HomeMy WebLinkAbout956266WHEN RECORDED, RETURN TO: June Vandersteen P.O. Box 58324 Salt Lake City, Utah, 84158 -0324 See Exhibit "A" WITNESS the hand of Grantor, this STATE OF NEVADA COUNTY OF CLARK (Seal) ss WARRANTY DEED (Wyoming Property) Audie G. Leventhal, GRANTOR, of Salt Lake City, Utah, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, conveys and warrants to to June Vandersteen, Trustee of the Audie G. Leventhal Irrevocable Trust dated May 12, 2010, GRANTEE, at P.O. Box 58324 Salt Lake City, Utah 84158 -0324, the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming: DELVIN JONES NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEVADA CLARK COUNTY APPT. No. 07- 4561 -1 MY APPT. EXP. JUNE 21, 2011 Subject to all liens and encumbrances of record. This shall not serve to reimpose the same. With respect to its physical condition the Property which is the subject of this Warranty Deed is being conveyed, "as is." RECEIVED 10/25/2010 at 12:58 PM RECEIVING 956266 BOOK: 755 PAGE: 868 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY day of May, 2010. Audie G. Leventhal 000868 Space Above for Recorder's Office On the 1 Q_ day of May, 2010, personally appeared before me Audie G. Leventhal, the signer of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that he executed this deed. Beginning at a point which is NB9 °40'W, 1327.42 feet and 80 °0'E, 442 feet from the Northeast Corner of Section 22, T33N, R11814 of the eth P.M., Wyoming (said plane of beginning being a point on the East boundary line of Lot 2 of said Section 22) and running thence 80 4 0'E, ass feet along the East boundary line of said Lot 2 to the Southeast Corner of said Lot 2, thence 249•40'W, 330 feet along the South boundary line of said Lot 2, thence N0 °0'E, 868 feat, thence 886 °40'E, 330 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. 12- 3318- 22 -1 -00 -010 Containing a total of 1.48 acres, more or less. EXHIBIT "A" Property Description Sixth Principal Meridian T. 33 N., R. 118 W., Sec. 22, Lot 1, SW1 /4NE1 /4, SE1 /4NE1 /4, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the north -east one sixteenth corner of said section; thence N. 89 °19' W., 334.9 feet along north boundary of said SW1 /4NE1 /4; thence S. 0 °58' E., 58.0 feet; thence N. 89 21' E., 384.0 feet; entering into said SE1 /4NE1 /4; thence N. 0 °26' W., 849.5 feet, entering into said Lot 1; thence S. 89 °02' W., 57.2 feet to the west boundary of said Lot 1; thence S. 0 °58' E., along the west boundary of said Lot 1, 798.9 feet to the Point of Beginning. 2 OO8G9