HomeMy WebLinkAbout873362OT'30Ud XHdlLlbid TS :VT L0, Z0 AdW :suolsinold 6 u!M 0 11o! sip Aq peweno6 eq Heys Alledoid 841 ;0 esn pue uo!ssessod s,JOIUeJD ley! seeJBe JolueJD 'A11:13dOHd 3H130 30NVN31NIVW ONV NOISS3SSOd •eBe611oIN s!q1 Japun suoheBllgo s,JOlueJD ;o Ile wowed A!lollls Heys pue 'enp ewooeq Aeg1 se ebebl.ioyy 91141 Aq pelnoes slunowe Ile Jepuel of Aed Heys JolueJD 'a6e61JOyJ sly1 u! pepinoJd esimaeylo se ldeox3 '30NVWH03H3d ONV 1N3WAVd :SW831 ONIMO110d 3H1 NO 031d300V aNV N3AID SI 3DVDI8OW SIHI 'S1N3Wf1000 031V13H 3H1 ONV 3DV018O1A1 SIHI 830Nf1 1:101NVHD d0 SNOIIVDI190 11V 30 30NVW80A83d (Z) aNV SS3NO31930NI 3H1 30 1N3INAVd (L) 3H1103S O1 MAID SI 'A1H3dOHd 1VNOSH3d aNV S1N3H 3H1 NI 1S31:131N1 A11Hf103S 3H1 0NV S1N3H 30 1N31AINDISSV 3H1 DNI0f110NI '3DV91H0W SIHI 'AlJedoJd 941 woJ; penIJep 9114eueq Je410 pue 'sal ;oJd 'sallleAoJ 'senss! 'ewoOU! 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Jo(Jd Aue pue (1901 eta 4o eoueleq ledlou!Jd pledun Hnl 8111 Jol eouelnsul poold limped ulelu(ew pue u!elgo 01 seeJBe JolueJD 'ease pJezey pool) le!oeds e se AoueBV lueweBeuev Aoue6J9w3 leleped oyl (o /0100/10 eyl Aq paleubisep ewe ue u! 1081800! ewooeq ow!' Aue le AlJedoJd leas ay1 pinoLiS •uosled Jeylo Aue 10 101(1919 (o linejep 10 uolsslwo '109 Aue Aq Aem Aue u! peJledw! eq sou Hlm Jepuel 4o ione4 u! aBelenoo 1ey1 Bup!nold lueweslopue ue epnpu! Heys osle AoHod aouelnsu! yoe3 80!10(1 lions enlB os a'nHe( 10} Aullgei( s,JeJnsu! 8yl (o Jewle!0slp Aue Bululeluoo sou pue Jepuel 01 ao!lou ue11(Jm Jo!Jd ,sAep (01) u91 4o wnw!ulw a 1noy1!m peyslulw!p 10 pe!leoueo eq sou Him 06818A00 ley1 uoaelndlls a Bu!uleluoo laJnsu! yoee wolf eBelanoo (o seleoupJeo lepuel 01 JeAuep hays 1010819 •Jepuel 01 o(gelde00e AlgeuoseeJ aq Aew se wlo4 Lions ul pue sa!uedwoo aouelnsu! 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'AlJadOJd eyl os pe!lddns 810 sl9ll91ew Aue Jo 'peyslwn( e18 seolnJ8S Aue 'peouewwoo s! )l1om Aue alo(eq sAep (g L) U8814!( lseei le Jepuel Aulou Heys 101U810 uoasrulsuo9 (o e314oN AuedoJd 8111 1sulebe swawssesse pue scowl 91(1 40 luewelels uellllm a ewl1 Aue 18 lepuel 01 Jen!lap el 19101((0 !e1U9wUJen0B elelldOldde 81(1 ezi1Oylne Heys pue sluewssesse 10 sexes 8111 (o luewAed (o eouepina AJOl084s!les lepuel 01119!uin4 puewep uodn Heys 1010819 'luewAed (o OOUapin3 •SBu!paeoold lseluoa 81(1 ul peyslwn} puoq Alms Aue Jepun eeBugo Ieuo!1!ppe ue se lepuel eweu Heys 101U919 'AlJedoJd ayl isu!e6e lUBwa010(Ua oJo4eq luawBpnf asJanpe Aue A4s!les Heys pub lepuel pue Heal! pue(ep Heys 101U819'1s91u00 Aue u! 'Lie!! ey1 Jepun ales 10 9lnsopalo4 a 40 linsa1 a se en100e woo leyl 586/8140 181110 Jo see( ,sAeulolle elgeu08eaJ pue S1so0 Aue sned U9!I ayl aBJey0Slp of 1ua!0!44ns lunowe ue u! 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He 4o 991( AlJedoJd sy1 ulelu!ew Heys JolueJD AlledoJd mil 01 peyslwn( le!lalew Jo p616pue1 S90!■19s 104 10 uo 8uop )(lom 104 38!8!0 118 enp ueym Aed Heys pue'AlJedold eyl (0 lun000e uo Jo lsU!eBe pal/to! s8Bleyo 80!AJ8S James pue s8Bleyo Jelem 'sluewssesse 's8xe1 !epode 'sexes HoJAed 'saxes He (Aouenbullep 01 loud 91U8A8 He u! pue) enp u8ym Aed Heys Jolue19 luowAed '96e6uoeN 9!141(0 lJed 8 918 AlJedoJd e1(( uo sue!! pue sexes ey1 01 Bu!lel8J suo!s!noJd Bulmollo4 841 'SN311 CINV S3XVI 'mel Bu(woAM Aq 10 Mel !elope( Aq pel!q!yold s! es!1ax9 yOns lepuel Aq pesplexe eq sou !legs uolldo 9141 '18n8moR 'JOluel9 40 'eq Aew eseo 841 se 'slselelu! Auedwoo Am!mge!! pel!w!( Jo slseJelul d!gsleulJed'llools Bu!lon 81(1 40 (%9Z) wowed enl4- Alueml (121(1 wow 4o d!ysJaumo ul 8Bueyo Aue sepnpu! 