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Klint Clark
PO Box 5285
Etna, WY 83118
Klint Clark, a married man
Grantor(s) of Etna, County of Lincoln, State of WY
Klint Clark and Sheralee Clark, Husband and Wife
Grantee(s) of Etna, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming for the sum of TEN
following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of WY, hereby releasing and
waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of
Wyoming, to wit:
Parcel 1
A portion of the Clark property, as referred to in the Deed recorded with Document 879857, in Book
485PR, on Page 830, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the SE 1/4 SE1 /4 of
section 10, T35N R1 19W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the Boundary and Encumbrances
being more particularly described as follows;
Beginning at a Point in a North line, of the NE1 /4 of section 15, of said T35N, R119W,
said Point of beginning being 361.58 feet N 89° 00' 39 "W, along said North line, from the Marlowe A.
Scherbel PLS 5368, 1992 location for the Northeast Corner of said NE 1/4 of said section 15;
thence N 89° 00' 39 "W, continuing along said North line, 162.11 feet to a Point
said point being 705.12 feet S89 °00'39 "E from the Marlowe A. Scherbel PLS 5368, 2001 location for the
Northwest corner of the E1 /2 NE1 /4 of said Section 15;
thence N2 °25'05 "E, parallel with an Existing North -South Fence line to the Ease, 269.80 feet;
thence S 89 °00'39 "E, parallel with said North line, 162.11 feet to a point in said North South Fence line,
thence S2 °25'05 "W, along said North -South Fence line, and the Southerly prolongation thereof, 269.80
feet, to the point of beginning.
Exception therefrom: That portion of land lying within the bounds of the of the above described property,
as referred to in the Deed recorded with Document No. 691449, in Book 264PR, on Page 322, with said
Parcel 1 A
Together with and Subject to: The Easement reserved in the Deed recorded with Document No. 691449, in
Book 264PR, on page 322, with said Office
Parcel I B
Granting and Reserving; a 60.00 feet Wide Right -of -Way Easement, for Ingress, Egress, and Utilities, from
U.S. Highway 89, the South line being more particularly described as follows;
Beginning at the Marlowe A. Scherbel PLS 5368, 1992 location for the Northeast Corner of said NE1 /4 of
Section 15;
thence N 89° 00' 39 "w, along the North line of said NE1 /4, 523.69 feet to the Southwest corner of the
above described property.
Subject to easements, declarations of covenants and restrictions, rights of way of record,
and taxes for the current year and thereafter.
Witness, the hand(s) of said Grantor(s), this
State of WY
Klint Clark
RECEIVED 8/6/2010 at 3:03 PM
BOOK: 751 PAGE: 637
Notary Public
County of Lincoln
On ,2010A- tigt*=24) Clark personally appeared before me
the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed
the same.
byanna Parker Notary Public
County of State of
Lincoln k: Wyoming
My Commission Expires June 29, 2011