HomeMy WebLinkAbout953951kfter Recording please return to: Why Pipeline LLC N Nevada Ave 5th Fir ;olorado Springs, CO 80903 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN WHEREAS, ANADARKO LAND CORP., as Grantor, did grant to RUBY PIPELINE, L.L.C., as Grantee, that certain Pipeline Right -of -Way dated April 6, 2009, recorded June 1, 2009, in Book 724, Page 248, Reception Number 947476 of the records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, (the "Grant for a forty two inch (42 pipeline with necessary appurtenances thereto, upon, along and under the surface of the lands situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, described in Exhibit A thereto. WHEREAS the undersigned Grantor and Grantee desire to alter, change and amend the Grant for the purpose of correcting the legal description in Plat 300AU -1025 and replacing said plat with Plat 300AU -1025 marked as Exhibit "A" hereto, and by reference made part hereof, and to add a 50' x 75' Block Valve site, located in Section 36, Township 19 North, Range 117 West, as identified in Exhibit "B" hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties do hereby alter and amend the Grant to implement the correction and provision as set out above. All other terms and conditions of the Grant shall remain in full force and effect and said Grant is hereby ratified and confirmed as herein amended. This Amendment shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, beneficiaries, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Second Amendment this, day of a 2010. RECEIVED 6/14/2010 at 12:58 PM RECEIVING 953951 BOOK: 749 PAGE: 20 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY CORRECTION PIPELINE RIGHT -OF -WAY KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: GRANTOR: ANADARKO LAND CORP. By: Jane Ann Byroad 'f Agent and Attorney -in -Fact GRANTEE: RUBY PIPELINE, L.L.C. Air By CIG Pipeline Services Comp-, LLC Acting as Construction Manag- and Agent 1 Audit D02644 020 t�� STATE OF TEXAS ss: COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this to day of 2010, by Jane Ann Byroad, as Agent and Attorney -in -Fact of Anadarko Land Corp. p ,R Y pC� 9 �fn 9 4 TO' p /RES 4 *44 /0 -1 `2 ®vv eenttce tle (SEAL) WITNESS my hand and official seal. My commission expires ss: COUNTY OF -DENVER ec, as® STATE OF COLORADO Denise M. Toney NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO My commission expires 10/17/2011 C `A Notary ublic The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day 2010, by y IU a On\ _I 1 2O,L( 3 \CP -eS e of CIG Pipeline Services Company, LLC acting as Construction Manager and Agent for Ruby Pipeline, L.L.C.. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My commission expires re -n I Ca, Notary Public 2 `...°00O21 1 EXHIBIT "A" Plat 300AU -1025 3 022 Oct 26. 2009 11:25AM SCALE 1' 1000' 0 500' 1000' LEGENQ BC BRASS CAP AC ALUMINUM CAP POB POINT OF BEGINNING Dale E. Peterson PE /LS 579 17 20 FND BC 2 FOUND SECTION CORNER r, FOUND QUARTER CORNER FOUND SIXTEENTH CORNER CALCULATED CORNER o EASEMENT P.I. 16 21 REF. DWG: UNE UST NO.: 1025 ANADARKO LAND CORP. S14'24'15"W 61.98' S14'00'22 "W 1076.47' N 15112784.68 E 1768487.44 589'57'41"E 2646.13 FND BC o) M 00 00 N S89'59'38 "E POB N 15113889.17 E 1768763.39 FND AC 281.82' (TIE) ANADARKO LAND CORP. 1138.45 FEET 69.00 RODS 1.307 ACRES '0 023 EASEMENT DESCRIPTION A 50.00 foot easement for pipeline purposes across a portion of the SE Y4 of the SW Y4 of Section 21, Township 19 North, Range 116 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Said Easement being 25.00 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Beginning at a point on the East line of the West Y2 of said Section 21, at coordinates N 15113889.17, E 1768763.39 (grid), from which the South Quarter Corner of said Section 21 bears S00'18'16 "E a distance of 1104.70 feet; thence S14'24'15 "W a distance of 61.98 feet; thence S14'00'22 "W a distance of 1076.47 feet to a point on the South line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 21, at coordinates N 15112784.68, E 1768487.44 (grid), and said centerline there terminating, from which the South Quarter Corner of said Section 21 bears S89'57'41 "E a distance of 281.82 feet. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR I, Dale E. Peterson, PE /LS 579, a professional land surveyor in the state of Wyoming, do hereby state that, to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, this plat /exhibit was prepared from field notes taken during an actual survey made by Cook Sanders Associates or under my supervision in September 2009 and that this plat /exhibit correctly shows the results of said field survey and that the monuments found are accurate to the best of our ability and knowledge. NOTE& 1. The accompanying plat does not constitute o boundary survey. 2. Easement centerline may not represent location of pipeline. 