0318 184SU8J1'AuedwoO Allllgell p81!w!I 10 dlysJeulJed 'uollelodloo a sl JoIue10 Aue •lseJesu! AuedoJd IB0( }0 80UeAenUOO 4o poylew 191110 Aue Aq 10 'AlJedoJd Iced 941 01 81111 Bu!ploy lsnJl puce Aue 01 J0 U( lseJesu! 1e1014eueq Aue 4o Je(SU811 JO 'luewu6lsse 'ales Aq 10 'loelluoO uolldo -eseo! 'sleeA (E) a8Jy1 ueyl Jeleal6 WJal e ys!m 1Sa191U1 ployeseel 'peep Jo4 loeJluoa 'laeJluoo pUel '10811(100 ales luewIelsul 'peep 'ales lgO!Jlno Aq 18y18ym tAlelunlonu! J0 AJelunpn Jeyleym :91ge1(nbe l0 lepl(eueq '1869( J9yleym :u!aleyl 1s8181u! Jo 911!1 '146!1 Aue 10 Auadold lead 4o eoueAenuoO 8111 sueew „Je(sueJl 10 ales„ V AlJadoJd 189H 8111 u! iselelu! Aue 10 'AlJedoJd 1B9H 811 40 lJed Aue Jo He 40 'luesuoo ua11(Jm Jo!Jd s,lepuei ayl 1n0y1!m '1049(1811 10 ales 81(1 uodn e68BlJolnl s!qi Aq pelnoes swns Ile BigeAed pue enp Alele!peww! eleloop 'uolldo s1! le 'Aew 19 'Abed old 91(1 8n18S91d pue 10el01d 01 Alesse09u Algeuo9eel 912 AuedoJd eyl (0 esn pue 191091ey0 ey1 W014 y0!ym 'uoiloos s!y1 U( enoge y1J04 les sloe eso111 0l UOq!ppe u! 'sloe 18y10 He op Heys JolueJD •AlJedoJd 841 papueueun aneal JOU uopuege of 1011118U S9916e 101(1819 •(oe(oJd of APO '199101U! s,lapuel 108101d 01 'Jepuel 01 AJOloe(s!les Algeuoseaj 'puoq Alelns a JO Alunoos alenbepe lsod of 101 (1919 9J(nbal Aew Jepuel •p8z(pledoef sou 81e AlJedoJd eyl u! slselalu! 9,1epuei 'uoluldo elos s,lepuel u! 'se Buol os Hue os Bu!op o1 Jo1Jd Bu!l1Jm u! Jepuel peghou sey =BID se Duo! os 'sleedde elelldoldde Bu!pnIOu! 'Bupeeoold Aue Bupnp eoue!dwoo pp:0.mm pue uo!1BlnBeJ to 'eoueu!pJO'me! Lions Aue Lille( boob u! 1981(100 Aew JolueJD 'AlledoJd 941 (o Aouedno0o l0 esn eta 01 elgeoHdde sall!JOl lne !eluewweno8 He 40 '1094(9 u! J824991ay J0 mou 'suo!le(nB91 pue 'seoueu!plo 'smel 11 411m Aldwoo Alldwold Heys IOlueJ9 •s(uoweJ(nbeu (e(uewuleno) y(IM eouegdwo0 '8Beb1JO(Al 9141 (0 su0111puoO pue swJel ey1 g11m 80UeHdw00 9,1Olu919 40 Sesodlnd 104 AuedoJd 9141 1OOdSUI 01 pue slseJelul s,Jepuel Ol pualle 01 988!1 e(geuoseal He le AlJedoJd seed ey1 uodn 181(18 Aew son 191U8saldeJ pub sluene 91! Hue Jepuel 'mug 0( (46(8 9,1910(181 'omen lenbe keel le (o sluewenoldwl 1111 sluewenoldwl Lions 808(d81 01 lepuei 01 AJoloe4SReS sluew86ueIJe e2ew 01 JOlueJ9 8J!nbel Aew Jepuel 'sluewenoldwl Aue 40 (enoweJ 8111 01 uoillpuoo a s' 'Jepuel (o luesuoo ua11!Jm mud 8111 lnoyl!m AlJedoJd 188( 841 W014 sluewenoldwl Aue 8AOW81 Jo ysllowep sou Heys JolueJD sluewenoldw( 40 (enow98 'Jepuel 40 luesuoo ueu1Jm Jo(Jd 9111 lnoyl!m slOnpold poi Jo 18n816 'Hos '(set) pue Ho Bu!pnlou!) sleJeu!w '19(8!1 Aue '8nowai of 11B!J 8111 A1Jed 18410 Aue 01 lueJB Jo 'enoweJ Jou HIM JolueJD 'Bu!o6eJO( ey1 (o A1Helaue8 8111 Bu!s!w!l lnoyl!M 'AlJedoJd 8111 40 uo!llOd Aue to AlJedoJd 81(1 01 10 Uo 81sem Jo 40 Buidd!Jls Aue Je44ns 10 '1w18d 'lwwoo Jou eoues!nu Aue 1!wled Jo lonpuoo 'esnep 10u Heys Jolue19 'a(seM 'eOUeslnN '8s1M101110 Jo BJnsop8lo( Aq miaow 'AlJedoJd ey1 ul lseJesu! Aue (o uo!1(s!nboe s,Jepuei Aq p81oa148 eq sou Heys pue 8BedlJoyy 8142 (o u8(( syl 40 aoueAanuooel pue uo!loe4s!1es ey1 pue sseupelgapu( cyl 40 luewAed ey1 en!nins Heys 'A4!uwepu! 01 uo!1e6!Igo 8111 Bu!pnpu! 'eBebl1Oyy 8111 4o uo!10as awl 4o suo!s!nold 9111 's8gl0dold 841 u0 80uelsgns 10 81sem snopJezey a 4o ese8181 peueleeJyl J0 9Se9181 'lesods!p %Bei013- -'8lfrtloe4nuew 'uo118J8Ue8 'esn Aue 4o eouenbesuoo a se Jo eBe61JOyy 841 4o uoll0as s!yl 4o yoeeiq a W014 Bu!llns9l Je44ns 10 ulelsns Ailo8llpu! J0 AI10e1(p Aeu Jepuel Lio(ym sasuadxe pue 'sealeued 'se6ewep'se(ll(ge(( 's8ssol 'swiep He pue Aue 19(1!668 Jepuel sseluJJey ploy.pu8 A4luwepul 01 seeJBe (q) pue 'smel lions Aue Jepun 91900 181110 Jo dnueep Jo( open sewooeq JolueJD luen9 91(1 u( uo!inq!Jluoo Jo A1!uw90l J04 Japuei 1su!e6e swlep OJnlnl Aue senlem pue s8seel81 (e) Ag8Jay JolueJD 'seouelsgns snopJezeg pue alsem snopJet`?y Jo) ayra6uls8BilseALil UI eoueBlup enp S uo peseq 918 U!818y peu!eluoo S811ueJlem pue suopelues8Jd8J 841 'uosled 18410 Aue cp. JO JQ1U819 01 JOPU91 40 (led 941 uo A1HIgen Jo A1II!q!suodseJ Aue 918910 0s p9nJisuoo eq sou Heys pue Aluo sesodlnd s,l9pu9l Jo( eq Heys Jepuel Aq' °pew sisal 10 SUO!199dSU! AuV •816B151JOyy eyl 4o uol(0es 911(1 Lil!m A(ledold 8111 (o eoue!ldwoo eu!w1elep 01 ele!JdoJdde weep Aew lepuel se 'esuedxe s,loluel9 le '81991 pue suo!Oedsu! Lions 9llew of AlJedoJd ey1 uodn 181U8 01 sluaBe 81! pue mewl sez!JOLilne JolueJD 'anoge poquosep J seoueu!p10 pue 'suope(nBeJ 'smel 8soy1 uo11e11w!( lnoyl(m Bu!pn(OU! 's8OUeulpJO pue suolselnbe1 'smel 18001 pue 'aleys 11 111!m eoue!dwoo u! palonpuoo aq Heys Al!n(loe Lions Aue mO pue AlJedoJd 91(1 W014 10 lnoge 'Jepun 'uo 90uelsq,ns J0 els,enn snopJezey Aue 8888181 JO '(0 asods!p '12911 '81013 'eJnloe(nuew '91818U86 'esn Heys AuedoJd 91(1 (0 188n p9zll0Lilne 191(10 10 ((1868 'JOlOB11U0o 'lueu&i Aue 10U 101ue19 J8y118u (l) 'Bu(1!Jm u! lapuei Aq 4:1e13p9IMOU)pe pue o1 1009009(10 A(snouteJd s8 1de0x3 (9) pue 'sleuew Lions 01 Buhel9J uosled Aue Aq pup( Aue 4o 98(810 Jo uolle6!lf peuOleeJyl Jo lenloe Aue (4) 10 AlJedoJd 8111 4o sluedn000 J0 SJ8Umo 1o!Jd Aue Aq AlJedoJd e41 8014 JO lnoge'Jepun'uo 80uelsgns 10 elsem snopJezey Aue 4o ase9181 peuelee1yl J0 '9888(c1'lesodslp'luewleoJl'08101S 'eJnlOe(nuew 'uo!lelauefi 'esn Aue 'Bu!1(Jm u! Jepuel Aq pe6peimoulloe pue 01 peso(os!p Alsno!nald se ldeoxe 'ueeq sey 819y1 18111 enellaq of uOSe9J Jo '(0 e6pelmoul( ou soy J01ueJ9 (q) 'AuedoJd 8111 wolf Jo lnoge 'Jepun 'uo uosled Aue Aq 80uelsgns J0 elsem snopJezey Aue 4o esea(81 p9ue18e1111 J0 8900191 'IeSOdslp 'luewle911 'eBeJols 'eJnloe }nuew 'uolleJeueB '89n ou u8aq sey 91ey1 'AuedoJd 9111 10 d ;g9JeuMo S,JOlUe1D 4o polled eta BUIJnO (e) :181(1 Jepuel 01 s1ue1J8m pue slueseJdOJ Jolue19 •Soisegse pue (o8J8Li1 U0(10814 Aue 10 slonpold -Aq wne!oJled pue wneialled 'uollel(w(I lnoyi(m 'apnlou! ow Heys „eouelsgns snoplezeLi„ pue „elsem snopJezel„ sum. 8111 •Bu!oBeJoi aLi1 4o Aue of luensind peldope suo!1elnBeJ Jo 'sans 'smel leleped 10 e191s elgeoHdde 18y10 Jo 'bes 19 '1069 uo13o '0'S'fl Zb '10y A19noo9d pue uollenlesuo3 eOJnosed 0141 9389 la '1081 uopoa8 '0'5'41 64 'lOV uollelJOdsuell Slellale( snopJezeH 81(1 '(,VlVS 66b '0N 1 'gnd 40 10V uollez!JOylne8u pue sluewpuawy pun4J8dnS 841'( „viou30,.) 'b8s 1 (1011088 '0'S'fl Zti 'papuOwe se'086 Loy AmH!ge!l pue 'uo!lesuedwo9 'esuodsed lesuewuol!nu3 9nlsueyeJdwo9 8141 u! ylJo( lee Se s6u0ue9w MUDS ail 8ney 118149 'eDeB11o(Ay sly( ul pesn se „'8988(81 peueleelyl„ pue „'eseele1„ „'(esods!p„ „'eOUelsgns snopJezey„ „'elsem snopJezey„ 98181 841 •se3uelegns snopJezeH •enlen Si! 8A19S9Jd 01 AJeSS809U aoueuelulew pue 's1uew90e(d8J 'slled8J He w1o41ed Alldwold pue uol(!puoO elgelueuel u! A1Jedold 9y1 uleluew Heys 101(1819 •u!e(uie(N of An 'AlJedoJd 9141 8014 SIUO8 KR 1081100 pue AlJedoJd eyl eBeuew pue eleiedo pue 40 (011(100 pue uo!ssessod u( ulewei Aew 101(1819 '1(ne(ep u! !nun 'esn pue uo(ssessod Z °Bed �Ft• (panuiluo3) 3DVD 8 41 '30NV (flSNI 3DVINVO AluldOild puel '&130N31 AS IN3SNO0 31VS NO 3410 892609 ON ueo1 R° 0-90 05 -01 -2001 0873:36;4 Loan No 609258 MAY NM 14 :54 MORTGAGE (Continued) 739 RightFAX Page 3 Grantor shall repair or replace the damaged or destroyed Improvements in a manner satisfactory to Lender. Lender shall, upon satisfactory proof of such expenditure, pay or reimburse Grantor from the proceeds for the reasonable cost of repair or restoration if Grantor is not in default under this Mortgage. Any proceeds which have not been disbursed within 180 days after their receipt and which Lender has not