LOTS 101,102, 103, 104, AND 105 OF THE
THIS DECLARATION, made on the date hereinafter by Afton Golf LLC, a Wyoming
limited liability company, hereinafter referred to as "Declarant
WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain property in the Town of Afton, County of
Lincoln, State of Wyoming, which is more particularly described as:
Lots 101, 102, 103, 104, and 105 of Valli -Vu Golf Villas, an Addition to the town of
Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat filed on October 3, 2007, as
Instrument No. 933678 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk.
NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares that all of the properties described above
shall be held, sold and conveyed subject to the following restrictions, covenants and conditions,
which are for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of, and which shall run with,
the real property and be binding on all parties having any right, title or interest in the described
properties or any part thereof, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of
each owner thereof.
1. "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons or
entities, of a fee simple title to any Lot which is a part of the Properties, including contract
buyers, but excluding those having such interest merely as security for the performance of an
2. "Properties" shall mean and refer to Lots 101, 102, 103, 104, and 105 of Valli -Vu Golf
Villas, an Addition to the town of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official
plat filed on October 3, 2007, as Instrument No. 933678 of the records of the Lincoln County
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Clerk, and such additions thereto as may hereafter be made subject to this Declaration as
3. "Lot" shall mean and refer to the individual lots which are identified and defined
above as the "Properties
4. "Declarant" shall mean and refer to Afton Golf LLC, a Wyoming limited liability
company and its successor and assigns.
5. "Plat" shall mean the subdivision plat map for the of Valli -Vu Golf Villas, an
ADDITION to the town of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming filed on October 3, 2007, as
Instrument No. 933678 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk.
6. "Living Units" shall mean residential town home structures which exist and have been
constructed on the Lots.
1. Use of Lots and Living Units. All Lots have been improved with Living Units and
are restricted to such use. Each Living Unit shall be used only as a single family residence. No
commercial business shall be permitted in the Properties. No Lot or Living Unit shall be
occupied or altered in violation of law or in a way which unreasonably interferes with the rights
of any Owner of any of the Lots.
2. Architectural Control. No building, garage, structure, fence, wall, retaining wall, patio
cover or other structure or improvement of any kind shall be commenced, painted, erected,
added, placed, constructed, altered, reconstructed or maintained upon any Lot, nor shall there be
any change made to the exterior of improvements on any Lot by way of alteration, addition,
repairing or remodeling, until the detailed plans and specifications showing the nature, kind,
shape, dimensions, materials and location of the same kind, shape, dimensions, materials and
location the same on the Lot shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the
Architectural Control Committee as to harmony of external design and of color with existing
structures, and as to location in relation to surrounding structures and topography and finish
grade elevations. The Committee shall approve proposals or plans and specifications submitted
for its approval only if it deems that 1) the construction, alterations or additions contemplated
thereby in the locations indicated will not be detrimental to the appearance of the surrounding
Lots, 2) the appearance of any structure affected thereby will be in harmony with the surrounding
structures, and 3) that the upkeep and maintenance thereof will not become a burden on the other
3. Ordinance Compliance. Any structure that is constructed or placed on any Lot shall
comply fully with the ordinances of the Town of Afton or any approved variances thereto,
including, but not limited to, the set -back requirements.
4. Owner Repair Obligations. The repair and replacement of party walls is addressed in
Article III. In all other instances, it shall be the duty of each Owner, at his sole cost and expense,
to maintain, repair, replace and restore his Lot and any improvements located thereon, and to
keep them in a neat, sanitary and attractive condition. In the event that any Owner shall permit
his Lot or any improvement located therein to fall into disrepair or not to be so maintained so as
to create a dangerous or unsafe, condition, or otherwise violate this Declaration, the Committee
or any other affected Owner shall have the right, but not the duty, upon fifteen days prior written
notice, to pursue the remedies provided for in Article V hereof, and to make such repairs or to
perform such maintenance and the cost thereof shall be charged to the Owner and become a lien
upon his Lot and improvements, which lien may be foreclosed as a mortgage under Wyoming
Law by the Owner(s) who pays for such repairs or maintenance.
