HomeMy WebLinkAbout9556816011019101 STATE OF�� Cr SS. COUNTY OF-JA- ��J� r I, Ellen Timmreck, being of lawful age and first duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: 1. That I am of adult age, a resident of San Bernardino, California, and the Affiant herein. 2. That by virtue of the conveyances which are recorded in the office of the County Clerk for Lincoln County, Wyoming, located at Kemmerer, Wyoming is recorded a Warranty Deed dated the 17th day of May t( 1976 in Book 129 PR on page 439 conveys unto A.C. Timmreck and Tom C. Timmreck aka Thomas C. Timmreck, as Joint Tenants with Rights of Survivorship the following described property, to -wit: 3. That said A.C. Timmreck on the 2516 day of /1.4,/b/ 2 o p T died and a copy of the original certificate of death, certified to as true and correct by public authority in which the original of said certificate is a matter of record, is attached hereto as Exhibit "B 4. That by reason of death of said A.C. Timmreck by reason of 2 -9 -102 W.S. (1980), the decedents interest and title in said conveyance has terminated and title to the real property conveyed thereby has vested absolutely in Tom C. Timmreck aka Thomas C. Timmreck continuously since the death of the said decedent. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Dated 5;/ 2-0/b State of .f- yt. ti, )ss. County of ti 2ria ittLh The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to me by Ellen Timmreck this j L)- day of August, 2010 Witness my hand and official seal. CoMM. 1885312 r N "'4G-,,;r4 NOTARY PUBLIC- CALIFORNIA ix SAN BERNAROINO COUNTY Z MY Cow, ExP. APR. 28, 2014' My Commission Expires: AFFIDAVIT TERMINATING ESTATE Lots 16, 17 and 18 of Block 1 to the Town of Cokeville, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat. t 4 _,41/u1.& SAL �201- Ellen Timmreck RECEIVED 9/24/2010 at 3:16 PM RECEIVING 955681 BOOK: 754 PAGE: 283 JEANNE WAGNER 1 Ikln/-s1 I.1 n/t1 If IT/ 0.1 1 1 0 •••r.,rl, .wn. 1: r1 4. NAME OF DECEDENT FIRST MIDDLE LAS[ Archie 2. SEX 3e. DATE OF DEATH (Mo., ay. Yr.) 3b. TIME OF DEATH (24 Or, door() Mav 25, 2004 1730 DATE OF BIRTH (Mo., a Yr.) Mar. 4, 1911 5. AGE- L. Sbf d 7 93 1 u1 176MI o� a w. F u nowr I Fobn Canby) 6. BIRTHPLACE (00 5 Sfee w n Montpelier, Idaho 7 04?CU/: SECURITY NUMBER Confidential ee. PLACE 1 100PITAL one wra.pr r ene:I ALL OTHER LOCATIONS: OF D (fhsoA ony 1 1. Irlb.ssrd 1 l Nvrip Han. 6 R wld. nu fdry) 0.0 0.0 2 ERJ0•.petNM 03. DOA 1 7. Other (speed') eb. NAME OF HOSPITAL NURSING HOME OR OTHER FACLITY (dol48d a ho64 9h.:4b..f.dd...01kntrlw) Sandy Regional ion mil se. mil DECEDENT 14 ∎g o b� i 1 13. 0 Q V I CITY, TOWN, OR LOCATION OF DEATH Sandy Sd. COUNTY OF DEATH Salt Lake 9. SURVIVING SPOUSE (Hoak ph. rook). Mow) none 10.. EVER M THE U.S. 87 ARMED FORCE 1. We �g. No 11. MARITAL. STATUS e %M 1. Ns* Mari 3. eowed 2. Mewed 4. Divorced 120 DECEDENTS USUAL OCCUPATION Ow kind of work done during most of ~Nog Ate. Do NOT polio mitred) Business Owner 0 OF BUSINESS O INDUSTRY 12b. 101 E R M ns Clothing Apparel RESIDENCE STREET AND NUMBER 245 E. TJ Drive 130. CITY, TOWN OR COMIMUNTTY Sandy 136 COUNTY. Salt Lake 134. STATE Utah 13.. INSITE7 CITY 50C Y•• 2. No 13(. ZIP CODE 84070 14. WAS DEC OF HISPANIC ORIGIN7 1. We 2 No L7@C i. mssicsn 2 c•be, Puerto n 0 4. Ot or (Bpey) 3. PPuerto Rfu d 15. ,dyeRACE BO NK WNW. Mu. t.11rt (hb 8* (5 b peciq) wywwl White IS. EDUCATION (.sp.cMY anryhighest °r p�rtltlss e .mpl.O.d/ EYnt�d 'Y *Y (0.12) C60•96 (13- 1 8en d or 0 8 ►AREHTS 17. FATHERS NAME (POW. s,. Loot) HE Mdd Carl William Timnreck 19. MAIDEN NAME OF MOTHER (Fk MOM. 9-84 Annie Andersen INFORMANT 19. NAME. RELATIONSHIP AND MASJNG ADDRESS OF INFORMANT Robert Tirlmreck (son)\ 245 E. TJ• Drive Sandy, Urah 84070 01300 )10* 1 CETR1FRJl 1f9oLr p O 20. METHOD OF DISPSm0N Dollon 3.OIMr 1. Ertfonbment❑ 7 la at. euBone S. cl.wwknn❑ e. Rwndvel 21e. DATE of IMPOSTOR J ule 1, 2004 216 PLACE OF DISPOSITION Awn. 9..I.IIVV. s) e.