committed to the repair or restoration of the Property shall be used first to pay any amount owing to Lender under this Mortgage, than to pay accrued interest, and the remainder, if any, shall be applied to the principal balance of the Indebtedness. If Lender holds any proceeds after payment in full of the Indebtedness, such proceeds shall be paid to Grantor. Unexpired Insurance at Sale. Any unexpired Insurance shall inure to the benefit of, and pass to, the purchaser of the Property covered by this Mortgage at any trustee's sale or other sale held under the provisions of this Mortgage, or at any foreclosure sale of such Property, Compliance with Existing Indebtedness. During the period in which any Existing Indebtedness described below is in effect, compliance with the insurance provisions contained in the instrument evidencing such Existing Indebtedness shall constitute compliance with the insurance provisions under this Mortgage, to the extent compliance with the terms of this Mortgage would constitute a duplication of insurance requirement. If any proceeds from the insurance become payable on loss, the provisions in this Mortgage for division of proceeds shall apply only to that portion of the proceeds not payable to the holder of the Existing Indebtedness, EXPENDITURES BY LENDER. If Grantor fails to comply with any provision of this Mortgage, including any obligation to maintain Existing Indebtedness in good standing as required below, or if any action or proceeding Is commenced that would materially affect Lender's Interests in the Property, Lender on Grantor's behalf may, but shall not be required to, take any action that Lender deems appropriate. Any amount that Lender expends in so doing will bear interest at the rate provided for in the Credit Agreement from the date incurred or paid by Lender to the date of repayment by Grantor. All such expenses, at Lender's option, will (a) be payable on demand, (b) be added to the balance of the credit line and be apportioned among and be payable with any installment payments to become due during either (1) the term of any applicable insurance policy or (ii) the remaining term of the Credit Agreement, or (c) be treated as a balloon payment which will be due and payable at the Credit Agreement's maturity, This Mortgage also will secure payment of these amounts. The rights provided for in this paragraph shall be in addition to any other rights or any remedies to which Lender may be entitled on account of the default. Any such action by Lender shall not be construed as curing the default so as to bar Lender from any remedy that it otherwise would have had. WARRANTY; DEFENSE OF TITLE. The following provisions relating to ownership of the Property are a part of this Mortgage. TItIe. Grantor warrants that: (a) Grantor holds good and marketable title of record to the Property in fee simple, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances other than those set forth in the Real Property description or in the Existing Indebtedness section below or in any title insurance policy, title report, or final title opinion issued in favor of, and accepted by, Lender in connection with this Mortgage, and (b) Grantor has the full right, power, and authority to execute and deliver this Mortgage to Lender. Defense of TItIe. Subject to the exception in the paragraph above, Grantor warrants and will forever defend the title to the Property against the lawful claims of all persons. In the event any action or proceeding is commenced that questions Grantor's title or the interest of Lender under this Mortgage, Grantor shall defend the action at Grantor's expense. Grantor may be