HomeMy WebLinkAbout954679Joseph B. Bluemel Bluemel Law Office 510 Sapphire Street P.O. Box 47 Kemmerer, WY 83101 (307) 877 9091/(307) 877 -9092 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: GERALD WESLEY GRATER, a/k/a GERALD W. GRATER, Deceased. Grater \Order Approving Final Report Distribution AUG 20i0 KETIT,~'!-'T7-1 D. Pn CLL.' LINCOLN COUN Y, S)'ATE OF lAr(OVIING IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WYOMING 4 j 2( 530 ORDER APPROVING FINAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTING, AND DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION Probate No. 2009 -06 -DC NOW on this pS' day of August, 2010, the above captioned matter comes on for hearing before the Court in its regular order, on the Final Report, Accounting and Petition for Distribution as presented to the Court at this time on behalf of the Personal Representative of the above captioned estate. The Court, having examined said Final Report, Accounting and Petition for Distribution together with the Waivers of Notice and Consents to Approval of Final Report, as duly executed by all of the distributees of the above captioned estate and presented to the Court at this time. The Court finds that it has full and complete jurisdiction over the subject matter and all interested parties, and therefore this matter ought to proceed on to final hearing and determination on the merits. This matter proceeding on to final hearing and determination, the Court specifically finds that each and all of the statements made in the said Final Report, Accounting and Petition for Distribution are true and correct, that all of the distributees of this estate have waived said hearing on the accounting, that the conduct of the Personal Representative in the administration of this estate as reflected in said Report is in accordance with law and the prior orders of this Court, that the administration of said estate is fully and finally concluded and that said estate is ready for distribution. As a result of the above findings, the Court further finds an order ought to be entered at this time fully and finally approving, ratifying and confirming the Final Report, Accounting and Petition for Distribution together with all doings of the Personal Representative in the premises. Furthermore, a decree ought to be entered providing for the full and final distribution of this estate and the closing thereof. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Final Report, Accounting and Petition for Distribution be, and the same hereby is fully and finally ratified, confirmed and approved, and all of the doings of the Personal Representative in the premises be, and the same are hereby fully and finally approved. RECEIVED 8/3/2010 at 4:26 PM RECEIVING 954679 BOOK: 751 PAGE: 530 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Personal Representative shall proceed to make final distribution of all assets of this estate now in his hands as follows: 1. To Guy Grater Lot 8, Rees Subdivision, as shown by the official plat thereof recorded September 1, 1955, in the Office of the Recorder of Lincoln County, Wyoming, and being part of the North half of the Southeast Quarter (N' /2SW') of Section 20, Township 37 North, Range 118 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. 2. To Laurie G. Woods A tract of land commencing South 90 °00'00" West 460 feet from the North -east corner of the Southwest Quarter (Location of CS 1/16 as per Corner Record Dated 3/8/77 Pg. U -7, Bk. 37 -118) of Section 29, Township 37 North, Range 118 West, 6 th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming, the point of beginning; thence South 0 °00'00" East 240.00 feet; thence North 88 °49'13" West 353.66 feet, more or less to the Corner of Lot 302; thence North 73°15'00" East 200 feet; thence North 48 *15'00" East 105 feet; thence north 0 °0'00" West 105.16 feet; thence North 90 °00'00" East 83.73 feet, to the point ofbeginning, being (1.1) one and one -tenth acres, more or less. This subdivision/property was replatted on September 26, 2005 as Lakeview Estates Ninth Subdivision. This property is now known as Lot 725, Lakeview Estates, 9 th Filing, Alpine Wyoming. In making such distributions the Personal Representative is hereby specifically authorized and directed to execute and deliver court officer's deeds together with any other documentation that is necessary to transfer the above described real property from the estate to the respective distributee. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that when the Personal Representative has completed the distribution of all estate assets, as ordered herein, with all documentation necessary with respect thereto, the Personal Representative shall file with the Court his Petition for Discharge. Dated tl}�• day of August, 2010. Grater \Order Approving Final Report Distribution ENNIS c District Court Judge -2- and col S SS. .5a1 Third o isaid, do tobeafull,