HomeMy WebLinkAbout877029 WARRg2,ITY DEED RICHARD C. SPJUT and JiLL ELIZABETH SP,~3T, husband, and wife Grantors o~ Bountiful, Cotinty of ~au~ , sta~ of U~ah hereby COhW~Y and WARm.IT TO: R.0N ONKES and JkN 0N~S, husband and wi~e, a~ ~enan~s by ~he entireties Grantees cf 4271 Willow Creek Lane, Bedford, ~ 83112 ~or the sum o~ Ten Dollars and other good and valuable ~onsid~ration --the following descrY, bed tract of land in Lincoln County, S~aue cf Wyoming, hereby releaain~ and waiving all rights under and by virtu~ of the homestead exemption laws o~ the Staue, to-wit.: N1/2N~!/~ of Section 22, T33N, RllgW o~ the 65h ;~.M., Lincoln Wyoming, ~oge%her w~h all wa~er and water right~;, ditches at~d ditch rights, canals, .pipelines., t.mprove~nts and all appurtenance~ thereunto belonsin~ or appertaining. TOG~THZK with 5hat certain Easement dated October 24, 1~89, and recorded the office of the Lince].n County Cle~k in on January 2, 1990, in ~ook 281 P.R., page 637, and the following described perpetual right-of-wa?' for ingress and egress and ail u~ilities for the b~nsfit o~ grantees and their heirs, successors and assigns; West 20 ~aet of the 8W]./4~1/'4 and the West 20 feet of the South ~pproximmtely 40 rods extending up to and for the u~e of an existJ.ng gate in %he NW]./4~1/4 of Section 23, T33N, RllgW o~ the 6th P,M., Wyoming. TOGETHER with that certain Easen%ent dated A~.rl! 27, i998 and recorded the office of the Lincoln County Clerk. on August 5, 1998~ in Book 415 page 477. Subject to reservations and re~trict~on~ contained in t/he %~itsd Pa~ent and to easements and rig'hts-of-way of record or in use. Together with all i~prove'ment~ and appurtenances thereon. WITNRSS, the hand o~ said grantor~, %hi~ ~ day o~ Od~o6e~ , A.D. ~001 H~rd c, SP3~ County Of · On the J3 day of O0{,~ef A.D. 2001, parsonally =pp~ared befor~ Richard C. ~pjut.and Ji.~l ~lizabeth SpJut, known or identiXied to me to be the persons whose n~m~s ~ra subscribed t~ ~h~'ument, and acknowledged to7 ,,hat t, he~ executed~, . LAND TITLE COMPANY