the nominal party in such proceeding, but Lender shall be entitled to participate in the proceeding and to be represented in the proceeding by counsel of Lender's own choice, and Grantor will deliver, or cause to be delivered, to Lender such instruments as Lender may request from time to time to permit such participation, Compliance With Laws. Grantor warrants that the Property and Grantor's use of the Property complies with all existing applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations of governmental authorities. EXISTING INDEBTEDNESS. The following provisions concerning existing indebtedness (the "Existing Indebtedness are a part of this Mortgage. Existing Lien. The lien of this Mortgage securing the Indebtedness may be secondary and inferior to an existing lien. Grantor expressly covenants and agrees to pay, or see to the payment of, the Existing Indebtedness and to prevent any default on such indebtedness, any default under the instruments evidencing such indebtedness, or any default under any security documents for such indebtedness. No Modification. Grantor shall not enter into any agreement with the holder of any mortgage, deed of trust, or other security agreement which has priority over this Mortgage by which that agreement is modified, amended, extended, or renewed without the prior written consent of Lender, Grantor shall neither request nor accept any future advances under any such security agreement without the prior written consent of Lender. CONDEMNATION. The following provisions relating to condemnation of the Property are a part of this Mortgage. Application of Net Proceeds. If all or any part of the Property is condemned by eminent domain proceedings or by any proceeding or purchase In lieu of condemnation, Lender may at its election require that all or any portion of the net proceeds of the award be applied to the Indebtedness or the repair or restoration of the Property, The net proceeds of the award shall mean the award after payment of all reasonable costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees incurred by Lender in connection with the condemnation. Proceedings. If any proceeding in condemnation is filed, Grantor shall promptly notify Lender in writing, and Grantor shall promptly take such steps as may be necessary to defend the action and obtain the award, Grantor may be the nominal party in such proceeding, but Lender shall be entitled to participate in the proceeding and to be represented in the proceeding by counsel of Its own choice, and Grantor will deliver or cause to be delivered to Lender such instruments as may be requested by it from time to time to permit such participation, IMPOSITION OF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. The following provisions relating to governmental taxes, fees and charges are a part of this Mortgage: Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Grantor shall execute such documents in addition to this Mortgage and take whatever other action is requested by Lender to perfect and continue Lender's lien on the Real Property. Grantor shall reimburse Lender for all taxes, as described below, together with all expenses incurred in recording, perfecting or continuing this Mortgage, including without limitation all taxes, fees, documentary stamps, and other charges for recording or registering this Mortgage, Taxes. The following shall constitute taxes to which this section applies: (a) a specific tax upon this type of Mortgage or upon all or any part of the Indebtedness secured by this Mortgage; (b) a specific tax on Grantor which Grantor is authorized or required to deduct from payments on the Indebtedness