HomeMy WebLinkAbout87338696 V TOOZ :ss Awnoo alumni OI lElfld AI IV1ON TOOZ 'o£ LIO.IPW uo a6e6pow io luawu6!ssy s!43 palnoaxa seq aou6!ssy pau6!saapun ayl 'd03!:13HM SS3N1IM NI •e6e6iao■ paq!aosep -anoge eqi io suo!i!puoo pue swiel mg of Apo loafgns `aanaaoi 'su6!sse pue saossaoons sl! 'aeu6!ssy own awes eql 1J10H O1 ONV 3AVH 0.1 •a6e61aow Lions aepun anaooe of JO panaooe slg6!a Ile pue 'lsaaalu! yl!M uoaaag; anp awooaq of pue anp Aeuow an pue pagposep u!aiegl suope6l!go pue (s)alou NI gk !M aagieboi butuioAm io alms 'i(iuno0 uToouTZ io spaooau mow NI io abed le go!4M' I TOZ 'T SEW aao410 4 0141 17 6 1 Dodd xd ck x008. 314,1 c sa :'I N ti a 3 t 61. Z, 010 )W3-10 ),it`1000 N 30O1 (3M3J aim s.zs Toa pussnogs aa1gs iquaMI paap aup ju io nowe Ied!ou!ad Ieu!Y!ao ail �o;uawAed amoes 01 uan!6 ueaq u!neq a e6pop Lions burtuOI M io ems 'Aiuno0 u! paths Alaadoad paq!aosap 6u!Mopoi eql uodn u6!S io sMel aq4 aapun 6u!ls!xe pue pazluebao uo!leaodaoo e a3 TM pus pusgsnH /.z.zad ua.zsx pus Allad ana4S r Aq palnoaxa pue spew 100 Z 'OE tia.zsW palep 'a6e6pow u!elaao e VI 'sauzoN saG gaaalS ubTH TTL Us "au' absbq1oN TsT uapTSau TsdTOUT1d own `Aanuoo pue aaisueal 'u6!sse 'pas 'iuea6 Agaaaq seop TOOZ8 AM 'auuaJauD 'zzaW -any IaaPD OZOZ s! ssaappe asoLM „aou6!ssy„ u!aaaq) a6e61aow a io aap!oq pau6!saapun agl 'pen!eoau an!eA and Z6£0S s! ssaappe asogM „aau6!ssy„ u!aaaq) uoi .ZodaoD L'MOI 3d- 8ZI901 `Aa213d 3JVJlUOIN AO IN3WNOISSV 31VISI11fI 1002 des se.idcj uolsslwwo3 A 6ulwoAm A4uno3 a!wcurn o!Ignd NOON RENseu /?;/7 g azs!�i io Aep u•0 s144 '30VO.LH011 Ho yW io aw aaoieq pa6pa!Mow!oe seen ivawnalsu! 6u!o6aaoi aqi 9661 :sseui!M (J) C L oN se Jo) oN Jowl ao awn!oA 'moos u! p aooaa io s! a6e61aow 4 o biip amp A1!anlew Ieul6!ao ue gl!nn 00 '000 Z T 9 is •3oaiaq wed i apEw pue ola.zaq pagas44 3 ainpaRRS aas uToauTZ buTwoAm 39V91dOW JO 1N311N9ISSd absEcgaoN o Cs j io aonei u! pue of 001L17£9 L0£ :oN auoudelei 10028 AM 'auuaAag0 'au!uezzaW- anuany Aaae0 OZoZ :sseappy a6e6iaool aofeW :Aq paaedaad se qi .3 356 ALTA COMMITMENT 1982 WY SCHEDULE C 795 Commitment No.: FA 7566 M The land referred to in this commitment is situated in the State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, and is described as follows: Part of Lots 1 and 4 of Block 3 of the Original Townsite of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northeast point of said Lot 4; thence N 01 °45'56" E, 82.50 feet, along the east line of said Lot 1, to the northeast point of said tract; thence N 88 °13.4' W, 99.00 feet, along the north line of said tract, to the northwest point of said tract; thence S 01 °45'56" W, 133.50 feet, along the east line of said tract to a point; thence S 88 °13.4' E, 99.00 feet to a point on the east line of said Lot 4; thence N 01 °45'56" E, 51 feet to the point of beginning.