HomeMy WebLinkAbout956129Foreign Limited Liability Company Application for Certificate of Authority Pursuant to W.S. 17 -16 -1533 of the Wyoming Business Corporation Act, the undersigned company hereby applies for a Certificate of Authority to transact business in the state of Wyoming, and for that purpose submits the following statement: 1. Name of the limited liability company as organized: Enterprise Jonah Gas Gathering Company LLC 2. Organized under the laws of: 3. Date of organization: 4. Period of duration: (This is referring to the length of time the limited liability company intends to exist and not the length of time it has been in existence. The most common term used is "perpetual." You may refer to your Articles of Organization or contact the Corporations Division in your state of organization for your period of duration) 5. Mailing address of the limited liability company: P. O. Box 4324 Houston, Texas 77210 6. Principal office address: 1100 Louisiana Street Suite 1000 Houston, Texas 77002 7. Name and physical address of its registered agent: (The registered agent may be an individual resident in Wyoming, a domestic or foreign entity authorized to transact business in Wyoming, having a business office identical with such registered office. The registered agent must have a physical address in Wyoming. A Post Office Box or Drop Box is not acceptable. If the registered office includes a suite number, it must be included in the r address.) C T Corporation System, 1720 Carey Avenue, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001 FLLC- CertificateAuthority Revised 08/13/2009 WY053 07/01/2010 C T System Online Wyoming Secretary of State tj G 0 753 State Capitol Building, Room 110 200 West 24 9 Street Max Maxfield, WY Secretary of State Cheyenne, WY 82002 -0020 Ph. 307.777.7311 FILED: 08/11/2010 10:19 AM Fax 307.777.5339 ID: 2010 000588468 Email: business @state.wy.us (Delaware (State or country of organization) 07/31/2010 (Date mm/dd/yyyy) perpetual RECEIVED 10/21/2010 at 3:44 PM RECEIVING 956129 BOOK: 755 PAGE: 753 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY kb co ilL te Q 20/0 Zt l 8. If the company is to be managed by a manager or managers, the names and addresses of such managers: Michael A. Creel, 1100 Louisiana Street, Suite 1000, Houston, Texas 77002 W. Randall Fowler, 1100 Louisiana Street, Suite 1000, Houston, Texas 77002 A. James Teague, 1 100 Louisiana Street, Suite 1000, Houston, Texas 77002 If the management of the company is to be reserved to the members, the names and addresses of its members: 9. State the date this limited liability company began doing business in Wyoming or the date it will begin to do business in Wyoming: (Please note that a limited liability company doing business in Wyoming without authority may be subject to back taxes and penalties pursuant to W.S. 17- 16- 1502(d).) (Date mm /dd/yyyy) 10. The limited liability company accepts the constitution of the state of Wyoming in compliance with the requirement of Article 10, Section 5 of the Wyoming Constitution. 11. For name availability purposes list the type of business the limited liability company will be conducting: Natural gas gathering, compression and related ancillary services Signature: (May be executed by a member, manager, or other authorized individual as set forth in the operating agreement.) Print Name: Title: WY053 07/01/2010 C T System Online Stephanie C. Hildebrandt Senior Vice'President, General Counsel Asst.Sec'y. FLLC- CertificateAuthority Revised 08/13/2009 08/02/2010 Contact Person: Daytime Phone Number: Email: Date: 08/04/2010 (mm /dd/yyyy) 000754 Jean Stromeyer (713) 381 -3969 jstromeyer @eprod.com Checklist Filing Fee: $100.00 Make check or money order payable to Wyoming Secretary of State. The completed application must be accompanied by an original certificate of existence /good standing, dated not more than sixty (60) days prior to filing in Wyoming, duly authenticated by the Secretary of State or other official having custody of corporate records in the state or country of formation. The Application must be accompanied by a written consent to appointment executed by the registered agent. For consistency the Secretary of State's Office will only keep one version of the agent's name on file. Please submit one originally signed document and one exact photocopy of the filing. Please review form prior to submitting to the Secretary of State to ensure all areas have been completed to avoid a delay in the processing of your documents. Other Requirements: An annual report will be due annually on the first day of the anniversary month of formation. If not paid within sixty (60) days from the due date, the entity will be subject to dissolution /revocation. I, JEFFREY W. BULLOCK, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, DO HEREBY CERTIFY "ENTERPRISE JONAH GAS GATHERING COMPANY LLC" IS DULY FORMED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE AND IS IN GOOD STANDING AND HAS A LEGAL EXISTENCE SO FAR AS THE RECORDS OF THIS OFFICE SHOW, AS OF THE NINTH DAY OF AUGUST, A.D. 2010. AND I DO HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE ANNUAL TAXES HAVE NOT BEEN ASSESSED TO DATE. 4854372 8300 100813202 You may verify this certificate online at corp.delaware.gov /authver.shtml Delaware The First State PAGE 1 cSozi Jeffrey W. Bullock, Secretary of State AUTHEN TC.TION: 8161108 DATE: 08 -09 -10 000755 I Consent to Appointment by Registered Agent C T Corporation System (name of registered agent) 1720 Carey Avenue Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001 Signature: WY053 07/01/2010 C T System Online (registered office physical address, city, state zip) as the registered agent for Print Name: Mayne N ckell Title: Asst. SeCr Registered Agent Mailing Address (if different than above): Previous Registered Office(s): *If this is a new address, complete the following: J Daytime 2 Phon'. Email: Signature: (Shall be executed by the registered agent.) RAConsent Revised 10/21/2009 (name of business entity) Date: Date: 000756 Wyoming Secreta State Capitol Building, Room 110 200 West 24 Street Cheyenne, WY 82002 -0020 Ph. 307.777.7311 Fax 307.777.5339 Email: business @state.wy.us registered office located at voluntarily consent to serve Enterprise Jonah Gas Gathering Company LLC I hereby certify that 1 am in compliance with the requirements of W.S. 17 -28 -101 through W.S. 17 -28 -111. 4 Akiiii k L i m'_ (S Il be executed by the regis ere. agent.) 047)4, I hereby certify that: After the changes are made, the street address of my registered office and business office will be identical. This change affects every entity served by me and I have notified each entity of the registered office change. I certify that the above information is correct and I am in compliance with the requirements of W.S. 17 -28 -101 through W.S. 17 -28 -111. (mm/dd/yyyy) Checklist 1 1 Submit one originally signed consent to appointment and one exact photocopy. 000757 STATE OF WYOMING Secretary of State 1 hereby certify that this is a true and complete copy of the document as filed in this office. Secretar State By: f Date:in- .:2.0 J2