secured by this type of Mortgage; (c) a tax on this type of Mortgage chargeable against the Lender or the holder of the Credit Agreement; and (d) a specific tax on all or any portion of the Indebtedness or on payments of principal and interest made by Grantor. Subsequent Taxes. If any tax to which this section applies is enacted subsequent to the date of this Mortgage, this event shall have the same effect as an Event of Default (as defined below), and Lender may exercise any or all of its available remedies for an Event of Default as provided below unless Grantor either (a) pays the tax before it becomes delinquent, or (b) contests the tax as provided above in the Taxes and Liens section and deposits with Lender cash or a sufficient corporate surety bond or other security satisfactory to Lender. SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The following provisions relating to this Mortgage as a security agreement are a part of this Mortgage, Security Agreement. This Instrument shall constitute a security agreement to the extent any of the Property constitutes fixtures or other personal property, and Lender shall have all of the rights of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code as amended from time to time. Security Interest. Upon request by Lender, Grantor shall execute financing statements and take whatever other action is requested by Lender to perfect and continue Lender's security interest in the Rents and Personal Property. In addition to recording this Mortgage in the real property records, Lender may, at any time and without further authorization from Grantor, file executed counterparts, copies or reproductions of this Mortgage as a financing statement, Grantor shall reimburse Lender for all expenses incurred in perfecting or continuing this security interest, Upon default, Grantor shall assemble the Personal Property in a manner and at a place reasonably convenient to Grantor and Lender and make it available to Lender within three (3) days after receipt of written demand from Lender. Addresses. The mailing addresses of Grantor (debtor) and Lender (secured party), from which information concerning the security interest granted by this Mortgage may be obtained (each as required by the Uniform Commercial Code), are as stated on the first page of this Mortgage. FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTORNEY -IN -FACT. The following provisions relating to further assurances and attorney -in -fact are a part of this Mortgage. Further Assurances. At any time, and from time to time, upon request of Lender, Grantor will make, execute and deliver, or will cause to be made, executed or delivered, to Lender or to Lender's designee, and when requested by Lender, cause to be filed, recorded, raffled, or rerecorded, as the case may be, at such times and in such offices and places as Lender may deem appropriate, any and all such mortgages, deeds of trust, security deeds, security agreements, financing statements, continuation statements, instruments of further assurance, certificates, and other documents as may, in the sole opinion of Lender, be necessary or desirable in order to effectuate, complete, perfect, continue, or preserve (a) the obligations of Grantor under the Credit Agreement, this Mortgage, and the Related Documents, and (b) the liens and security interests created by this Mortgage on the Property, whether now owned or hereafter acquired by Grantor. Unless ET'3913d XddI0Td SS:VT T0, TO A 14 6u!Puella eye 1! 