HomeMy WebLinkAbout955757OR 3b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME :Cacho FIRST NAME Earl MIDDLE NAME James SUFFIX 3c. MAILING ADDRESS c/o 145 Elkhorn Drive CITY Alpine STATE WY POSTAL CODE 83128 COUNTRY uSA UCC FINANCING STATEMENT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY A. NAME PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER [optional] B. SEND ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: (Name and Address) :Earl James: Cacho c/o Forward Agent 145 Elkhorn Drive Alpine, Wyoming, 83128 uSA L J 1. DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME insert only one debtor name (la or lb) do not abbreviate or combine names E 1b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME IVE ADD'L INFO RE Ile. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION DEBTOR EBTOR I ENS LEGIS/TRUST FIRST NAME CITY ALPINE 1f. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION PRIVATE MIDDLE NAME STATE WY POSTAL CODE 83128 lg. ORGANIZATIONAL ID if any 1a. ORGANIZATIONS NA EARL JAMES CACHO TRADE NAME OR lc. MAILING ADDRESS 145 ELKHORN D 1d. TAX ID SSN OR EIN 2. ADDITIONAL DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME insert only one debtor name (2a or 2b) do not abbreviate or combine names 2a. ORGANIZATIONS NAME 2b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME MAILING ADDRESS AX ID SSN OR EIN ADD'L INFO RE Ile. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION DEBTOR I FIRST NAME CITY 2f. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION MIDDLE NAME STATE POSTAL CODE 2g. ORGANIZATIONAL ID if any OR 2c. 2d. 3. SECURED PARTY'S NAME (or NAME of TOTAL ASSIGNEE of ASSIGNOR S/P) insert only one secured party name (3a or 3b) 3a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME 4. This FINANCING STATEMENT covers the following collateral: This is the entry of the collateral record owner; Earl James: Cacho and of the DEBTOR, EARL JAMES CACHO, in the Commercial Chamber under necessity of the following property is hereby registered in the same. The claims of each Respondent or any third party are now subordinate and inferior to the claim of the Secured Party and are stopped from making any future claims against the Secured Party until the full amount of the commercial claim declared herein has been redeemed with full complete remuneration to :Earl James: Cacho Secured Party. :Earl James: Cacho has a vested interest in the amount of $237,000.00 in the property described as follows: All proceeds, products, accounts, fixtures, timber, minerals, etc. and the orders therefrom are released to the Debtor. 5. ALTERNATIVE DESIGNATION [f applicable): LESSEE /LESSOR See Exhibit "A" 8, OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA Secured Party :Earl James: Cacho 1/ EMENT FILING OFFICE COPY F INANCING ST NATIONAL UCC (FORM UCC1) (REV. 07/29/98) RECEIVED 9/29/2010 at 1:03 PM RECEIVING 955757 BOOK: 754 PAGE: 616 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY O y'/ THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY CONSIGNEE/CONSIGNOR BAILEE /BAILOR SELLER/BUYER AG. LIEN SUFFIX COUNTRY US SUFFIX COUNTRY ONE ONE 1 r1 1 ar is or recor. or recor.e. m l e ar T. 1 fide I. r.m 10.1,0 1 A t All Debtors Debtor 1 NON -UCC FILING Debtor 2 OR 11a. ORGANIZATIONS NAME 11b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 11c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY 1Id. TAX ID SSN OR EN ADD'L INFO RE 111e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION DEBTOR I 11f. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 11g. ORGANIZATIONAL ID if any riNONE 12.11 OR ADDITIONAL SECURED PARTY'S sr UASSIGNOR S /P'S NAME insert only one name (12a or 12b) 12a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME 12b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 12c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY 13. This FINANCING STATEMENT collateral, or is filed as a 14. Description of real estate Legal Description: Lot No. 1, Plat 3 Amended R118 S18 Location: 145 Elkhorn Assessor's Parcel Number Account I.D. 10914542 15. Name and address of a RECORD (if Debtor does not have a record covers Ljtimber to be cut or as- extracted fixture .JJJJJJ tiling. 