5. Garbage and Refuse Disposal. Rubbish, trash or garbage shall not be kept except in
sanitary containers. All containers, cans or other equipment for the storage of such material shall
be kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
6. Easements. Easements are reserved as shown on the recorded plat for installation and
maintenance of utilities. Within these easements, no structure, planting or other material shall be
placed or permitted to remain which may damage or interfere with the installation and
maintenance of utilities, or which may change the direction of flow of drainage channels in the
easements, or which may obstruct or retard the flow of water through drainage channels in the
easements. The easement area of each Lot and all improvements in it shall be maintained
continuously by the Owner of the Lot, except those improvements for which a public authority or
utility company is responsible. However, nothing in this paragraph shall be interpreted as
prohibiting construction of walks, driveways, etc., over the easements, subject to the rights of
those with easements to make necessary repairs and conduct necessary maintenance along such
7. Animals. No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind other than one cat and one
small dog shall be kept or maintained on any Lot or Living Unit.
8. Signs and Electronic Equipment. No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public
view on any Lot except one professional sign of not more than ten square feet, advertising the
Lot for sale or rent, or signs used by the Declarant. its agents or contractors to sell the Lots and
Living Units. The location and placement of electronic equipment upon any Lot, including but
not limited to a "Satellite Dish" for television reception, shall be at the approval of the
architectural control committee.
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9. Nuisances. No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon or inside
any Lot or Living Unit nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an
annoyance or nuisance to the other Owners. No clothes drying or storage of any articles which
are unsightly in the opinion of the Committee will be permitted unless in enclosed areas designed
for such purpose. There shall be no outside storage or parking, in excess of twenty four hours, of
automobiles, trailers, boats, airplanes, motor homes, mobile homes, campers, off -road or all
terrain vehicles, other recreational vehicles or similar vehicles on the Lot or on the street in front
the Lot.
10. Slope and Drainage Control. No structure, planting or material shall be placed or
permitted to remain on any Lot which may damage or interfere with established slope ratios,
which may create erosion or sliding problems, or which may change the direction of flow or
drainage channels or obstruct or retard the flow of water through drainage channels. The slope
control areas of each Lot as designated by the Architectural Control Committee and all
improvements in such areas shall be maintained continuously by the Owner of the Lot except for
the improvements for which a public authority or utility company is responsible.
1. General Rules of Law to Apply. Each wall which has been built as a part of the
original construction of the Living Units upon the Properties and placed on the dividing line
between the Lots shall constitute a party wall, and, to the extent not inconsistent with the
provisions of this Article, the general rule of law regarding party walls and liability for property
damage due to negligence or willful acts or omissions shall apply thereto.
2. Sharing of Repair and Maintenance. The cost of reasonable repair and maintenance of
a party wall shall be shared by the Owners who make use of the wall in proportion to such use.
No change to the exterior or structural elements of the wall may be made without the written
consent of the other Owners having an interest.
3. Destruction by Fire of Other Casualty. If a party wall is destroyed or damaged by fire
or other casualty, any Owner who has used the wall may restore it, and if the other Owners
thereafter make use of the wall, they shall contribute to the cost of restoration thereof in
proportion to such use without prejudice, however, to the right of any such Owners to call for a
larger contribution from the others under any rule of law regarding liability for negligent or
willful acts or omissions.
4. Weatherproofing. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, an Owner who
by his negligent or willful act causes the party wall to be exposed to the elements shall bear the
whole cost of furnishing the necessary protection against such elements.
5. Right to Contribution Runs With Land. The right of any Owner to contribution from
any other Owner under this Article shall be appurtenant to the land and shall pass to such
Owner's successors in title.
1. Members of Committee. The Architectural Control Committee, hereinafter referred to
as the "Committee shall consist of the Declarant for ten (10) years from the date this
instrument is recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Lincoln County, Wyoming, or
until 90% of the Lots have been sold, whichever occurs first. Thereafter, the Committee shall
consist of five members, one member representing the Owner of each Lot of the Properties.
2. Meetings of the Committee. The Committee shall meet from time to time as necessary
to perform its duties hereunder. The Committee may from time to time, by resolution
unanimously adopted in writing, designate a Committee Representative (who may, but need not,
be one of its members) to take any action or perform any duties for and on behalf of the
Committee. In the absence of such designation, the vote of any three (3) members of the
Committee taken without a meeting, shall constitute an act of the Committee.
3. No Waiver of Future Approvals. The approval of the Committee to any proposals or
plans and specifications or drawings for any work done or proposed or in connection with any
other matter requiring the approval and consent of the Committee shall not be deemed to
constitute a waiver of any right to withhold approval or consent as to any similar proposals, plans
and specifications, drawings or matter whatever subsequently or additionally submitted for
approval or consent by the same party or a different party.
