HomeMy WebLinkAbout873360NAY 01 01 15- 'L FR WELLS FARGO LOWER VAL307 6'83 3465 TO 18068743876 -0 4 04 APR 2? 300 0E P2 FR F/3 LEND LINE 21 obj ��j -s.310'd i u LUW VHLLtY 3'(G r. (01=,,e." Ins document is being recorde s a i r y by SoutImest Title Company as a courtesy oniy. RECEIVED Loan No.:372- 980- 609059 LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK WHEN RECORDED PLEASE RETURN TO: 8 7 3 3 C O First Security Bank, N.A. P.O. Box 7945 R Boise, ID 83707 -1945 W J E �t v' f 4;` i r•i E THIS AMENDMENT TO MORTGAGE ("Amendment") of FIRST A Sy SECURITY N.A. HAROLD D. HITEFOOT AND AUDREY ANN WHITEFOO ("Mortgagor) "Mortgagee') RECITALS: A. Mortgagor has executed a mortgage, dated JANUARY 17, 2001, recorded JANUARY 24. 2001 as entry no. book 458PR page 581 et seq., with the LINCOLN County recorder's or clerk's office, State of WYOMING for the benefit of Mortgagee (the "Mortgage"). The Mortgage encumbers the following described real property: SEE ADDENDUM together with other property rights described therein. B. the Mortgage secures a promissory note identified therein in the amount of 30,000.00 (the "Note stated principal and other obligations. C. The Note identMed in the Mortgage Is being amended to (check the applicablebox(ee)j: X change the principal amount thereunder to 40,000.00 extend the maturity date of the Note to 1 change the interest rate under the Note to Accordingly. the parties desire to amend the Mortgage to reflect the foregoing change(s). AGREEMENT: NOW THEREFORE. for good and valuable consideration. the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged. the parties agree as follows: 1. Amendment to Mortgage. The Mortgage is hereby modified and amended to reflect the change(s) to the Note stated in Recital "C" above. 2. Acknowledgement of Mortgagor. Mortgagor hereby acknowledges that the Mortgage remains valid and enforceable as amended hereby_ Dated as of the date written above. MORTGAGEE: First Security Bank. N.A. P.O. Box 7945 Boise, ID 83707 -1945 MO GAGOR: OLD D. TEFOOT AU•R A NWH STATE OF U N IL4 t COUNTY OF 11 ss T is instrument was acknowl ed before me Arad.t knan Marne or names of Persons 21 'e' °i (Seal) M b HOD ki b Loh B0014 PR PAGE i 3 5 al Housing Opportunity Lender Notary Public mission expires: u I z�i TOTAL FAGE.04 2,0'301dd 7U101 ADDENDUM We have searched our tract indexes as to the following described property: A portion of the NL1/4SW L4 of Section 8, T34N R118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and being more particularly described as follows: 73 t3 Beginning at a point in the east boundary of said NE 1/4 SW said point being 329.19 feet N 03 °37'13" E, from the BLM type monument marking the Lloyd B. Baker's location for the Center South 1/16, Section 8; thence S 89°46'12" W, 655.74 feet; thence N 0°14'48" E, 331.235 feet; thence N 89°57'57" E, to said east boundary 657.85 feet; thence S 0 °37'13" W, along said East boundary, 329.01 feet to the point of beginning. Ley 2 A311dn 63M01 01 6020 262 8011101 31•117 0N31 6Sd NA F0:80 T3� ti