HomeMy WebLinkAbout8728088128 WARRANTY DEED 13C)OK,__ .Pk PAGE 842 Kelly Ann Peternal Thoman, Robert J. Peternal, and Ellen Tonry Peternal, as Successor Trustees of the Peternal Family Land Trust dated January 8, 1985, Grantor, of Lincoln County, Wyoming, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS TO the Catholic Diocese of Cheyenne, Grantee, of 2121 Capitol Avenue, Cheyenne, WY 82003, the following- described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, to -wit: That part of the SW of Section 32, T25N, R116W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of said SW1�1 S89° -54.7' E, 222.49 feet from the west one-quarter corner of said Section 32 found as described in the Certified Land Corner Recordation Certificate of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; thence N00° -05.3' E, 835.60 feet to a point; thence S89 54.7E, 521.34 parallel to said south line to a point; thence S00 05.3'W, 835.60 feet parallel to the west line of this tract to a point on the said south line of the SW thence 89 54.7'W, 521.34' along said south line to the POINT OF BEGINNING; encompassing an area of 10.00 acres, more or less; the base bearing for this description was the west line of the NW'% of said Section 32 being N00 -04'W; each "point" marked by a steel T- shaped stake 24" long with metal cap inscribed "PAUL N. SCHERBEL RLS164 SURVEY POINT all in accordance with the plat prepared and filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled "PETERNAL BROTHERS, INCORPORATED PLAT OF TRACT AND DIVISION OF SECTION 32 T25N R116W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING" dated 6 December 1983. Together with all buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances located thereon or appurtenant thereto, all equipment, tools, machinery, appliances, implements, and in general, all items of personal property of every nature and description, whether or not the same be affixed to said real property, which are located on and used in connection with the operation of said real property, and all water and water rights belonging to or used upon or in connection with said real property, however evidenced, including but not limited to all shares of stock in any company representing any such water or water rights, and all grazing privileges, if any, granted by the State of Wyoming,. the United States Department of Interior and Uinta Development. Subject to all rights -of -way, ditches and ditch rights, easements, oil and gas leases, restrictions, covenants, INCOLN COLINI Y 0 PI T23 1:58 NN:,, ACNEB 'S86T '8 Az2flU f palPp gsnay pueri ATTmpd TPuaagad agf go aaJsnzy zossaoons 'Taualad •r gzago2i Aq 'TOOZ TT.zdy go APp ipLT GP-1g aui azo ;aq pabpaTMou}{aa SPM quaulnagsuz buTobaao; pup anoqS auy COOL .9Z aunt sendx3 uoissmaoo OMWOAM dO 31d1S 1NOW3114 A1NC103� 11'1 'jv \r 0 t N S3 SOH 3 ef le I ir 110 paTap gsnay pua2 ATTu s 2M uawnaq5 6UT Og pup GAO Iauaa ;aa uuV ATTa?i Aq am aao ;aq pabpaTMOUxoa TOOZ aagsnay aossaoonS 'T1?u.za Aauoy uaTTS ri aalsnay zossaoos TPuzagad f agoE aagsnzy zossaoons uaulogy Truaagad Law TTa S86T '8 AaPnuPr paTsp fld 3SI QNKrI ArIItni`da rIVN2i3,L'3d 'asn 1 700Z `TT Azsnusf saaTdxg uOTSSTWWOJ AN T� d Az qON Teas TaTOTggo pug p ulo3uT7 3O AINnoD ss aim's ONIWOAM dO LS SHL SS saXTdxS uoTssTuimoD AN TPas TPTDTggo pup puag Au1 SSSN.IIM TPuaagad auf go a snzy aossaoons TOOZ ;o 'CEP 'S86T '8 Az2nuar auy AO ALNI100 `JNIWOAM dO S,LK,LS SH,L go App QC sT'f spuau ano SSHN,LIM •Arznba uT pup Mai uT aigpaoaogua JO gg6TS UT JO pzooaa go suoTqpAiasaa pup SUOT Tpuoo uVulou r szIn es?* S THE STATE OF WYOMING ss COUNTY OF The above and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 20 day of (t pr. 1 2001, by Ellen Tonry Peternal, Successor Trustee of the Peternal Family Land Trust dated January 8, 1985. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: 8 4 f N :..r NOW Y PU -LIC JACQUELINE HUGHES, -.9v, COUNTY OF FREMONT '•�:a' STATE OF WYOMING dv My Commission Expires June 26, 2001 3