HomeMy WebLinkAbout955700This Easement Agreement Amendment "Amendment is dated this day of April 2010, by and between NORTHWEST PIPELINE GP, located at 295 Chipeta Way, P.O. Box 58900, Salt Lake City UT 84158 -0900 "Grantee and WESTERN WYOMING RANGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP whose mailing address in PO Box 336, Lyman WY 82937, and BROADBENT LAND RESOURCES, L.L.C. a Utah limited liability company whose mailing address is PO Box 734, Evanston WY 82931, as tenants in common and "Grantor RECITALS: AMENDMENT TO EASEMENT AGREEMENT e 00328 A. Whereas by that certain Easement Agreement dated September 8, 2009 (the "Agreement granted and conveyed unto Grantee an easement and temporary extra workspace areas, over and through certain real property situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, as described and identified in the Agreement. AGREEMENT: NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises contained in this Amendment, Grantor grants to Grantee an amendment as described below: 1. The parties desire and agree to amend the Agreement to modify the easement distance and location in Section 25 of Township 20 North and Range 115 West in Lincoln County WY as shown on Exhibit WWR- MP15, pages 1 and 2, and Exhibit K which illustrate the pipeline easement and workspace. 2. The parties agree that Exhibit WWR -MP15, pages 1 and 2, dated April 17, 2009 and Exhibit K, dated February 26, 2009 will be replaced with exhibits of the same name and with a revision date of January 13, 2010. 3. The parties agree that the approximate number of rods as noted in the first paragraph of the Agreement will be modified to 2,072.93 rods as a result of the changes in easement distance. 4. The parties agree to eliminate the Triticale from the reseeding requirements and this will reduce the pounds of seed from 22 lbs. per acre to 16 lbs. per acre when drilled and from 44 lbs. per acre to 32 lbs. per acre when broadcast. This Amendment shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties to this Amendment. Except as amended, all terms, conditions and provisions of the existing Easement Agreement shall remain and continue in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment as of this )'u day of April 2010. ATTEST: WESTERN WYO ING RANGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP: p Secratary: 1 -�-L- Ge- D. Jud edden Vice President Carl Larson RECEIVED 9/27/2010 at 12:54 PM RECEIVING 955700 BOOK: 754 PAGE: 328 JEANNE WAGNER -r -n,-r1 I A A./ T LAND AND R URCES, L. BRO roadbe anager NORTHWE PI ELI C. Scott `atterson, Attorney -in -Fact STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF UINTA On this /44 day of April 2010, before me personally appeared D. Jud Redden and Carl Larson, to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did say that they are the Vice President and Secretary, of the Western Wyoming Operating, Inc., general partner, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said D. Jud Redden and Carl Larson acknowledg- s said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. My Commission Expires` STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF UINTA )ss. )ss. My -Cc r`QIssi on i=xptr s STATE 0.', ,A.4'' R )ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE My Commission Expires: 4 /1/4 l 0 ACKNOWLEDGMENT .y Public SUSAN TOOMER NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF UINTA MY COMMIS ;ION EXPIRES JULY 20, 2012 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Joseph S. Broadbent, Manager of Broadbent Land and Resources, L.L.C., this g day of April 2010. Notary Publ ACKNOWLEDGMENT---ATTORNEY-IN-FACT Notary Public STATE OF WYOMING On the a day of April 2010, C. Scott Patterson, personally appeared