HomeMy WebLinkAbout877020COUNTY OF LINCOLN AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP I, CATHERINE A. VEIGEL, being first duly swom, states as follows: 1. That on May 26, 1989, WILLIAM J. MATHESON and HAZEL L. MATHESON, conveyed the property described in the Warranty Deed attached hereto as Exhibit A to WILLIAM J. MATHESON, HAZEL L. MATHESON and CATHERINE A. VEIGEL with rights of survivorship. 2. That on August 11, 1989, HAZEL LUCIA MATHESON passed away, a copy of the Death Certificate is attached as Exhibit B. 3. That on February 26, 2001, WILLIAM J. MATESON passed away, a copy of the Death Certificate is attached as Exhibit C. 4. That becaUse of the foregoing, CATHERINE A. VEIGEL has full rights of survivorship and title to the subject property described in the Warranty Deed attached hereto as Exhibit A. DATED this /t~~g~ day of October, 2001. .J~//.] 1)/ The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me by Catherine A. Veigel this day of October, 2001. Witness mY hand and °fficial seal' NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: County of ~ Slate of My Commission Expire~ ,6-3-201~ STATE OF WYOMING : '~: '" ' ' ':"' DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ~A~E.~E. CERTIFICATE OF DEATH ~ .~ . , ~^~,~.,.~. :~ . .... · WILLIAM JEFFERSON MATHESON / MALE FEBRUARY 2:~', 2OO1 565-05-7983 ~:~:, MACHINES : 110 HOOP!TAg ;:~ANE WYOM1N( : 'L:!N~OLN ? A~[~ON~ .... ' : ~ ; · - .... ~i: ': ~ i'Z: ~ :" '. ~: :~ ~[ ,i;~: ': ':SCHWAB MORtI AVE., AFTON O, D, 8 .' 0 This is a ~rue Aha exact ~productio~ ~ the documen~ on file in the oflfce of Vita~ McCaffr~¢' / Deputy State Registrar Th[s copy is not va[rd uRJess prepared on paper with an eng aved ~rder d sp~ay[~9 the date, sea and signa[ure of the Depd[~ State Reg;strar, · : 735 WARRANTY DEED Catherine Ann Veigel, grantor of County of Lincoln, and State of Wyoming, for and in consideration ofTEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to Heath Dirk and Carrie Jensen, husband and wife, tenants by the entireties, grantees of County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, the following described real estate situate in ' County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all fights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: Beginning at a point of the Southwest Comer of Lot 3 in Block 10 of the Afion Townsite, Lincoln County, Wyoming and running thence North 6 1/2 rods, thence East 4'rods; thence South 6 1/2 rods; thence West 4 rods to the place of beginning. Together with and including all improvements thereon and all appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging. Subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, rights and rights-of-way of sight and/or record. Together with all water rights, mineral rights, improvements and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereunto. Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. WITNESS our hands this ~--~day of October, 2001. '"' CATHERINE ANN VEIGE ,~/- STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss.' COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The fbregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Catherine Ann ",7,' 7,~' r '') 7A ..-:~---. ~ Veiget this ~. ~ .... ( day of~o(~:.~'tx~:-~.~., 2001. W~TNESS my hahd and official seal. A\ "~O~ARy,,¢uB~i-C My Commission Expires: