HomeMy WebLinkAbout873353BOOKA6A.PR PAGE_ G DURABLE PO DUANE E. ACKERMAN NOTICE RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK (s3 '13RNEY 01 tl r, 17 PM 10 20 JEANNE ,'%AvNER KEMfMERER. W'(OMING THE PURPOSE OF THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS TO GIVE THE PERSON YOU DESIGNATE (YOUR "AGENT BROAD POWERS TO HANDLE YOUR PERSONAL AND REAL PROPERTY WITHOUT ADVANCE NOTICE TO YOU OR APPROVAL BY YOU. THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY DOES NOT IMPOSE A DUTY ON YOUR AGENT TO EXERCISE GRANTED POWERS, BUT WHEN POWERS ARE EXERCISED, YOUR AGENT MUST USE DUE CARE TO ACT FOR YOUR BENEFIT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY. YOUR AGENT MAY EXERCISE THE POWERS GIVEN HERE THROUGHOUT YOUR LIFETIME, EVEN AFTER YOU BECOME INCAPACITATED, UNLESS YOU EXPRESSLY LIMIT THE DURATION OF THESE POWERS OR YOU REVOKE THESE POWERS OR A COURT ACTING ON YOUR BEHALF TEMINATES YOUR AGENT'S AUTHORITY. YOUR AGENT MUST KEEP YOUR FUNDS SEPARATE FROM YOUR AGENT'S FUNDS. A COURT CAN TAKE AWAY THE POWERS OF YOUR AGENT IF IT FINDS YOUR AGENT IS NOT ACTING PROPERLY. IF THERE IS ANYTHING ABOUT THIS FORM THAT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND, YOU SHOULD ASK A LAWYER OF YOUR OWN CHOOSING TO EXPLAIN IT TO YOU. I HAVE READ OR HAD EXPLAINED TO ME THIS NOTICE AND I UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS. a E. -A DUANE E. ACKERMAN 5 I nk (DATE) uemzaxoy Lz ukToiEO 00e /Stu /yep 113 T T s!q4 `oilgnd tieloN a `ew aioleq pa6pepou)loe pue of worms 0 0 1, Q/ 1 1 (elea) lue6y 'MdWb3N3V 'W AlObya ZOOZ `Z i(zunzg93 :sa1Tdxg uoTssTunoD Ai led!ou!Jd 941 to llegeq uo sluewesingsip pue s}dieoeJ `suoiloe lie to pima! eleinooe pue Ilnl e deal !legs! pue `eouepnad pue uoilneo a geuoseai esiojexe !legs I Aw woi eleredes ledioupd aql to slesse 941 dew' !legs I !lediou!id 941 to lilaueq 9ql iol Jemod 044 eS!waxe !legs I :way se loe 1 Uegm Aewolle to Jemod a41 ui tieiluoo 944 04 uols!noJd oilioads e to eouesqe 944 ui leLl a6pelmouve Aqe eq i 'ledioupd 941 iol 1u96y all se paililuepi uosiad 941 we pue A9wolle to Jemod pegoelle 941 peal 9neg NVWb3NOV 'W NA1O IVa `1 1•3OV AEI 1N31/9031MONNay builJam Won Mina AMON WOWS AVT13HS 'slesse (4,8,..;,33 :3 GENERAL DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY State of Wyoming County of Lincoln Appointment. I, DUANE E. ACKERMAN, of the City of Kemmerer, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, do hereby appoint CAROLYN M. ACKERMAN, my wife, as my true and lawful attorney -in -fact to act on my behalf. She is empowered to act, individually, as my attorney -in -fact. My attorney -in- fact shall have the authority customarily granted in a General Durable Power of Attorney, including (but not by way of limitation) the following powers to be exercised in my name and for my benefit: 1. General Grant of Power. To exercise or perform any act, power, duty, right, or obligation whatsoever that I now have or may hereafter acquire, relating to any person, matter, transaction, or property, real or personal, tangible or intangible, now owned or hereafter acquired by me, including, without limitation, the following specifically enumerated powers. I grant to my attorney -in -fact full power and authority to do everything necessary in exercising