HomeMy WebLinkAbout954798LIEN STATEMENT PURSUANT TO ASSESSMENT LIEN 1. Name and address of the person claiming the lien: Broken Wheel Ranch Property Owners Association, Inc. PO Box 3573 Alpine, WY 83128 3. The name and address of the person against whose property the lien is filed: Joseph A. DeLeeuw and Jennifer D. Zeer, husband and wife PO Box 7491 Jackson, WY 83002 C C& 69S Pursuant to the Assessment Lien provided for in Servitudes, Section (a) of that certain Declaration of Protective Covenants and Servitudes for Broken Wheel Ranch Subdivision dated January 14, 2000, and recorded in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk on January 17, 2000, in Book 440 PR, page 546 "the Declaration Broken Wheel Ranch Property Owners Association, Inc. "the Association hereby executes this Lien Statement for filing in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk, Kemmerer, Wyoming. 2. Amount of claim: The present amount of the claim is $1,500.00, including assessments for 2009 and 2010 and reasonable attorney's fees. The amount may increase as a result of accruing finance charges, expenses of collection including reasonable attorney fees, and future assessments. 4. The name of the person against whom the hen claim is made: Joseph A. DeLeeuw and Jennifer D. Zeer, husband and wife. 5. Legal Description of the Property: The real property against which the lien is claimed is located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, and described as follows: Lot 22 of the Broken Wheel Ranch Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as described on the official plat thereof, together with all buildings, improvements and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereto. RECEIVED 8/10/2010 at 9:35 AM RECEIVING 954798 BOOK: 751 PAGE: 698 JEANNE WAGNER ,w,.. •1 r. e sI inrr\i /+I Col! V CftIIFt COLD \AN all8fld J■I`d1ON 0£179 LO£ 066£8 AM 'LIMN 896 x08 Od Aeuio s }I `6u1pino0 l pleaa0 •oul `uol }eioossy SJGUMO A}aadoad youed laagM uawa8 6690 3C -g 0-e me) r :saaldxa uolssiwwoo AVV ZTOZ'6 Ainf S3a1dX3 NOISSIWWOO AW ONIWOAM N103N11 AO 31V1S d0 AaNO03 Oliend AHVi0N 03W11V SIaHO •a}eoi}i}aao siy} ul ua }iann anoge }said aeaA pue Aep ay} IS leiae }ou pue puny Aua aapun uan10 uol }eaodaoo pies Jo poop pue }oe awl ay} aq o} }uawna}sui pies pa6palnnouoloe 6ulpinoO l pleaa0 pies pue `sao }oaala }o paeo8 Si! in Amloy }ne Aq uol }eaodaoo Res jo lleyaq ui papas pue pau6is seen }uawna}sui pies leg} }uawna }sui 6ulo6aao}. ay} pa }noaxa yolgM pue ul pagiaosap 'uoi }eaodaoo 6uiwoAM e "au! `uol }eioossy sJOUMQ A}aadoad youeH leagM ua){0a8 ao} Aawo }e ay} sl ay }ey} Aes pip `woMS Alnp aw Aq 6uiaq `oynn `unnounl Alleuosiad aw o} `6uipino0 •l pleiee paaeadde Alleuosaad aw aio}aq `0602 }sn6ny }o Aep sly} up 'SS N100NII dO AINflOO ONIWOAM dO 3±VIS •060? '}sn6ny }o Aep y 16 ay} }o se O31VQ pue Q31nD3X3 bas }e 606 •S•M o} }uensand pep ay} Aed o} pins 101 ay} pue posopaao} aq Aew uall sly± •wlela 0111 Aed o} aanl1ed Jo}. aansopaaod •9