HomeMy WebLinkAbout954008RECEIVED STATE O OMING JUN 11 2010 GRANT OF EASEMENT Easement No. 8243 RIGHT -OF -WAY WHEREAS the Board of Land Commissioners approved this grant of easement on June 4, 2009; THEREFORE, the State of Wyoming, acting through its Board of Land Commissioners (Grantor), for and in consideration of the payment of One thousand four hundred forty-two and 30/100 dollars ($1,442.30) hereby grants and conveys to Williams Field Services Company, LLC (Grantee), to use for the term of 35 years, in the following described tract of land for gas gathering pipeline only, more particularly described as follows: All that portion of the NW4NW4 of Section 34, of T.19N., R.112W., of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, lying between parallel right of way lines 30 feet apart, 15 feet on each side of the centerline, when measured at right angles as described on the attached exhibit. The described parcel of land contains 0.33 acres, more or less. See attached Exhibit A These descriptions are based on a survey done by or under the authority of, Joseph W. Manatos with Wyoming P:S No. 573, certified March 2010. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD this easement across the above described tracts of land for the purpose of locating, constructing, using, maintaining, improving, and repairing the above described gas gathering pipeline, subject to the following conditions: 1. The rights granted herein shall forever be subject to the rights of the Grantor, its assigns or lessees to explore for, develop, and extract any and all minerals or other subsurface resources beneath this easement. If required for mineral exploration, development or extraction, the Grantee shall, upon written notice from the Grantor, remove or relocate at its own expense the above described gas gathering pipeline. 2. Upon abandonment or discontinuance of use of this easement for the purposes specified above, all of Grantee's rights under this grant of easement shall revert to Grantor or its assigns, the same as if this grant had never been made. Failure to report to Grantor the status of the use of this easement every ten years from the date of this grant shall be evidence of intent by Grantee to abandon this easement. Should this easement be abandoned by Grantee, the above described tract of land shall be returned to a condition satisfactory to Grantor. 3. This easement may be transferred, however, no transfer may increase the burden on the servient estate in any manner. 4. Any transfer of ownership of this easement, or any change of name or mailing address of the owner of this easement, shall be reported to Grantor within thirty (30) days of the transfer or change. The State of Wyoming and the Board of Land Commissioners do not waive their sovereign immunity by entering into this agreement and specifically retain immunity and all defenses available to them as sovereigns pursuant to Wyo. Stat. 1- 39- 104(a) and all other law. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Board of Land Commissioners caused this instrument to be signed by its President and countersigned by its Secretary, and its seal to be affixed on the 1S day of June, 2010. `■ND C cot Ci 04 IV, Countersigned: RECEIVED 6/17/2010 at 9:12 AM RECEIVING 954008 BOOK: 749 PAGE: 233 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Attorney General's Office Approval as to Form: Assistan ttorney General Governor, President Board of Land Commissioners Director, Secretary Office of State Lands Investments RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2010 RIGHT -OF-WAY C00233 Project: LN 8486 Trunk B Loop o V Examined 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 11 ((IF SEC 9 27 (�y �,,�i{j.�}fq=, 5 N89 H7 SEC 27 2.i•LZ S.l.... Si'. 4+80 °68 111°21'18': 480:68` STATEMENT OF SURVEYOR Joseph W. Manatos states he is by occupation a Professional Land Surveyor employed by JFC Engineers Surveyors, to make the survey of Williams Field Service Trunk B Pipeline as described and shown on this map. That —the survey of said works was made under•,his direction and-truthority commencing on the 10 day of--March, 2010 and that said survey is accurately represented upon this map. 1515 N/1YTH S7REE'T BM/if lrYt r SWAM 117 82901 'fir MAW (307) 352 -7519 TORS FAX (307) 362 -7559 hhfp.. /rn wocam DWN BY: JLD DATE: 3/17/2010 t Of Wyoming Eas'ement No. 8243 Exhibit A 000234 STATE t WYCACK Wii..VTY" 04 ibasldion LEGAL DESCRIPTION A strip of land being 30 feet in width located in the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW NW of Section 34, Resurvey Township 19 North, Range 112 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming and lying 15 feet each side of the following described centerline and the sidelines of said strip to be lengthened or shortened to begin and end on the respective property boundaries: Beginning at P.0.8. Station 0 +00 which lies South 63'51'25" East a distance of 1,112.86 feet from the Northwest corner of Said Section 34; Thence North 11'21'19" East for a distance of 480.68 feet to S.L. Station: 4 +80.68 from which the Northwest corner of Said Section 34 bears North 89`00'03" West a distance of 1,093.82 feet The total Length of described centerline is 480.68 feet, or 29.132 rods, or 0.091 miles. The basis of bearing for the above described centerline is True North derived from GPS. WILLIAMS FIELD SERVICE TRUNK B LOOP PIPELINE SECTION 34, T19N, R112W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING SCALE: 1 =100P LGL