KIM J. CLARK and JILL M. CLARK, husband and wife, of P.O. Box 244, Cokeville,
WY 83114 to secure the payment of Forty Three Thousand Dollars and 00 /100 ($43,000.00), with
interest from June 1, 2010, at the rate of Four Percent (4 per annum, payable yearly in
accordance with the terms of a certain Promissory Note of even date herewith, evidencing said
indebtedness, do hereby mortgage to Richard D. Petersen and Joanna M. Petersen, husband and
wife, Robert N. Petersen and Carol D. Petersen, husband and wife, and Raymond T. Petersen
and Gwen H. Petersen, husband and wife, of P.O. Box 294, Cokeville, WY 83114 the following
described real estate, situated in the County of Lincoln, in the State of Wyoming, to -wit:
That property as more fully described on Exhibit "A" a copy of which is attached
hereto and by this reference made a part hereof.
TOGETHER WITH all improvements, appurtenances, hereditaments and all other
things thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining
SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to all easements, rights -of -ways, reservations, restrictions,
conditions of record, and existing or future oil and gas and/or other mineral leases,
or existing mining, mineral and other reservations, now of record, or otherwise
affecting said lands.
The Mortgagor agrees to pay the indebtedness hereby secured, and to pay all taxes and
assessments on said premises and to keep the buildings thereon insured in a sum not less than the
unpaid balance due hereunder during the life of this Mortgage, ;in favor of and payable to the
Mortgagee, and in case the Mortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes and assessments and to keep the
premises insured, as aforesaid, the Mortgagee may insure said buildings and pay said taxes and
assessments, and all sums so paid shall be added to and considered as a part of the above
indebtedness hereby secured, and shall draw interest at the same rate.
In case default shall be made in the payment of the above sum hereby secured, or in the
payment of the interest thereon, or any part of such principal or interest, when the same shall become
due, or in case default shall be made in any of the covenants and agreements hereof, then the whole
indebtedness hereby secured with the interest thereon shall become due and payable, and the
Mortgagee, their legal representatives or assigns may proceed to foreclose this Mortgage by
advertisement and sale of the above described premises, at public vendue, for cash, according to
Wyoming Statutes governing mortgage foreclosures, and out of the proceeds of such sale he shall
pay all sums due hereunder, together with all costs of sale and foreclosure, including reasonable
attorneys' fees.
HEREBY relinquishing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead
exemption laws of said state.
RECEIVED 6/10/2010 at 9:16 AM
BOOK: 748 PAGE: 644
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Mortgagors have caused these presents to be signed this
y day of June, 2010.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
Notary Public
Lincoln County
My Commission Expires c15
Kim J. Clark
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Kim J Clark and Jill M. Clark,
this g' day of June, 2010.
Y`a'p :k,
A parcel of land situate within- Tracts 67 and 77 of the resurvey of Township 23 North,
Range 119 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, lying west of the western boundary of the
right -of -way for the Union Pacific Railroad Company and east of the centerline, or thread.,
of the Bear River, described in particular as follows;
BEGINNING at point on the southern boundary of said Tract 67 from whence Corner No. 3
of said Tract bears West, 6.76 chains; THENCE meandering along the thread of Bear
River North 3 °49' East, 7,96 chains; THENCE North 18 °24' East 11,75 chains; THENCE
NORTH 16 °22' West, 4.74 chains; THENCE North 83 °51' West, 9.34 chains; THENCE
NORTH 11°46' East, 11.99 Chains; THENCE North 17 °53' West, 14.53 chains; THENCE
North 27 °27' `West, 15.18 chains, to a point on the thread of Bear River and a common
point on the holdings of Weldon Dimond in said Tract 77; THENCE South 74 °28' East,
24.67 chains to the Westerly right of way boundary of said Union Pacific Railroad;
THENCE ALONG said Westerly right -of -way boundary, South 3 °2' West, 39,78 chains to
the point of contact of a circular curve bearing right; THENCE South 4 °33 West, 4.58
chains along the long chord of said curve, South 6 °5' West, 12,85 chains to the
intersection of said Westerly right -of -way boundary and the South boundary of said Tract
67; THENCE West, 4.54 chains to the place of beginning, Containing 62 -50 acres, more
or less as varies by the survey thereof;
TOGETHER with ail improvements situate thereon; all easements and appurtenances
thereunto belonging; all mineral rights thereunto belonging; ail water and water rights
thereunto belonging; and all shares or rights in the Mau Canal and the Smith's Fork
Irrigation District thereunto belonging; and