'Jenemoy :A1!p!Ien 10 Al!I!ges °'o)ue 4o smut!' eye u!yl!m eq 01 pe!41Pow eq 01 peweep eq Hogs uo!s!AOJd 6u!puel4o Lions Aue 'eiglseel 11 •seouelswnono Jo suoslod Joy ;o Aue of se eigeeoiolueun Jo pllenul uo!s!noJd ley; iepuei IOU Heys 13ulpu!1 Lions 'eouelswnollo Jo uosied Aue 01 se elgeeololueun Jo menu! eq of ebebuoW sly' to uo!s!noJd Aue spul4 uoµ0!psllnf lueladwoo 40 unoo e 11 'A411IgOAeneS eBeBl1OIN sly; u! 9U0I1B1311go 110 104 elq!suodsei 9! molaq Bu!u6!s suosied ey1 lo :pea 104; sueew s!qa Jolue1O A1One pue yoea ueew Heys JOlue10 01 seoueJele1 He pue 'lelanes pue lulof aq Heys e6e80oIN 9!111 Jepun ioluei j 4o suo!lebigo Hy 'saved aldpinyy 1811(191 40 luesuo0 ue11!JM eye lnoyl!M'Alloedeo Aue u! Japual 4o.!4aueq ey1 104 Jo Aq play ewll Aue le Auodold 914 u! 818199 J9 iseJalu! 191410 Aue yl!M abebuow 9iy1 Aq !amen elelse Jo lselalu! 8112 4 18BJaw ou eq Heys °iota •Je61aIII •OBefluolnl 9!111 SUOISIAOId 941 eu!4ep 10 la:dhelu! 01 peso eq of 10U 810 pue Aluo sesodind BOUOIUe /woo 101 we 8De61J001 9!q2 w s6u!peey uolide0 •s6ulpeel.4 uol;de0 •6UIwoAM 40 a;e;s ay; 4o smel ay; 411M eouepl000e u( pen4suo0 pue Aq peu)ano6 eq Heys e6e4JOyy 9141 •6ulwoAM 10 a ;e;s eq; ul Japual Aq pe;deooe pue Japuel o; pa.anllep ueeq say e6e6 4JOW 91111 .Mel elgeogddd luewpuewe Jo uo!leIel!B 941 Aq punoq Jo petleyo eq of ly6nos sewed Jo AOed ey1 Aq peub!s pue 6UIlI)M u! 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Owego Aew Ailed Auy 'e6e60o1nJ 91141 40 Bu!uulBeq ey1 JBOU umoys sesseJppe 941 01 p0.oe1!p 'p!edeld e6elsod 'flew pe1els!BeJ Jo pelqu80 'sselo 19)!4 Hew 9ele1S P911un 8141 w pel!sodep ueyM en!108448 paweep eq HeUs 'pellew 4! '10 '19!Jno0 430weno p9z!u6009J AHBUOl1BU a Lil!M pa;ls0dep ueym 10 'p9lenllep AllBnloe ueyM 8nµ08118 eq Heys pue '(MB! Aq pennbel es!mleylo ssOlun) aIwts064el81 Aq was eq Aew '8u!1!JM u! eq Heys 'JOluelc0 01 ales 40 80!10U Aue pue linelep 4o eollou Aue uo!lel!w!! lnoyl!M Bulpnlou! 'ebe0uovy s!yl Jepun eolou Au abed (panwguo3) 3 9V0 V •S31111Vd H3HIO ONV HOINVHD 01 S30I1ON 'MB! Aq pepIAOId scans 181410 He 02 uolllppe u! '91900 unoo Aue Aed 11!M osle 1011810 •Mel peu!wJed 1(191x8 8141 01'9OUBJnsu! e1211 pue 'seal les!eJdde pue 'suodel ,sloAenins '(suodel eJnsol00JO1 Bu!pnpu!) suodal 91111 6u!u!elgo 'spiooei Bulyonnes 40 1900 ey1 'seolnJes u luew6pnl -!sod peledlo!lue Aue pue sleedde '(uoµounfu! JO Aels o!lewolne Aue eleoen Jo A1!pow 01 900448 Bu!pn)ouH s8u!pea0old AoldnJllueq 101 'Japual 40 eeAoldwe P9118199 a lou Aew00e ue of 10118181 pue linelep 19146 seal ,sA9wo11e elg6uosee1 Bu!pnl0u! 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'Shia! eye 1001100 pue 'Ielo!pnf -uou 10 lelolpnf 1ayleyM 'ainsoeoa:0j 4o Aouepued ey1 Bump Bt/lpnpoul 'AuadoJd eye 40 uolssessod 81181 01 '102U819 01 eo!10U lnoyl!M '111611 ey1 eney Heys 10PU81 s;ua! ;oapo0 Aued palnoes a 40 se!peweJ pue 91(46!) 8 (41 He eney 118 (4s noun 'AUedoJ ee00 load sal w1o11ua eye Jepun P 1 d leuosled eye ;o ued Aue 10 He olloedseJ 41!M •selpewe! 00f1 Aed 01 pe1!nbel eq pinoM 101U819 y014M Alleued 1uewAede)d Aue Bu!pnlou! 'e1QeAed pue enp Alele!peww! sseupelgepul e111ue 9141 e1B(o9p o1 1olue19 01 eollou 1no41!M uolldo ell le 1(4011 9111 eney 118 (49 lepue1 sseupelgepu( a;eJalaooy :me! Aq pepIAOld solpawol Jo 914811 1eylo Aue of uolllppe u! 'selpewe1 pue 9114611 fiulmollol 9141 l0 010W JO euo Aue eslolexe Aew 'uolldo 511 le 'Jepuel '9080Uoyy sly. u! uo1181lw11 Aue 10 luewee1By 11p813 9141 ul uo!lellw11 Aue 01 l0afgns lnq 1911ee1ey1 ew!1 Aue le pue 1lnelea 10 luen3 Aue l0 aouelln00o e1(. uod n •11nVd3O NO S31031N3U 0NV SIHDI! 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Al!1n0es s,lepuel 8Leouep!Ae 814 uo luewelels 0uloueu!4 Aue 4o (10µ8(1!w181 4o sluewe101s algel!ns pue e0eBiioyy 9141 40 uo!10819!185 elgelins 8 101(1010 01 1anliep pue eln0exe IIe4s 18PU81 '013eBuo4y 91111 Jepun Jo1U019 uodn pesodw! suo!le8igo 041 Ile swlo4Jed 99!Mle oo pue 'luno00e eu!! 1111810 0141 seleu!wie1 'enp ueyM sseupelgepul eye 118 sAed 101(181 0 41 '30NVWHOJU3d land •ydelOeled Bu!pooeid 914111! 