HomeMy WebLinkAbout873290RI~CF IVE:D LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK t300'K_4. -_PR PAGE-13-1- . a1 tt"Y 15 S'r'i S4 AFFIDAVIT CORRECTING LEGAL DESCRIPTIQNJN y VJ°f,Gf' E_ - KRWE RER. ;%'YOMING I, SALLY DIANE ZIEGLER JENSEN, Successor Trustee of the EUGENE ZIEGLER and HELEN ZIEGLER JOINT LIVING TRUST, dated March 25, 1997, being sworn under oath, do hereby state the following: I . That I am the Successor Trustee of the above mentioned trust. 2. That by a Warranty Deed dated March 25, 1997 and recorded at Book 447 PR. Page 178, Instrument 866411 on June 15, 2000, in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, a parcel of land was conveyed into the EUGENE ZIEGLER and HELEN ZIEGLER JOINT LIVING TRUST, dated March 25, 1997. 3. That the legal description of that parcel of land was incorrect. 4. That the correct legal description of that parcel land is as follows: Part of Lot 3 of Block 28 of the Town of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 8 1/2 rods North of the Southwest corner of said Lot 3 and running thence East 10 rods: thence North 5 '/2 rods; thence West 10 rods; thence South 5 1/2 rods to the point of beginning. 5. Further the affiant sayeth not. "H.' I) DATED this )11.,d" day of April, 2001. THE STATE OF COLORADO ) SS. AL DIANE I G R SEN e u to t'-:10ro me COUNTY OF i ('~✓1:11 Affidavit Correcting Deed Page l of 2 lj a1`3+A-d11".j U 43 SALLY DIANE ZIEGLER JENSEN, being first duly sworn according to law, deposes and states: That she is the affiant in the above entitled action; that she has read the above by her subscribed; that she knows the contents thereof and verily believes the stateme ierein contained are true. D SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me by SALLY DIANE ZIEGER JENSEN, Successor Trustee of the EUGENE ZIEG ER and HELEN ZIEGLER JOINT LIVING TRUST, dated March 25, 1997, on this ~ day of April, 2001. My Commission Expires NOTARY PUBLIC F Ali tri. YI'Yo~,ur~`y N ~f~ 4 ij tb x!.G 1►$RC~ Flex a~+~_ k'~ - Affidavit Correcting Deed Page 2 of 2