68B of Alpine Village Subdivision Lincoln County, Wyoming T37 Drive, Alpine Wyoming state uSA 12- 3718- 18 -4 -02- 010.00 OWNER of above described real estate interest): 16. Additional collateral description: 17. Check only if applicable and check only one box. Debtor is a in Trust or 0 Trustee acting with respect to property held in trust or n Decedent's Estate 18. .t Check only if applicable and check only ona box. Debtor is a TRANSMITTING UTILITY Filod in connection with a Manufactured -Home Transaction effective 30 years Filed in connection with a Public- Finance Transaction effective 30 years UCC FINANCING STATEMENTADDENDUM FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY 9. NAME OF FIRST DEBTOR (la or lb) ON RELATED FINANCING STATEMENT 9a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME EARL JAMES CACHO TRADE NAME 9b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME MISCELLANEOUS: FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME,SUFFIX OR 10. 11. ADDITIONAL DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME insert only =name (11a or 11b) do not abbreviate or combine names FILING OFFICE COPY NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEMENT ADDENDUM (FORM UCC1Ad) (REV. 07/29/98) 0 0 $617 THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY Exhibit "A" COMMON LAW LIEN "DULY NOTED" AT PRESENTMENT CEASE AND DESIST ORDER TO ANY SALE OF PROPERTY Tender Regarding Property made this first day of the first month in the year of our Saviour, two thousand ten, and in the two hundred thirty -fourth year of American Independence, by Rightful Owner of Interest. Name: Earl James Cacho Domicile: c/o Forwarding Agent, 145 Elkhorn Drive City: Alpine, Wyoming State uSA (Fully spelled out no ZIP Code used) 000 618 Official Notice to All Officials, Agents, Auctioneers, Public. RE: Concerning Private Property Legal Description: All that certain parcel of land being situate in Alpine, County Lincoln, state of Wyoming further described as follows: LOT 68B of Alpine Village Subdivision No. 1, Plat 3 Amended Lincoln County, Wyoming T37 R118 S18 Location: 145 Elkhorn Drive, Alpine Wyoming State uSA Assessor's Parcel No: 12-3718-18-4-02-010.00 There is no consideration of One Dollar lawful money of the united States of America, Article I Section 10 and Articlel Section 8. Therefore, since the Federal Reserve Note does not meet the true test of money, nothing other than gold and silver coin may be collected in lieu of debt unless your agency goes against the United States Constitution. I, Earl James Cacho, have rightful ownership to and /or lawful interest in the above mentioned property. DEMAND is made upon ALL Public Officials and Servants under Penalty not modify or remove this lien in any manner. This Lien is made to secure the Rights pursuant to the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. Common Law Liens "At Law" supersede mortgages and equity liens, Drummond Carriage Co. v. Mills (1898) 74 N.W. 966; Hewitt v. William, 47 La. Ann. 742, 17 So. 269; Carr v. Dell 19 S.E. 235; McMahon v. Ludin 58 N.W., 827 and may be satisfied only when Exhibit "A" a Court of Common Law is called to convene pursuant to order the elected Sheriff under Amendment 7 of the Bill of Rights. 000619 Such Common Law Court forbids the presence of any Judge or lawyer from participating or presiding, or the practice of any equity law. The ruling of the United States Supreme Court in Rich v. Braxton 158 U.S. 375 specifically forbids Judges from invoking equity jurisdiction to remove Common Law Liens or similar "Clouds on Title Further, even if a preponderance of evidence displays the lien to be void or voidable, the equity court still may not proceed until the moving party has proven that he /she asks for and comes to "equity" with "Clean Hands Trice v. Comstock 121 Fed. 620; West v. Washburn 138 NY Supp. Any official who attempts to modify or remove the Common Law Lien is full liable for damages. U.S. Supreme Ct; Butz v. Economoy U.S. 98 S. Ct 2894; Bell v. Hood 327 US 678; Belinap v. Schiold 161 US 10; US v. Lee 106 US 196; Bivens v. 6 unknown Agents 400 US 862; Halperin v. CIA (629 F .2d 1063 (1972); US v. Nixon 418 U.S. 683 (1974). This Lien is not dischargeable for 100 years and cannot be extinguished due to my death whether accidentally or purposely, or by my heirs, assigns or executors. NOW THEREFORE; if said Lien shall be well and truly paid according to its tenor to the lienor or rescinded by the lienor herein named, then this Title shall be void, otherwise All Right Title, Interest, Use and Full control of the herein described property will remain in full Force and Effect forever to the Lienor herein named or his or her heirs and or assigns. TOGETHER with all and singular the Private Property, improvements, electronics, right, liberties, properties, etc. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD All and singular to the Lienor for proper use forever. TO WIT: the above mentioned Property for Two Hundred Thirty Seven Thousand 00/100 (237,000.00) lawful dollars in gold or silver coin in circulation today regulated and at a standard price, and not Federal Reserve Notes. Deuteronomy 15:13: which prevents me from dealing in deceit, fraud and corruption. My Sincere Religious Convictions mandate that 1 have all the Power, Rights and Duty to "Change, Alter or Abolish the government" as I see fit. "The benefits" of the Constitution must be maintained by a belligerent claimant in person "Judge learned Hand" 1947. I hereby demand you immediately Cease and Desist and release such property. The authority of your agency comes with "Unclean hands "Failure to Disclose" and in "Lack of Good Faith You are required to present the "Sworn affidavit" you use on the notice to secure levy and seizure. Furthermore, I Saith Not. Deuteronomy 19:15 "so at the mouth of two or more witnesses so shall the matter be established 1.) Lienor Common Law Seal (thumb pri *See attached Jurat Exhibit "A" i� O�UJ62O Exhibit "A" "Common Law Lien in Law, supersede mortages and equity liens Drummond Carriage Co. v. Mills, (1878) 71 N. PV. 99; Hewitt v. Williams, ITLa. Arm. 742, 173o. 269, Carry. Dual, 19S.E. 235; McMahan v. Ludin, N. 1837, and may be satisfied only when a Court of Common Law (twelve (12) good freemen who know the law and mean to keep it well) are called convene pursuant to order of a de jure sheriff or constable under the Seventh Article of the Amendments of our Bill of Rights. Such Common Law Courts forbid the presence, participation or presiding of any judge(s), Lawyers and /or Attorneys, nor the practice of equity law. The ruling of the supreme court of the United State in Rich v. Braxton, 158 US 375, specifically forbids judges invoking equity jurisdiction to remove Common Saw Liens or similar "Clouds of Title Further; even if a preponderance of the evidence displays the lien to be void or voidable, the equity court still can not proceed until the moving party has proven that he asks for and comes "to equity" with "clean hands Trice v. Comstock, 57 C.C.A, 646, Wear v. Washburn, Alp. D 460,138 N. Y. Supp 230. Any official who attempts to remove or modify these Common Law Liens is fully liable for the damages pursuant to the mandatory rulings of the supreme court of the United States, in Rutz v. Econniu, 478 US 478, 98 5. Ct. 2894; Bell s'. Llood, 327 US 678; Belknap v. Halperin v Nixon, 1979; See also, Gould v Day, 94 US, 405,24 L. Ed., 232; Klever v. Williams, 47 L Ann 742, 17 So. 269. Only the "Secured Party can Lawfully remove these Common Law Liens or by the debtor paying the "Secured Party" in full. See your own by -laws, U.C.C., and Brookfield Construction Co. Inc. v. Stuart (1964) 234 F Supp. 94, 99 (US.DC) and Youngstown Sheet Tube Co. v. Sawyer, (1952) 343 US 579. Notice to Principal is Notice to agent and Notice to agent is Notice to Principal Dated this o2 '-f day of Ste' Jd ,2010 62i Without Prejudice Earl James: ac o, ecured Party Creditor, Authori Representative, Attorney -In -Fact in behalf of EARL JAMES CACHO, ENS Legis All Purpose Acknowledgement State of W Vomi'I c- County of LI I1JC.04P4 On k 4 1 (date) Personally appeared, E ELI-• (J C14CF-4 O personally known to me OR I.L.,L E V..lOi laEIVEN t.uUINITY OF P_5lmlf; ;ouNr MV cG.6itew k (seal) Partner(s) Attorney- In.:Fact Trustee(s) Guardian/Consenrator Other. ii3TARY pasa uc S N1 E ut: W'YOMINu RFSAPP'SPP IN 2011 titles) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER (PRINCIPAL) individual Corporation Officer SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: Name of Person(s) OR Entity(ies) before me, L.66 CIE V. J 012.f7 5 EA/ (notary) WITNESS my hand and official seal (signers) proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personwhose nameis/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/ffir #key executed the same in hist efhelr authorized capacity and that by his/tyef ae it signatures'jon the instrument the pe or the entity upon behalf of which the person(e acted, executed the instrument OPTIONAL INFORMATION (notary signature) The information below is not required by law. However, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this acknowledgement to an unauthorized document. DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT cp mo1.1 LAS/" OVU( N0TEO AT P Les 9 C(- �C. Pt_"' TO C6:456 Apo Qa5i6• 0 TAT- to 1 Title or Type of Document Right Thumbprint of Signer (if required) Number of Pages Date of Document Other State of Wyoming County of Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on t its e 7 1 .1 day of `J ept LA L 0?tfl1E5 6..Act4 o proved to me of the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the per )n(s) who appeared before me. Signature l LESL1€ 'J iCi;.GEAS :iV UN a U LlNc C. MY COMMISSION Exr ;RE, JURAT NOTARY PUW IC 20to, by ✓623