any of the powers herein granted as fully as I might or could do if personally present, with full power of substitution or revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming all that my attorney -in -fact shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of this power of attorney and the powers hereby granted; 2. Banking Powers. To make, draw, sign in my name, deliver and accept checks, drafts, receipts for moneys, notes, or other orders for the payment of money against, or otherwise make withdrawals for my benefit from any commercial, checking or savings account which I may have in my sole name or in joint name with my spouse or other person(s), in any bank or financial institution, for any purpose which my attorney -in -fact may think necessary, advisable or proper, and to endorse and negotiate in my name and deliver checks, drafts, notes, bills, certificates of deposit, commercial paper, money market instruments, bills of exchange or other instruments for the payments of money and to deposit same, as cash or for collection, and cash into any commercial, checking or savings account which I may have in my sole name or in joint name with my spouse or other person(s), in any bank or financial institution, and to carry on all my 7 0 :Avroedeo uMO Atli uT auop gT op gibTur 1 SP ATTng SP 'sasTivaxd aLiq. uT xadoxd JO ALPSSaoau aq APUr se axn1eu pup puT) xanagp4M go buTgTEM uT squaurn1JsuT pue squauxnaop xaggo eons pue 'suoT e4TurTT ;o se nqegs go sxaATPM 'sggap xaqqo puP squeurbpnC 'abebgxoux go uoTgoegsTges pup sasPaTax 's4gap go saauapTna 'sgdTaoax 'sagou 'saxnquagap 'spuoq 'sTTTq 'buTpeT go sTTTq 'suoTTeaaq;odAq 'sabebqaow 'se4PDTJT4 'squewaaxbe buTsoTo 'squauraaxbe 'sa.aexquoa I4uaquT go sxaggaT 'suoTqdo 'seanquapuT 'sIueuanoO 'saseaT go squaUxubTsse pup SOSP9T 'SOOUPAanuoo spaap 'aqPOT ;T1xao UIOJJ aTexPdas squauxubTSSP 'sxaMod xooJ.s 'sage°TJT4xao xoogs Lions abpaTMOUxae pup xanTTap 'agnoexa 'Teas 'ubTs off. 'peep pue 4OP Am SP puP 'eweu Aur uT pue our 'JO; osTP pup 'axnqeu xanaqPgM go ssauTsnq go puT) Axana gousU t pup 'op 'a3[PW OI •sxaMod goeaquo3 •9 •auTurxaLap TTegs goeg -uT Aauxoq;e Aur se 'suoTrTpuoo pue suxxaq lions uodn 'aoTxd Lions xoJ 'uOT4aP uT JO uoTssassod uT Agxadoxd TPuosxad aTgTbuequT to e gTbueq xaggo pup uoTgoe uT sasouo 'saT4Txnoas xatgo pup 'squaurnxgsuT gaxxeur Aeuoux 'xaded TPToxaunuoo 'qTsodap go saqPDT ;Tgxaa 'sgsaxaquT dTgsxaugxed pagTuITT 'sxoogs 'spuoq 'saxnquagap 'sagou 'sTTTq 'saTTgouxogne 'sbuTtisTuxng pue axnTTuxng 'asTpuegaxaur 'saXPM 'spoob LigTM pup uT Teap IeUU Ur pup APM Axana puP AuP uT pue ageoagqodAq 'abebqxour 'xa ;sueag 'uxaapax 'abuegoxa 'TTas oy •sxaMod Agxadoxd Teuosxad •5 auTurxa4ap TTPLis 40e; uT- Aauxogge Aur se 'suoT4Tpuoa pue surxaq cans uodn 'ecTxd Liens 10j 's ;uauxegTpaxaq pup squaUrauaq 'Spu2T (saTqaxTqua agq. Aq squeuaq SP JO) dTgsxoATnxns go sqgbTt TTnJ LiTTM squeueq ;uToC SP uosxad teq.o AuP 1 43TM pToM I t40TMM gsaxaguT AuP buTpnTauT pup uTexagq. gsaxaquT AUP pue aqeqsa TPax aqeaaggodAq pup abebgxour 'Aanuoa 'abueLiaxa 'eS 8Tax 'asTurax 'xagsuexq 'Lies OJ •sxaMod Agxadoxd Teal•f uoTgoauuoo uT ATTTTgeTT TTP Wax; xossaT atn. buTseaTax Agaxaq 'awes alp abuegoxa xo xapuaxxns o: pue 'paquax sT xoq Lions Li3TgM xapun asPaT at; A4Tpoux JO TaOUPO