HomeMy WebLinkAbout876985 ICENNI~TH D. NEB~KER AND MJgLEESE C. NEBI~KER, Husbaud mid Wife, grantor~ of Lincoln County, Sta'£e of", ' W3 omuxg, for comtderadon of Tmi ~ 00./1~'~ ($10.00) ~d o~er good ~ voluble comider~don ~ hand, rgeipt w~eof is h~eby ac~owledged CONVEY AND W~W TO G~T L. D~R ~ TO~ L, D~R, Husband ~d WI[~ as Te~anls by the Emlretle~, gran~, whose address is 623 North 120 Wes~, ~lfi, L~ the following do~dbod r~ ~sta'~e, situate in Lincoln Co~ty a~ State of Wyom~. hereby releasing and waivi~ all fights under m~d by virtue of ~e homestead exemg~on laws of the to wit: lint 2 of Clmk's Comer, L~coln CounU, Wyomi~ as doscribea on ~e plat ~er~f, filed October 19, 2~1 as Im~mment No, .876734 of ~e records of · e ~ncoln Co~ Clerk. RESER~NG UNTO GRANTOR, succe~ors and/or assign, to ~ app~tenant to ~t I of Clark's Cromer Subdivision, the right of ingress aM egre~s ~mss ~e exi~ ~cess rom through Lot 2, as descfib~ on plat of Clark's Cox~r SttMi~on filed October 1 2~1 as Ins~eat No, 876734 of ae g~rds of the L~oln Coun~ Clerk. SUB.CT TO t~ follow~: ~y fence 1~ ch~ges must coim~ wi~ ~mt ~u~ey ... aM ~i~ti~ easemem agm.emmm wifl~ adjacent pr~e~ ownm. WITNESS our hand~ tht}.~.7~~' day of October, 2001. , Kem~et~ D, , · . ~ M~teese C. Ne.er State of Wyomtng County o~ LincOln T~ f~ego~ msmmm~t was aC~owiedged ~fore ~ by K~nne~ D. NeCker and Melrose C. NeCker t~s ~ day of ~tol~r, Wimcss ~ ~ am ~fficial seal. ,, , ,.. ~ ~'~