HomeMy WebLinkAbout877010Recording Requested By/Return To: HFN, Inc. Consumer Orig. One Meridian Crossings Richfield, MN. 55423 Loan Number: 40018 ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE For Value Received, the undersigned holder ora Mortgage (herein "Assignor")whose address is HO.MECOMINGS FINANCIAL NETWORK, !NC., ONE MERIDIAN CROSSINGS, RICHFIELD, MN 55423 , does hereby grant, sell, assign, transfer and convey, unto GMAC Mortgage Corporation , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Pennsylvania (herein "Assignee"), whose address is 100 Witmer Road, Horsham, PA 19044-0963 , a certain Mortgage dated MARCH 3 0, 2 001 , made and executed by ROBERT GARDNER AIXTD KATHERINE DAIWA GARDNER, HUSBAND AND WIFE whose address is 2232 LINCOLN COUNTY ROAD 125 THAYNE, WY 83127 , to and in favor of HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL NETWORK, INC. upon the following described property situated in LINCOLN County, State of WYOMING : See Attached Legal Description such Mortgage having been given to secure payment of ONE HUNDRED THREE THOUSAND AND NO/t00 ($ ~03,000.00 ) (Include the Original Principal AmOunt) which Mortgage is of record in Book, Volume, or Liber No. ~& ;Z , at page Dc'/9' (or as No. ) o~the- Z/_ z'/-...o~pd/ Records of LINCOLN County, State of WYOMING , together with the note(s) and obligations therein described and the money due and to become due thereon with interest, and all fights accrued or to accrue under such Mortgage. FNMA - Multistate/1 Assignment of Mortgage Page 1 of 2 MFCD6203 (11/99) / 40018 TO HAVE AND TO ttOLD the same unto Assignee, its successor and assigns, forever, subject only to the terms and conditions of the above-described Mortgage. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Assignor has executed this Assignment of Mortgage on APRIL 4, 2001 HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL NETWORK~ INC. Witness (Assignor) By: CHARIT'~ PETE~0N, Assistant Secretary Witness Attest Seal: This Instrument Prepared By: HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL NETWORK, INC. : address: ONE MERIDIAN CROSSINGS, RICHFIELD, MN 5.5423 , tel. no.: State of Minnesota ' County of HENNEPIN On q--q'~/ beforeme, THOM&S J. PAGUNEN personally appeared CttA/~ITY PETERSON, Assistant Secretary of HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL NETWORK, INC. personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) who name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacitY(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon be~l]' of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature Notary Public . FNMA - Multistate/1 Assignment of Mcr!gage ~~m ~ Page 2 of 2 :~THOMA$ J. PAJUNEN ~ MFCD6203 (11/99) / 40018 ~J NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA :~ ~ My Comm. Explrea Jan. 31, 2005 The l~d re~i ~ :in ~is commitment is situated in ~ Sm~ of ~yom~g, Coua~ of ~ncoln, and is described a's ~llows: ' Part~..of the SE~SE~ of Section 9, TB4N R!lgW of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point 30 feet westerly along the southerly line of said section from a brass cap monument marking the Southeast corner of said SeCtion 9;isaid point of beginning being also in the West line of County Road No. 12-125; southe__y line a thence eontinuin~ westerly along said ~ distance of 3666 feet~ thence northerly, parallel with the east line of said Section, 148.5 feet; thence easterly, parallel with said southerly line a distance of 366.6 fact to a point in said west line of said ro~d; thence southerly,-along last said West line and parallel with last said east line, 148.5 feet to the POINT O? BEGINNINO.