off. pue 'quesaxd ATTeuosxad ;T op pTnoa I SP ATaax; SP pue uaTTo SP 'ATxadoxd Teuosxad aTgTbueq JO AgTxnaas AUP buTpnTauT 'goaxagq. squaquoa aLiq. go TTP xo fixed Aue xoq Lions urox; anourax 04 pue xoq Lions uT ;Tsodap oq 'aurT; AuP qe sxaq;o tq-TM AT4uToC JO OUO 9U1 Aq pTaq xo paquea xoq ;Tsodep ages AuP ;TPgaq Aux uo xa;ua pue uedo os •xog qTsodaQ ages •E •sxaaLO paTaouea buTpnTauT 'spxooax pageTax aATaaax xo auTurexa O. pue :ssauTsnq buTxueq AxeuTpxo 0°'3353 703 7. Collection Powers. To forgive, request, demand, sue for, recover, collect, receive, hold all such sums of money, debts, dues, commercial paper, checks, drafts, accounts, deposits, legacies, bequests, devises, notes, interests, stock certificates, bonds, dividends, certificates of deposit, annuities, profit sharing, retirement, social security, insurance and other contractual benefits and proceeds, all documents of title, all property, real or personal, intangible or tangible property or property rights, and demands whatsoever, liquidated or unliquidated, now or hereafter owned by, or due, owing, payable or belonging to, me or to which I have or may hereafter acquire an interest; to have, use, and take all lawful means and equitable and legal remedies and proceedings in my name for the collection and recovery thereof, and to adjust, sell, compromise, and agree for the same, and to execute and deliver for me, on my behalf, all endorsements, releases, receipts, or other sufficient discharges for the same; 8. Debts and Expenses. To pay, compromise, and settle any and all bills, loans, notes or other forms of indebtedness owed by me at the present time, or which may be owned by me or incurred by my attorney -in -fact hereunder for my benefit at any time in the future, and to incur and pay from any of my assets or property all reasonable expenses in connection with the control, management, and supervision of my property and the maintenance, support, care, and comfort of myself and those dependent upon me, including the fees and charges of such agents, attorneys, accountants or others as my attorney -in -fact may in the exercise of discretion, employ in the management of any of my affairs; 9. Borrow. To borrow from time to time such sums of money and upon such terms as my said attorney -in -fact may think expedient for or in relation to any purpose or object which my attorney-in-fact may deem proper or expedient, unsecured or upon the security of my property, whether real or personal or otherwise, and for such purpose to give, execute in my name, deliver, and acknowledge promissory notes and /or renewals thereof, mortgages, pledges and guaranties with such powers and provisions as my attorney -in -fact may think proper or requisite; 10. Settlement Powers. To adjust, settle, compromise or submit to arbitration any accounts, debts, claims, demands, disputes or matters which are now subsisting or may hereafter arise between me or my attorney -in -fact and any other person or persons, or in which any property, right, title, interest or estate belonging to or claimed by me may be concerned; sT aTOTgaA .IOqow pTPS oq eT4Tq. alp gelp quaulubTsse /ajsue Lions uT ;uesaida3 off. pue 'aToTgan aogow aag3o 30 'eTTgomognP AUP 303 'o3aaaip aTgT4 3a3sue1q. pue asaopua pus 'uodn aTTTI 