3. Client did not wont rights —of —way and easements shown. 4. Basis of bearings Geodetic bearings as established by static GPS observations and relative to NAD 83 (CORS 96), UTM Zone 12 North. calculated by NGS —OPUS. Project elevations relative to NAVD 88 (Geoid 03) as determined from the some NGS —OPUS calculation. 6.) Combined adjustment factor. 1.0007072272 (Grid to Ground). 7.) Calculated comer positions are determined from record information as shown on available GLO/BLM plats. Section lines are relative to the BLM GCDB or occupation lines in areas where PLSS comers were not found. SURVEYED AND PREPARED BY: Cook Sanders Associates Inc 331 South Rio Grande Ave., Suite 120 Salt Lake City, Ut. 84101 801- 364 -4051 Division: ROCKY MOUNTAIN State: WYOMING Section: 21 I Township: 19N I Range: 116W Dft: SRH Chk: DEP Appr: Date: 10/14/09 Dote: 10/26/09 Date: Op. Area: ELKO Co. /Par.: UNCOLN Project ID: 128574 Scale: AS SHOWN Filename: 0300 —AU -1025 1 NO. 10/13/09 DATE SRH BY REVISED CENTERUNE DESCRIPTION LAND PLAT RUBY PIPELINE -LN 300A CROSSING OF ANADARKO LAND CORP. PROPERTY 300AU -1025 PROJ. ID Sheet: 1 of 1 Type: ACAD APPR. REVISIONS RUBY PIPELINE LLC Rev. 1 EXHIBIT "B" 50' x 75' Block Valve site 4 MLV 3 MP 21.1 SITE: 50' x 75' POTENTIAL WATER DISCHARGE POINT ■MGIRA POTENTIAL WATER SOURCE: DUST ABATEMENT STAGING AREA (.92 Acres) POTENTIAL WATER SOURCE: DUST ABATEMENT 0 C 0 REF. DWG; SURVEYED Inb 124 Riv 307 )ivision: R itate: Section: )ft: MDH RSS .ppr. SCALE: 1' 1000' 500' LEGEND 1000' FOUND SECTION CORNER FOUND QUARTER U FOUND SIXTEENTH CORNER CALCULATED CORNER o EASEMENT P.I. BC BRASS CAP AC ALUMINUM CAP POB POINT OF BEGINNING Randall S. Stelzner LS 5134 26 IRON PIPE 5 36 2 1 BC T18N 589'39'29 "W 2638.82 S89'15 03 UINTA COUNTY 237.71' (TIE) ANADARKO LAND CORP. 2269 67 FEET 137.56 RODS 2.605 ACRES EASEMENT DESCRIPTION A 50.00 foot easement for pipeline purposes across a portion of Section 36, Township 19 North, Range 117 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Said Easement being 25.00 feet on each side of the following described centerline: 1) Beginning at a point on the East line of said Section 36, from which the Southeast Corner of said Section 36 bears S00'19'36 "E, 420.24 feet; thence S78'38'02 "W, 1337.86 feet; thence N67'10 "W, 247.77 feet to a point on the West ROW line of HWY 189 in the Southeast Quarter of said Section 36 and said centerline there terminating, from which the East Quarter Corner of said Section 35 bears N36'58'13 "E, 2846.79 feet; 2) Also, beginning at a point on the East ROW line of HWY 189; thence N67'10''08 "W, 82.04 feet; thence S42'04'58 "W, 335.11 feet; thence S58'08'11 "W, 266.89 feet to a point on the South line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 36 and said centerline there terminating, from which the South Quarter Corner of said Section 36 bears S89'18'03 "W, 237.71 feet. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR 1, Randall S. Stelzner, a Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Wyoming, do hereby state that, to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, this map was prepared from field notes taken during an actual survey made by me or under my direct supervision and that this map correctly shows the results of said survey and that the monuments found are as shown. UNE UST NO.: 1032 LINCOLN COUNTY ANADARKO LAND CORP. N 15102509.89 E 1753972.90 N67'10'08 "W 82.04' S42'04'58"W 335.11' S58'06'11 "W 266.89' N 15102151.99 E 1753446.10 AC N 15102432. POB E 1754157. ";O26 000257 2491.59 S80'41'42 "E 1562.94' (TIE) 25130 3631 W N co 4 (11 PO 1O N 15102599.72 E 1755697.41 N6T1 24: N6T1 0'08 "W 247.77' S 783ar0 6 1 337 .8 3 BC 0) 0 0) W 420.24' (TIE) 31 BC 6 NOTES: 1. The accompanying plat does not constitute a boundary survey. 2. Easement centerline may not represent location of pipeline. 3. Client did not want rights -of -way and easements shown. 4. Basle of bearings Geodetic bearings as established by static GPS observations and relative to NAD 83 (CORS 96), UTM Zone 12 North, calculated by NOS -OPUS. 5.) Project elevations relative to NAVD 88 (Geoid 03) as determined from the some NGS -OPUS calculation. 6.) Combined adjustment factor. 1.000695834 (Grid to Ground). 7.) Calculated corner positions ore determined from record Information as shown on available GLO/BLM plots. Section lines ore relative to the BLM GCDB or occupation lines in areas where PLSS comers were not found. AND PREPARED BY: erg Miller Engineers E. Main St. erton, WY 82501 -856 -8136 Date: 9/19/08 Date: Date: Op. Area: EU(0 OCKY MOUNTAIN wYOMING 36 I Township' 19N I Range: Co. /Par.: UNCOLN 117W Project ID: 128574 Scale: AS NOTED Filename: 0300 -AU -1032 N0. DATE BY DESCRIPTION REVISIONS LAND PLAT RUBY PIPELINE -LN 300A CROSSING ANADARKO LAND CORP. PROPERTY PROJ. ID VOW RUB +'PIPELINE L 300AU -1032 Sheet: 1 of 1 Type: ACAD APPR. LC Rev. 0