HomeMy WebLinkAbout956337Case 09 -20774 Doc 141 Filed 09/29/10 Entered 09/29/10 14:19:52 Desc Main Document Page 1 of 2 In re: MARC FLETCHER Debtor(s) in the property are attached to this form. RECEIVED 10/27/2010 at 11:16 AM RECEIVING 956337 BOOK: 756 PAGE: 133 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY UNITED STATES BANRUPTCY COURT DISTRICT OF UTAH Request is made that F. Lovci: Case No.: 0 9 -2 04 +IRKM Chapter REQUEST FOR ABANDONMENT AND NOTICE OF ABANDONMENT the Trustee in this 00 133 bankruptcy proceeding, abandon the following secured property to any interest of the debtor(s) and execute the Notice of Abandonment. Description of secured property L be.scrp 2_ 12..11 ,S 2 L I S- Z.0 rf SLA S 4 S r �o 1 1 S`.t0 '-cr 0 2 3 0 0 -3-00- The value of the secured property(s) is: 2 1 S 000 o 0 The valuation of the secured property is based upon book value, appraisal, or other• -f' A S I, (circle one). The amount owed to creditor on the secured property is $.2- 00 The photocopies of documents that evidence a properly perfected security interest Ahereby certify that the annexes and foregoing is a true and complete aopy of a document, or, an authorized electronic entry, on file in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Distriqt of Utah Case/AP 2 Document 1 LI Date Filed: 1 r) I Date Entered o 1 Docket Wfi /r RATED: Number of Pages `l,.- a ATTEST: Dav /4414.111,,' i l C urt e 2 t 70I i By: t 1,1 to IF 11— Case 09 -20774 Doc 141 Filed 09/29/10 Entered 09/29/10 14:19:52 Desc Main Document Page 2 of 2 The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. i? r t"to ZO ✓t r'a-) LLC. Creditor's signature Dated: Trustee: 2 Printed name Address 0 3 HD (10 LA-g_ City, State Zip code gi, Q,..11._ -r g yo,sc— NOTICE OF ABANDONMENT Pursuant to 11 U.S.C.§ 554, I have found the above described property to be burdensome to the estate, or of inconsequential value to the estate. I have given notice of my intent to abandon such property during the meeting of creditors, and there being no objection, or request for hearing, the trustee hereby abandons any interest the estate mya have in the described property. Instructions for use of form: This form is to be used only in asset cases. It must be submitted, in duplicate, to the trustee and not to the Court. If mailed, the creditor must include a stamped, self addressed envelope. Important: Even if the trustee signs the notice of abandonment, the creditor should not take any action agninst the debtor without first determining that such action is not prohibited by the automatic stay 11. U.S.C. 362 (c). e0 C91.34