3o ageoTJT43a3 e 303 ATdde oy •saToTLian 3040W '9T :sNoaLio AgTanoaS TPTOOs AUP buTpnTOUT 'iT3auaq Aw 30; Aouabe quamuaanob AUP W03; GUI 04 aTgeAed apeui sj3eap ao sppago AUP asaopua off. peTgTque aq Aux I go oi. uoTqebTTgo quemuaaaob JO gT3auaq AUP JO; AOUabP TequauIuaanob AUP og uoTqPOTTddP a){PUI oy sqT3auag quauluaanos pue AgT3noag TPT30S gT :aa3sue1q pue quauiubTsse 3o Sg3P AIPSSe0GU TTe agnoaxa pup axew off. asodand alp ao3 pue 'pa[gTqua ATTPTOT3auaq 'asTMtt .o 3o AgTnba uT 'aq APUI I LioTgM oq ao 'uoTqP3odao0 Aue ;o sxooq et uo euieu Aw uT buTpue;s xoogs 3o seaeqs AUP pue TTe 39nTTap pue '3aJsueaq 'ubTsse 'TTas 0y •){OOgs aa3suP3y •bT a;PTadoaddd weep APUI qOS3- ,UT- Aauaoq4e Am se TTe 'puapTATp eons gsanuTaa oq .aaTa o; ao paTqTque q ux ATTPTOT3eue 'asTM3al o ao AgTnba uT aq Ae I LiOTLiM uoTTe.odaoo Lions 3o sxooq alp uo auzeu Aw uT pus APUI LiOTLiM uoTge1odaoo AUP uT pOOgs 3o sazegs TTP pue Aue uo aTgeAPd aq TTPLis 30 a3P LiOTIM spuePTATP TTe anTaoa3 oy •spuapTATQ 'ET sgsaaaquT gsaq Am uT aq o. uiaap TTPLis goP3- uT- Aauaogge Am se smaaq Lions uo gsna3 Lions Aue LisTTgegsa oq pazTaoq;ne aq TTPLis gOP3- uT- AauaoggP AW 4T; UI 9p TTPgS qoe;- uT- Aauaoa.a.P Am sP sgsnaq ao gsnaq Lions oquT paaTnboe 3anaosaLaLiM pUP pageooT aanaosaaagM pue pup{ 3aAaosgPLiM 3o aTgTbuequT 3o aTgTbueq 'paxTm ao 'TPUOS3ad 'TPaa 'Agaadoad AuP 3o buTqsTsuoo s49ssP Am 3o gaed ao TTe A8AUOO pue ubTsse oy •s;snay •ZT aTgesTnpe sulaap 3oe3- uT- AauaoqJP Aui geLi4 'squno3OP SaT4Tpounuoo 30 'buTpe3; uoTgdo 'uTb3PUI buTpaebaa s.uauzaaabP buTpnTOUT 'quamaa.bP 3O UOT 4POTJT ;3aD 'uoTqP1Uesaadaa AUP ubTs pue 'auleu Am uT .un000P AUP 111033 sgassP MP3pq TM 3O 0 sqassP ppP 'sgassP aaggo pue saT.Tanoas 3o uoT4TsodsTp aaggo ao aTPS 'asPgaand aLi4 oq qoadsaa ggTM uIIT3 abP3axoaq AUP 0 SuoTgona4suT aATb pue gpTM TPap oq goEa3uoo puPT ao anPb410UI AUP uo am oq atuTq UIOa3 pue eWT� AUP J.8 area qsaaaquT alp aOnpaa off. :3adoad maap Aux gOP3 uT- AauaoggP Am LiOTLiM quaUIJsanuT aat 0 AUP UT ao '3oaaaLi; SU0TgPUTgUIOO ao SaToTT0d quaUIMOpua ao saT ;TnuuP 'aOUPansuT 8 3TT 'agPqsa Tea/ 'saTqTanoas 'enTPA app; qP aTgeulaapaa 4nq qunoosTp P qe pasPgoand spuog sagpgs pagTun buTpnTouT 'spuoq 's){oog s 'suPOT uT gsaAuTaa pue gsaauT oy squamgsanul TT iO4 GS a35.3 705 free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except those specifically set forth in such transfer assignment; 17. Legal Actions. To commence, prosecute, enforce or abandon, or to defend, answer, oppose, confess, compromise or settle all claims, suits, actions, or other judicial or administrative proceedings in which I am or may hereafter be interested, or in which any property, right, title, interest, or estate belonging to or claimed by me may be concerned. 18. Photographic Copies. Photographic or other facsimile reproductions of this executed power of attorney may be made and delivered by my attorney -in -fact and may be relied upon by any person to the same extent as though the copy were an original. Anyone who acts in reliance upon any representation or certificate of my attorney -in -fact or upon a reproduction of this power, shall not be liable for permitting my attorney -in -fact to perform any act pursuant to this power. 