before me and being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the Attorney -in -Fact of Northwest Pipeline GP, and that the Agreement was signed on behalf of Northwest Pipeline GP and said C. Scott Patterson acknowledged to me that he as such Attorney -in -Fact executed the same. am iiriatig 360 Oa NW i y y 1"t UT 29 SECTION 25, T20N -R115W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING L 23 26 26 35 24 25 25 36 TERMINUS POINT PARCEL# 2015- 251 -00 -003 PERMANENT EASEMENT DETAIL N. T.S. THIS SKETCH REPRESENTS ONLY A PIPELINE SURVEY DONE ON THE GROUND AND DOES NOT REFLECT A BOUNDARY SURVEY; BEARINGS AND DISTANCES SHOWN HEREIN ARE DERIVED FROM EXISTING MAPS, DOCUMENTS AND OR AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY. N56 °14'45 "W 2982.44' NEW 30" LINE PERMANENT EASEMENT N70 °53'49 "W 1823.39' SEE PAGE 2 OF 2 FOR CENTERLINE DESCRIPTION 0' 500' 1000' 111111M MIN SCALE: 00 24 19 25 30 P.D.B. 25 4 30 36 31 50 FOOT EASEMENT R/W SURVEY LENGTH 4805.8 FEET (291.3 RODS) MORE OR LESS TOTAL EASEMENT 5.51 ACRES MORE OR LESS NORTHWEST PIPELINE GP SUNDANCE TRAIL PROJECT SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH SCALE: 1 1000' DATE: 4 -17 -09 A PROPOSED 30" PIPELINE CROSSING LANDS OF WESTERN WY. RANGE LMT. PTSHP. LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING DRAWN BY: KLL REV 1 CENTERLINE CORRECTION (1- 13 -10) EXHIBIT WWR -MP15 1 of 2 A FIFTY (50) FOOT WIDE PERMANENT PIPELINE EASEMENT Being a fifty (50) foot wide permanent easement lying twenty five (25) feet Southwesterly and twenty five (25) feet Northeasterly of the following described survey centerline. Extending over, through, and across a tract of land located within the North Half of Section 25, Township 20 North, Range 115 West, 6th Principle Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming. BEGINNING at a point on the East line of said North Half of Said Section 25, said point bears N 00 °29'48" W along section line a distance of 3195.45 feet from the Southeast Section corner of said Section 25. THENCE N 70 °53'49" W, a distance of 1823.39 feet; THENCE N 56 °14'45" W, a distance of 2982.44 feet; to a point of terminus of the herein described easement in the Northwest Quarter of said Section 25. Said Fifty (50) foot wide permanent easement being 4805.8 Feet (291.3 Rods) in length and containing 5.51 Acres more or less. THIS DESCRIPTION REPRESENTS ONLY A PIPELINE SURVEY DONE ON THE GROUND AND DOES NOT REFLECT A BOUNDARY SURVEY; BEARINGS AND DISTANCES SHOWN HEREIN ARE DERIVED FROM EXISTING MAPS, DOCUMENTS AND OR AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY. 6.331 NORTHWEST PIPELINE GP SUNDANCE TRAIL PROJECT SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH SCALE: NONE DATE: 4 -17 -09 A PROPOSED 30" PIPELINE CROSSING LANDS OF WESTERN WY. RANGE LMT. PTSHP. LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING DRAWN BY: KLL REV 1 CENTERLINE CORRECTION (1- 13 -10) EXHIBIT WWR-MP1 5 2 of 2 CONSTRUCTION TOTALS: 240,064 sq. ft. (5.51 Ac.) Permanent Right -of -Way 234,669 sq. ft. (5.39 Ac.) Temporary Construction Right -of -Way 14,879 sq. ft. (0.34 Ac.) Temporary Extra Work Area 15 WESTERN WY. RANGE LMT. PTSHP. 2015 251 -00 -003 0 500 1,000 (....10U2332 Feet 1 2,000 Legend /A Property Parcel Proposed Sundance Trail Pipeline Temporary Extra Work Area Construction Right Of Way Permanent Right Of Way NORTHWEST PIPELINE GP WESTERN WY. RANGE LMT. PTSHP. PROPERTY EXHIBIT 30" SUNDANCE TRAIL EXPANSION PROJECT M.P. 15 SEC. 25, T -20 -N, R -115 -W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING Williams. GAS PIPELINE DWG. BY: KLL I DATE: 2/26/2009 I ISSUED FOR BID: I SCALE: CHK BY: DATE: ISSUED FOR CONTS: Milepost REV 1 CENTERLINE CORRECTION 11.13 -101 DRAWING Ex K NUMBER: SHEET