•efery. Cr W pens) rr Oakeville Cemetery 216 LOCATION Cie a Town. SRN I Cokeville, Wyoming 22 810 TOE OF F`' SERVICE LICENSEE U 0 4LAA VII)'tt vvtl� 23. LICENSEE NUMBER 262018 24. FUNERAL HOME Morro and.ddrwel Broamhe Funeral Home a�d 0 W9LS u W0 1YS ICOW se T11 ryyM. A BY ('E R71FY e" ,----21)•••••f.) f 26.1 a Mt owUMfi M er. rd te.d9el eto.nYIN, ao d1.81 1190M4 W M:E7 1. Y« 2ND er,br dn. lnornr np.He M.E. CASE NO. x 1 WL MO DAY YEAR 12590 So. 2200 W. R.iV�on Ut:ah 84065 /j ER'TIFER 1. CERTIFYING MO PHYSICIAN PHYSICIAN To 6r bW W r7 knowledge d.e6n ommd N the ime. fists, and *or rd fir 1c IM eM+.e(s) end mNnerr u gated gated F 2. 0 _..,4 FFICNL' On the eels a wnin.9ort smiler YN.Mi9EtiaM1 in my 09 occurred a firth occurred Ms Nn.. dee. pees end dw 1. On e i 4L1 r ,.l WIRED L 4i 20. FF E88 OF PERSON WHO WIRED THE CAUSE OF DEATH 31)(7yp.4'rino Dr Mike. Jensen 50 E. 9000 So. Sandy, Utah 274. LICENSE N(.1NIER 11 1�;: �i 84070 271 DATE.61GNED Month, Coy, reef) 11CO1tTRJlR 29.0E 30s. 30L GATE REGISTRAR NOTIFIED OF DEATH (Mo., 0.y. W.) .,May 380. DATE FLED (No., aY, Yr.) 28. 200 �j C 1 -0 J CAUSS OP A TM OJ^ 1 UDH -SNIT Form 12. Rev. 121911 31. PART: ERMER 114E 14E INAJRIE8. on COMPLICATIONS TINT CAUSED THE MATH. DO NOT ENTER THE MODE OF DYING, *.cm Fs c 190 L' OR REBPI ATORY SHOCK OR NEMT FAILURE. UST ONLY ONE CAUSE ON EACH LSIE. I N.MEDIAIE CAUSE Moat S diatom ar AWN AWN oorx�Slon e. TD (ORAS A UE11�E in I/, t" Ili /L ui If.t fir ,H •'l TO(OR ASA EOUENCE0 Rlfy, m,,,.../l• UNDERLYING :5. pp Worm: A Bonw it 1 lY that .DUE TO (OR AS CONSEQUENCE OF): CAUSE Slonsta or Memo events resulting 1n Conebn PART' IL OOgler 819nIiMn oubb•e15 tdeelh PA not mulling w TM 9401° given In 32. IN YOUR OPINION, TOBACCO USE BY 714E DECEDENT: 1. Probrlly dnn.buse m 41. dw•se of dwh UMNb1 �5. NON USER 2. Wm Ws MB come d down IN El 3. OM not 94*09 to W. cow p1 "Ink "Ink El 6. F 1 0b ORM oMIME 4. Is Y.n In Motion l0 MIME 33e. WAS AN AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 1. We 42. No /y 330. WERE AUTOPSY FINDINGS AVAILABLE PRIOR TO COMPLEnon OF CAUSE OF DEATH 1. Yss 2 N 34. MANNER OF DEATH tg. Neerel 2 Aa0Mae VV- 03. Suicide 4. Homicide 3. Undierne d 6. Pending 4•�n 8 .s I •M Riper* or ondr Aaey 36. DATE OF INJURY (Mo., ay. Yr.) 360. Tf1E OF iegr (2I IbOTC10UV INJURY AT ORK7 365. W 0 1. Ye 2 No 3M P OF e k9R•e RPM ebeN. 1 P•�Y1 etcrr too* numb.; dryer loon, marrydror Sties.) 35e. LOCATICN vY eVry( /ender. was diver. 39. If Q .mMR9W P...e�n J 364 0ESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED Norm onceN wants meth rwdled a Injury: NATURE OF lAUURYWourO h. wlMed in Awn 31) JUN 1 9 2004 ok85 STATE OF UTAH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH W, Ad 18 -2503 CERTIFICATE OF DEATH LOCAL FI LE NUMBER DATE ISSUED SEP 15 2010 This is an exact reproduction of the document registered ih the State Office of Vital Statistics. Security features of this official document include: Intaglio Border, V R images in top cycloids, ultra violet fibers and hologram image of the Utah State Seal, over the words "State of Utah This document displays the date, seal and signature of the State Registrar of Vital. Statistics. Barry E. Nangle e "444, State Registrar 1r_vM DILuat CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECORD i 11 111 III 11111 Il *06 314195* STATE FILE NUMBER z00 005b5b UTAH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Office of Vital Records. Statistics Salt Lake City, Utah m J71- r' :F -:c s' to