19. Disability. This general power of attorney shall not be affected by the subsequent disability or incapacity of the principal. 20. No Bond Required. My attorney -in -fact shall not be obligated to furnish bond or other security. 21. Compensation. My attorney -in -fact shall not be compensated for services rendered. 22. Indemnification of Acts of Attorney While Carrying Out Authority. I hereby bind myself, my heirs, my devisees, and my personal representative to indemnify my attorney -in -fact and any successor attorney -in -fact against any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, actions and causes of action, including expenses, costs, and reasonable attorney fees that my attorney -in -fact at any time may sustain or incur in connection with carrying out the authority granted in this general durable power of attorney. 23. Limitation. Any authority granted to my attorney -in- fact shall be limited so as to prevent this general durable power of attorney from causing my attorney -in -fact to be taxed on my income or from causing my assets to be subject to a general power of appointment by my attorney -in -fact, as the term "general power of appointment" is defined in the Internal Revenue code. NVIAMENDV a 2NVfU •TOOZ ,M, 3o Aep sTUg pusq lour has ogunaaaq I '30H2i2HM SSSNLIM NI •sUOTSTnoad sqT Jo uoTgonarsuoo atfl pus aaMod sTqg go I 4TPTTeA aqg og se suoTgsanb TTe uaanob TTegs buTuro /M Jo agegs egg Jo sMST agg pus 'buTwoAM JO agegs aug uT paaaATTep pus pagnoaxa sT quaurnagsuT sTgj 1uaurnagsuT sTqg Jo gaed e aq og pauraap eq og you ale pus ATuo aouaTUanuoo aoj aas sbuTpeaq gdeabeaed •goeJ- uT- Aauaoggs iur og paqueab uTaaaq saemod Teaeuab egg goTagsaa JO 4 'gT saop aou 'o'4 papuaguT gou sT uTaaau saaMod oTJToeds Jo uoTgeaaurnua et;y •Aauaogge go aaMod aTgeanp Teaauab e se pagaadaaguT pue pana;suoo aq og sT quaurnagsuT sTgy Me'I bUTuaan00 pus uoTgegeadaagui SZ swan GOTA pus auTuTurag eq4 apnTouT TTstTs auTTnoseur aqg uT spaoM pue 'TeanTd ago apnTouT TTegs aequrnu ae[nbuTs egg uT spaoM 'asTMaeggo sageoTpuT gxaguoo aqg aaatiM gdaoxH ..laqwnm pus aapua0 •f7Z 9 17. Mfr LS STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN We, DUANE E. ACKERMAN, Steven Griff Laurie McKee and Danielle Griff, the grantor of the powers herein (the "Principal and the witnesses, respectively, whose names are signed to the attached or foregoing instrument, being first duly sworn, do hereby declare to the undersigned authority that the Principal signed and executed and instrument as a grant of a General Durable Power of Attorney and that he signed willingly, and that he executed it as his free and voluntary act for the purpose therein expressed, and that each of the witnesses, in the presence and hearing of the Principal, signed the General Durable Power of Attorney as witness and that to the best of his or her knowledge the Principal was at that time eighteen years of age or older, of sound mind and under no constraint or undue influence. DUANE E. ACKERMAN 14421)64 Witness ss: '01 ROL oTTgnd Aap4oN POW PAW00 Offend AM ON rat/sense go App 114TT pup aax3N aTanE7 ZOOZ Z A.t nzga,T sa,Tdxa uoTssTunuoo Ays 1 sTU; 'sassaugTM (T ans TPTap 'Tool AEU 33T. aTTaTueG 3F.10 119n93g Aq am a.iogaq og uao's pup pagTaosgns pup TedTouTad au4 NVN2I NOK a Emma Aq am aaogaq pabpaTMouxop pup oq uaoMS 'pagTaosgns