1. I, Betty Hoffman, residing in Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming, hereby revoke
any and all former powers of attorney made by me and appoint Rae DeGraw of Evanston,
Wyoming, as my Agent to do any and all acts which I could do if personally present.
2. This power of attorney shall not be affected by any subsequent disability or
incapacity from which I may suffer.
3. I intend to give my Agent the fullest powers possible, subject to the laws and
standards applicable to fiduciaries, and do not intend by the enumeration of her powers below to
limit or reduce them in any fashion.
4. Among the powers hereby granted to my Agent are to:
a. Receive goods and money: To demand, sue for, recover and receive all
debts, rents, interest, money, goods, and chattels due to me or that may become due to me
and which belong to me or to which I may be entitled to possess; to execute and deliver
receipts, releases and discharges; to make, endorse, accept or deliver commercial paper,
agreements, and other instruments;
b. Manage real estate: To take possession of any real estate that belongs to
me or to which I may be entitled to possess; to receive any rents or profits that may be
due from real estate; to enter into new leases for any term, renew or extend any existing
leases for any term; to sell, convey, or mortgage any real estate affected bit this document;
to commence and prosecute any suits or actions for either recovery of the possession of
any real estate belonging to me or to which I may be entitled or for the rents and profits
due from such real estate;
c. Motor vehicles: To apply for a Certificate of Title, and endorse and
transfer such title, for any motor vehicle, and to represent in such transfer assignment that
the title to said motor vehicle is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except those
specifically set forth in such transfer assignment;
d. Investments: To invest and reinvest in loans, stocks, bonds, securities, real
estate, life insurance, annuities, endowment policies, any other proper investment or
combinations thereof; to reduce the interest rate at any time and from time to time on any
mortgage or land contract; to deal with and give instructions to any brokerage firm with
respect to the purchase, sale or other disposition of securities and other assets; to add
assets to or withdraw assets from any account in my name and sign any representation,
certification or agreement, including agreements regarding margin, option trading, or
commodities accounts;
e. Stock: To vote at all stockholder meetings of corporations and otherwise
to act as my proxy or representative in respect to any shares now held or which may
hereafter be acquired by me and for that purpose to sign and execute any proxies or other
instruments in my name or on my behalf; to sell, assign, transfer, and deliver any and all
shares of stock standing in my name on the books of any corporation, of which I may be,
in equity or otherwise, beneficially entitled, and for that purpose to make and execute all
necessary acts of assignment and transfer;
f. Gifts: To make gifts of any and all of my assets or property to charitable
organizations, family members and friends, including Agent or my successor Agent(s),
who would be likely beneficiaries of my gifts; to make transfers for the purpose of
allowing me or my estate to qualify for governmental benefits, including but not limited
to Medicaid;
g. Debts and expenses: To pay, compromise, and settle any and all bills,
loans, notes, or other forms of indebtedness owed by me at the present time, or which
may be owed by me or incurred by my Agent for my benefit at any time in the future; to
incur and pay from any of my assets or property all reasonable expenses in connection
with control, management, and supervision of my property, and the maintenance, support,
care, and comfort of myself and those dependent upon me, including reasonable
compensation for the services of my Agent;
h. Borrow: To borrow from time to time such sums of money and upon such
terms as may be proper or expedient, secured upon any of my property or unsecured; to
give, execute, deliver, and acknowledge promissory notes and /or renewals thereof,
mortgages, pledges and guarantees;
i. Appear in actions and suits: To appear, answer, and defend all actions and
suits that may be brought against me in my name; to compromise, settle or adjust them or
any other claims against me in any other manner;
j. Banking powers: To make, draw, sign in my name, deliver and execute
checks and drafts, receipts for moneys, notes, or other orders for the payment of money
against, or otherwise make withdrawals from any commercial, checking or savings
account which I have in my sole name or in joint name with other persons, in any bank or
financial institution;
k. Enter safe deposit boxes: To enter to inspect or remove the contents of
any safe deposit box registered in my name;
1. Employ Agents: To employ, compensate and discharge Agents,
accountants, attorneys, appraisers, financial consultants, real estate brokers, and other
professional assistants for services rendered;
m. Governmental Benefits: To make application to any governmental agency
for any benefit or governmental obligation to which I may be entitled; to endorse any
checks or drafts made payable to me from any governmental agency for my benefit; and
n. Tax returns: To prepare, execute, and file reports, returns, declarations,
forms and statements of any and all tax purposes including income tax, gift tax, real
estate tax, personal property tax, intangibles tax, single business tax, or any other kind of
tax whatsoever; to pay such taxes or any interest or penalty thereon or additions thereto;
to make and file objections, protests, claims for abatement, refunds or credits in relation
to any such tax proposed, levied, or paid; to represent me and to institute and prosecute
proceedings in court or before any administrative authority to contest any such tax in
whole or in part or for recovery of any amount paid in respect to any such tax; to defend
or settle any amount paid in respect to any such tax; to give full and final receipt for any
refund or credit and to endorse and collect any checks or other vouchers therefore.
o. Trusts: To make transfers of property to add to or fund a revocable trust or
into joint tenancy or other non probate form subject to a declaration of trust, if such trust
or declaration of trust was created by me prior to my disability or incapacity and has not
been revoked by me.
5. A photostatic copy of this Durable Power of Attorney shall serve in the same stead
as an original.
DATED this 6th day of April, 20hO.
My commission expires:
The foregoing Durable Power of Attorney was acknowledged before me by Betty
Hoffman, this 6 day of April, 2010. Witness my hand and official seal.
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