HomeMy WebLinkAbout876991 ~ooK~ ¢ ~.~ _PR l~A(~E 6 5 [-~ QUITCLAIM DEED - '" ' 2'
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Maxine Heiner, Trustee of the
Glenn W. Heiner Family Revocable Trust dated January 15, 1992, of Bedford, Lincoln
County, Wyoming (mailing address: 1277 Lost Creek Road, Thayne, WY 83127), in
consideration of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00), and other good and valuable
consideration, the receipt of which is acknowledged, CONVEYS and QUITCLAIMS unto
Joshua Edward Flud, and Diana Heiner Flud, husband and wife, as tenants by the
entireties, grantees, of 989 Lincoln 120, Thayne, WY 83127, all right, title, interest,
prope~y, possession, claim and demand in or to all the following described premises, to-
A portion of the SE1/4SWI/4 of Section 7 and the SW1/4SW1/4 of Section 8,
T34N, R118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being more particularly
.described as follows:
BEGINNING at the B.L.M. type Monument found marking Baker Engineers PE/LS
698, 1971 location for the common corner between said Section 7, said Section
8, Section 18 and Section 17/thence S 89°56'06'' W, along the South line of said
Section 7, 385.22 feet to an Iron Pipe found; thence N 0°41'05" E, parallel with
the East line of said Section 7,226.20 feet to an Iron Pipe found; thence N
89°56'06'' E, parallel with said South line, 385.22 feet to an Iron Pipe found at a
point in said East I.ine; thence S 0°41'05'' W, along said East line, 17.50 feet to
an Iron Pipe set; thence S 89°39'29'' E, parallel with the' South line of said
Section 8, 248.94 feet to an Iron Pipe set; thence S 0°41'05'' W, parallel with
said East line, 208.70 feet to a Cotton Gin Spike set at a point in said Section 8
South line; thence N 89039'29" W, along last said South line, 248.94 feet, to the
Point of Beginning, containing.3.193 acres of land.
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: A 60-feet wide Right-of-Way Easement,
being 30 feet either side of the following Center Line:
BEGINNING at a Cotton Gin Spike set at a point in the Center Line of the Lost
Creek County Road 12-120 Right-of-Way, said point being 30.50 feet S
89039'29" E, along the South line of said Section 8 from the B.L.M. type
Monument found marking Baker Engineers PE/LS 698, 1971 location for the
common corner between said Section 7, said Section 8, Section 18 and Section ~
17 (S7~S8/S18-S17); thence N 0°41'05" E, parallel with the Dividing line between
said Section 7 and said Section 8, 75.00 feet to an iron Pipe set marking the
beginning of a 300-foot Radius Curve to the L'eft; thence Northwesterly, along
said 300.00-foot Radius Curve to the Left, through a central angle of 18°20'50''
(chord bears N 8°_29'20" W 95.655 feet) an arc distance of 96.065 feet to an Iron
PiPe set marking the beginning of a 300-foot Radius Curve to the Right; thence
Northwesterly, along said 300.00-foot Radius Curve to the Right, through a
central angle of 18°20!50" (chord bears N 8°29'20" W 95.655 feet) an arc.
distance of 96.065 feet to an Iron Pipe set at a point in said Dividing line; thence
N 0°41'05" E, along said Dividing line, 1062.81 feet to the Spike marking the
Lloyd B. Baker 2000, location for the S1/16 Corner between said Section 7 and
said Section 8 (S1/16S7-S8), end of description.
SUBJECT TO: A 30-feet wide Right-of-way, along the South portion of.the above
described Property, for Lost Creek County Road 12-120 as referred to in Deed
No. 547377, filed with the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming in Book 169 PR, on
page 414.
In accordance with Amended Record of Survey and Boundary Adjustment of
Portions of the SE1/4SE1/4 of Section 7 and the SW1/4SW1/4 of Section 8,
T34N, R118W, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, for Maxine Heiner and
Joshua Edward Flud and Diana Heiner Flud by Lloyd B. Baker and Associates.
SUBJECT TO all covenants, easements, exceptions, restrictions, reservations and
rights of way of sight or record.
WITNESS my hand as of this 10th day of September, 2001.
' Maxine Heiner, Trustee
The foregoing Warranty Deed was acknowledged before me by Maxine Heiner, Trustee,
this 18th day of October, 2001.
Witness my hand and official seal.
J County of ~ St.t, of ~
~ Unc=oln ~ Wyoming ~
My commission expires: February 26, 2004.