page: / on Certificate No.: Original Loan Amount: $ 140250.00 Loan Date: 04/18/00 Original Mortgagor: JACK O CORSI , A MARRIED MAN AS HIS SOLE AND SEPERATE PROPERTY Original Mortgagee: NOVASTAR MORTGAGE, INC., A VIRGINIA CORPORATION See exhibit 'A' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned corporation by its Board of Directors has caused this instrument to be executed by its duly authorized officers. DATE OF TRANSFER: 03/01/2000 NOVASTAR MORTGAGE, INC., A VIRGINIA CORPORATION j~ Modg, itnesS JE NY R ACKNEY 19 91' Officer: T ~ _ ;G,MOr,„",Ty BEVERLY BIGELOW Witness "RO F,'F V. R E DENT TINA SULLIVAN UIJ State of OHIO Attest County of CLARK RUITINA QURESHI ASSISTANT SECRETARY On 03/29/2001 before me ,JANICE VOTAW ,the undersigned, personally appeared BEVERLY BIGELOW VICE PRESIDENT of NOVASTAR MORTGAGE , INC., A VIRGINIA CORPORATION theVICE PRESIDENT address being 1900 W. 47TH PLACE, SUITE 205, WESTWOOD, KS 66205 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that (s)he executed the same in his/her authorized capacity and that by his/her signature on the instrument, the entity upon behalf of which the pe n act~,.exe d the instrument. W mY seal. At ~PR.I Q - - ; ~9.'. otary Pub ic, State of OHIO OTAW My commission expires: ' 04/23/2001 sr9 Q Document Drafted & Prepared by: RECEIVED LINC01-14 COUNT`( CLERK 7 31 9 01 Hly 0: I} 1, JEANNE` BOOK_ 464 PR PAGE7 3 This space for Recorders Use Only io~nroia 2 2 7 8 9 2 0~j 7,3 46 Project #2000-379 Loan Number227892 Pool Number State WY County name LINCOLN 07it LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 22 OF CORSI RANCHETTES, SECOND FILING AS SHOWN BY THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED NOVEMBER 2, 1995 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 810869 IN THE OFFICE OF CLERK OF LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING. TAX # 36192240200400 Sort