0l 118110491 sieuew 914 ys!Idwo00e 02'uoluldo elos s,Jepuel u! 'e(ge1!s9p Jo AJesseoeu eq Aew se sbutyi 191410 lee Bulop pue 'Bul '01111!4 'Bu!len!lep '8u!n08xe 'Bu1111w 4o esodJnd aye Jot loe4 -u!- Aewoue 9,101(1910 se Jepuel slulodde Algeoone1l! Agway 1olUe19 'sesodmd Lions )0j •esuedxa sJOlue10 le pue 1020819 40 °Luau 841 u! pue 104 os op Aew Jepuel '4de1Be1ed Bu!peoeid 0141 u! 01 119119401 90u1y1 ey1 4o Aue op 02 sHe4 Jolue19 11 ;oed- ul- AewouV •yde18e1ed s!yl w 02 p110491 s1euew ey1 4111M uo1108t/uo0 u! peJJnOU! sesuedxe pue 91900 He 104 Japuel esingw!e1 Heys 1olue19 '8(1µ!1M u! Japual Aq AJe11u00 8 (41 01 pee18e Jo Me! Aq pellq!yold 852609 oN (1001 �o -90 05-01-2001 0s °r MORTGAGE Loan No 609258 (Continued) By provision cannot be so modified, it shall be stricken and all other provisions of this Mortgage in all other respects shall remain valid and enforceable. Successors and Assigns. Subject to the limitations stated in this Mortgage on transfer of Grantor's interest, this Mortgage shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns. If ownership of the Property becomes vested in a person other than Grantor, Lender, without notice to Grantor, may deal with Grantor's successors with reference to this Mortgage and the Indebtedness by way of forbearance or extension without releasing Grantor from the obligations of this Mortgage or liability under the Indebtedness. Time Is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Mortgage. Waiver of Homestead Exemption. Grantor hereby releases and waives all rights and benefits of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming as to all Indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. Waivers and Consents. Lender shall not be deemed to have waived any rights under thls Mortgage (or under the Related Documents) unless such waiver is in writing and signed by Lender. No delay or omission on the part of Lender in exercising any right shall operate as a waiver of such right or any other right. A waiver by any party of a provision of this Mortgage shall not constitute a waiver of or prejudice the party's right otherwise to demand strict compliance with that provision or any other provision. No prior waiver by Lender, nor any course of dealing between Lender and Grantor, shall constitute a waiver of any of Lender's rights or any of Grantor's obligations as to any future transactions. Whenever consent by Lender is required in this Mortgage, the granting of such consent by Lender in any instance shall not constitute continuing consent to subsequent instances where such consent is required. EACH GRANTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS MORTGAGE, AND EACH GRANTOR AGREES TO ITS TERMS. GRANTOR: X L R WO L STATE OF, COUNTY OF L l l On this day before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared LORELL L WOOLLEY and SHARON C WOOLLEY, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the Mortgage, and acknowledged that they signed the Mortgage as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Given under my hand and official seal this INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT SS 4 JARE B. GLEUE- NOTARY PUBLIC day of Residing at ARON C WOOLLEY 741 State of Wyoming r My Commission Expires Oct. 24, 2004 20 0 No ry�u biic In and for the State of j IVUi My commission expires l LASER PRO, Reg. U.S. Pat. T.M. 011., Ver. 3.29a (C) Concentrex 2001 All rights reserved. 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