HomeMy WebLinkAbout873358When recorded, mail to: Kent H. Collins, Esq. (0699) Stephen M. Sargent, Esq. (7436) Parr Waddoups Brown Gee Loveless 185 South State Street, Suite 1300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 THIS DEED is made by Derald A. Tilley, as personal representative of the estate of Berwyn F. Tilley, deceased, Grantor, to Gayle Winterrose and Kent H. Collins, and their successors, as trustees of The Derald A. Tilley Living Trust under agreement dated March 9, 2001, Grantee, whose address is 185 South State Street, Suite 1300, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111. WHEREAS, Grantor is the duly qualified and appointed personal representative of said estate, filed as Probate Number 003700150, in Davis County, State of Utah, and admitted as Probate Number 01 -14, in Uinta County, State of Wyoming, by Order Admitting the Probated Estate of Berwyn F. Tilley and Confirming the Authority of the Executor, Derald A. Tilley, to Convey Real Property of the Estate of Berwyn F. Tilley dated April 11, 2001 (the "Order a copy of which Order is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference; WHEREAS, Grantee is entitled to distribution of the hereinafter described real property; THEREFORE, for valuable consideration received, Grantor hereby grants, bargains, sells, conveys and warrants to Grantee all of Grantor's undivided 2/13 interest in and to the following described parcel of real property located in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming: Lot forty -eight (48) in STAR VALLEY RANCH PLAT SIX (6), as platted and recorded in the official records of Lincoln County, Wyoming. EXECUTED this 3 day of 2001. C: \Wp51\ docume \DE EDS \tilley.deeddist -2.wpd DEED OF DISTRIBUTION BY PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE erald A. Tilley, as Personal Rep ntative of the estate of Berwyn F. Till -deceased 873358 Mail tax notice to: Derald A. Tilley 468 East 200 South Farmington, Utah 84025 ROOK_ 46 4 PR PAGE "12 3 RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 01 MY 18 ti.11 8:26 JEAN E V'YAGNEB KEMMERER. WYOMING �ya- y�2�:�� &uiptsag �I'Ig AUIVV,LO• 2 L 9 pdi lsippaap Aattt7 \Saaau \wawnoop \tsdn VD Hvin d0 31.VIS 6661 'OZ 3Nf 53111dX3 NOISSII4WOD L9049 In ob o oe 7 sa.zidxg uoissiunuoD 'JAI 1M 0061 41 £09S 4 3011M 'S 1A211A2131-0 3 cures am palnoaxa aui pa4almouxou 1Clnp oqm `11uauiiu1sut 5uio2aioj aql jo iau5is uiimzag jo alma jo a i2e1uasaadai jEuosaad s� `Xalli.L •v pia aui aiojaq paanaddu AllEuosaad `IOOZ jo kup C� r aul u0 w"''''7/7 JO AINf1O3 ss G11 HVIf130 MINIS 08733 8 C:\wp51\document\DEEDS\tilley.deeddist-2.wpd 3 !2 J Exhibit A (Attached to and forming a part of Deed of Distribution by Personal Representative) Order •aigisg amp jpi aq uo iou of Aiuoginu aios aqi sal /caiimJ •d uksntag Jo aiuisg agauo antiuivasaadou iuuosiad paiuioddu iCinp alp su'Caaa v piunci •L 000`0L$ UHI ssai iu paniun st &unuo/im ut anti paiuooi gauuH 'aTIgA an2S alp ut Isazaiu! drgsiounno igaotioux3 axi •9 &utuzolim `XiiunoD uiooumo spzooaa iuiow° aqi ut papxooaa Pug paiigid sg `(9)XIS ZV'Id HONV2i AITIVA 2Iy.LS ut (803112P-410J io'I :SAAO'I'IO3 SV QEHD DS KT 'DNI111OAA do I1Y1S •N'IOONI uo Aiuno3 axis ut paigooi Xiaadotd ivai Jo pared utgiiao iggi of puu ut Isamu! 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The estate of Berwyn F. Tilley has been duly probated and settled in accordance with the requirements for informal probate under the laws of the State of Utah. 9. All debts of the estate of Berwyn F. Tilley have been fully paid. 10. Certified Copies of the informal probate documents from the State of Utah regarding the Berwyn F. Tilley estate have been filed herein. 11. The Petitioner has given notice by publication for three weeks of his intention to have the Utah probate proceedings be admitted in the State of Wyoming as the probate of the estate. 12. No objections have been filed by anyone claiming to be a creditor of the estate. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ADJUDGED, DECREED AND ORDERED, as follows: 1. The informal probate of the Estate of Berwyn F. Tilley by the Second Judicial District Court for Davis County, Utah shall be admitted as the probate of said estate in Wyoming. 2. Derald A. Tilley, as person representative of the Estate of Berwyn F. Tilley, shall have authority to convey all real property of the Estate located in the State of Wyoming including the following described real property: An undivided two thirteenths (2/13) interest in and to that certain parcel of real property located in the County of LINCOLN. STATE OF WYOMING. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Lot forty eight(48) in STAR VALLEY RANCH PLAT SIX(6), as platted and recorded in the official records of Lincoln County, Wyoming. Done this day of 2001. The able, John D. Troughton Distric ourt Judge for the Third Judicial District Of Wyoming. CERTIFIED TO BE•A FULL, TRUE, AND CORRECT COPY. ANN E. LAVERY Clerk of District Court