4. Compensation of Members. The members of the Committee shall receive no
compensation for services rendered, other than reimbursement for expenses incurred by them in
the performance of their duties hereunder.
5. Inspection of Work. Inspection of work and correction of defects therein shall proceed
as follows:
(a) Upon the completion of any work for which approved plans are required under
paragraph 2 of Article II, the Owner of the Lot shall give written notice of completion to the
(b) Within sixty (60) days thereafter, the Committee or its duly authorized
representative may inspect such improvement. If the Committee finds that such work was not
done in substantial compliance with the approved plans, it shall notify the Owner in writing of
such noncompliance within such sixty -day period, specifying the particulars of noncompliance,
and shall request the Owner of the lot to remedy the same.
c) If upon the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of such notification,
the Owner of the Lot shall have failed to remedy such noncompliance, the Committee shall notify
all of the other Owners in writing of such failure. Upon notice and a meeting duly called for such
purpose, shall determine whether there is a noncompliance and, if so, the nature thereof and the
estimated cost of correcting or removing the same. If a noncompliance exists, the Owner of the
lot shall remedy the noncompliance or remove the noncomplying improvement within a period of
not more than forty-five (45) days from the date of announcement of the decision of a majority of
the Owners. If the Owner of the Lot does not comply with the decision of the Owners, then any
other Owner shall have the right to pursue the remedies provided in Article V hereof.
6. Non Liability of Committee Members. Neither the Committee nor any member
thereof, nor its duly authorized Committee Representative shall be liable to any Owner or
Owners for any loss, damage or injury arising out of or in any way connected with the
performance for the Committee's duties hereunder, unless due to the willful misconduct or bad
duties hereunder, unless due to the willful misconduct or bad faith of the Committee or
Committee members. The Committee shall review and approve or disapprove all plans
submitted to it for any proposed improvement, alteration or addition, solely on the basis of
aesthetic considerations and the overall benefit or detriment which would result to the immediate
vicinity and the Subdivision generally. The Committee shall take into consideration the aesthetic
aspects of the architectural designs, placement of buildings, landscaping, color schemes, exterior
finishes and materials and similar features, but shall not be responsible for reviewing, nor shall
its approval of any plan or design be deemed approval of, any plan or design from the standpoint
of structural or other safety or conformance with building or other codes.
7. Rules and Fees. The Committee may also issue rules or guidelines setting forth the
procedures for the submission of plans for approval, including requiring a fee payable to the
Committee to accompany each application for approval, or additional factors which it will take
into consideration in reviewing submissions. The Committee may provide that the amount of
such fee shall be uniform, or that it be determined in any other reasonable manner, such as by
relationship to the reasonable cost of the construction, alterations or additions contemplated. The
committee may require such detail in plans and specifications submitted for its review as it
deems proper, including, without limitation, floor plans, site plans, drainage plans, elevation
drawings and descriptions or samples of exterior materials and colors. Until receipt by the
Committee of any required plans, specifications, drawings or samples, the Committee may
postpone review of any plans submitted for approval.
1. Covenants to Run with Land. These covenants and restrictions are to run with the
land and shall be binding on all Owners and all persons claiming under them for a period of ten
years from the date hereof, at which time said covenants shall be automatically extended for two
(2) successive periods of 10 years each; provide that at any time prior to the time that 90% of the
Lots have been sold by the Declarant, this Declaration may be further amended in whole or in
part by delivering to all Owners a complete written copy of any such proposed amendment, and
by thereafter obtaining the written consent of a majority of the then Owners to any such proposed
2. Remedies. If any Owner of a Lot or his or her agents, heirs, or assigns, shall violate or
attempt to violate any of the covenants herein, it shall be lawful for any other Owner to pursue
any remedy provide in this Declaration, including instituting proceedings at law or in equity
against the person or persons violating or attempting to violate any such covenants, and either to
prevent him or them from so doing or to recover damages or other costs for such violation, and to
recover all costs and expenses, including a reasonable attorney's fee, which may arise or accrue
from such proceedings.
3. Severability. Invalidation of this Declaration or any part hereof by judgments or court
order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions, which shall remain in full force and
SIGNED this day of 0 Cep
By: Manager, B. Ellingford
AFTON GOLF LLC, a Wyoming limited
liability company
The a.ove and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of
2007, by Garry B. Ellingford, Manager of Afton Golf LLC, a
Wyoming limited liability company.
My Commission Expires:
WITNESS my hand and official seal.