HomeMy WebLinkAbout956499STATE OF WYOMING 006_ .S ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN Alice P. Ross of PO Box 716, Thayne, WY 83127, upon her oath deposes and says: 1. That JAMES L. ROSS aka James Larry Ross, the decedent mentioned in the attached copy of Certificate of Death, is the same person as JAMES L. ROSS named as one of the grantees in that certain Warranty Deed acknowledged on the 22nd day of September, 1989, executed by Benjamin E. Skinker, III, and John F. Skinker, single individuals, grantors, and recorded November 17, 1989, in Book 280 PR, page 260, of the Official Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, covering the following described real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to- wit: Lot 89 in Star Valley Ranch Plat 12 as platted and recorded in the official records of Lincoln County, Wyoming. 2. That the undersigned affiant is the same identical person as Alice P. Ross named as one of the grantees in the above described Warranty Deed, that she and JAMES L. ROSS were husband and wife at the time of the execution and recording of the Warranty Deed described above, and that as the surviving cotenant and spouse of JAMES L. ROSS, named in said conveyance, the undersigned, Alice P. Ross, became on March 7, 2009, the date of the death of the aforementioned decedent, the owner of the lands or the owner of any interest of JAMES L. ROSS, in the lands described in the foregoing, subject to any then existing liens and encumbrances. DATED the 1st day of November, 2010. RECEIVED 11/3/2010 at 9:54 AM RECEIVING 956499 BOOK: 756 PAGE: 616 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP Alice P. Ross Subscribed and sworn to by Alice P. Ross before me this 1st day of November, 2010. Witness my hand and official seal. GERALD L. GOULdIN NOTARY PUBLIC County of Lincoln State of Wyoming My Commission Expires May 2, 2011 My commission expires: May 2, 2011. 2 NOTARY PUBLIC CO 10 d u i a O II a sr 1 5a A' Bid's iMdaMars) 8a. RESIDENCE -State 0 heahoma 2 8f. RESIDENCE-Street and Number 9437 EQ/S 40th S ee t t 9. MARITAL STATUS AT TIME OF DEATH Married:, Never, Married Widowed Divorced 11. FATHER'S NAME (First, Middle Last) Lee. Ro4.b 13. DECEDENT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN? (Check the box that best describes whether the decedent is Spanish/Hispanic/Latino. Check the 'No' box if the decedent is not Spanish /Hispanic/Latino) No, not SpanishlHispanrclLatino ❑.Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano puert Rid 1 11 1 1 Ba. INFORMANTS NAME A'Li,ce Rod d t, Nriddle,.Last, Suffix) ROSS. 5.14,4;,Wnderl Year frkii(fis Days 5c. Under 1 Day Hours Minutes 8b. RESif E CE- County Tutz a 16. DECEDENTS USUAL OCCUPATION (Indicate type of work done during most of working life) DO NOT USE RETIRED. Accountant 19 METHOD,.OF DISPOSITION: R Buria) Cremation E] Donation Entombment Removal From State Other (specify), 22. NAME AND COMPLETE ADDRESS OF FUNERAL FACILITY Stan2eyb Fune'wi SeAvtice 3959 E 31st Sx TuL4a, OK 74135 IF DEATH OCCURRED IN A HOSPITAL: 0900965 A 26, FACILITY NAME (If not institution, give street number ST F t11' i ialr ihik' 29,, THI, t ytTIM OF,bEATFI 206 lgll it II' I �I ,7 dll.li'I PI Sequentially list conditions, if any, b leading to immediate cause listed on line a, Enter UNDERLYING CAUSE (Disease or injury that initiated events resulting in death) LAST. OF INJ.LAY Sete': c. STA OKLAHOMA CERTIFICATE OF DEATH j Married, but separated Unknown Yes No Yes In No Due to (or as a consequence of): Due to (or as a consequence of): Due to (or as a consequence of): City or Town: 6. DATE OF BIRTH 10 /20 /19 2. SEX M 23. SIGNATURE OF F Zip Code: 4fi A ll1 a I IF16 i eck �ia ie r l I t Nlili did i (gym, A II I p tlpT hl ;TT I❑ p I isidgn iq charge of the patient's care Physician in attendance at time of death only tl iy �i L b. r k nowle u 1,eath occ97e) at the ime, date a .e and due to the cause(s) and manner as stated. Mb)CAL EXAMI 'ER: On the basis of examinatiop .r Igation, in my opinion, death occurred at the time, date and place, and due to the cause(s) and manner stated. Signature* Certifier: atSTR�A..R SIGNATURE 2004 3/11/2009 STATE FILE NUMBER' 3 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, "4 7 BIRTHPLACE (City, and State, d'f,1'Fq'ra(ghlCountryY' t',, Okay Oklahoma 8c. RESIDENCE -City or Town 8 d. RESIDENCE -Zip Code Rata 74145 14. DECEDENTS RACE (Check one or more races to indicate what the decedent considered himself or herself to be) White ��l l ck m Am or Indian African A or Alaska Native (Name of entitled or pnnapat tri,fl.� ,Asian Indian Chinese Filipino Japanese Korean Vietnamese Other Asian (specify) Pacific Islander (specify) Other (specify) 10. SURVIVING SPOUSES NAME (If wife give name prior to first marriage) AtLce Hagen 12 MOTHERS NAME PRIOR TO FIRST MARRIAGE (First, Middle, Last) Etta Ph i.pp Pi �hestll y it +ills nl {In� i I I h I W IN I'I" �Ij�i�41 III�ip� li I Iti il I�IpdP��'.. tltl Iwl)'i llir IP i ll I I�,P 1am IIVI I I II'i� I lill��� FYI t :oigradu: =orGE Some college credit, but no degree AsSoclate degree�(W1q AA Bachefot degree/ 1 g,BA A6,a in Masters 4ree (eg Fd MJ�/ Eng boctora e, 4YPro}gahIBnal Dd ee (e g PhD', EdO or MD ,JD, etc) Accounting 8b. RELATIONSHIP TO DECEDENT 18c MAILING ADDRESS (Street and Number, City, State, Zip Code) e 1 9431 Ead. 40th St. TuLoa, Ok 74145 20. PLACE OF; DISPOSITION (Name of cemetery, crematory, other place) 21, LOCATION City, Town and State Fune.'wi Di eetou Cnema ion Snvc TuLaa, OIichama JI' 24 FH ESTABLISHMENT LICE 25'PLAQ E OF DEATH (Check on v one: see instructions) IF DEATH OCCURRED OTHER THAN IN A HOSPITAL: Inpatient Emergency Room /Outpatient U Dead on Arrival ❑Hospice ❑Nursing Home or Long Term Care Facility 27. CITY OR TOWN, STATE AND ZIP CODE OF LOCATION OF DEATH TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74 3 (f. i i 31. WAS MEDICAL EXAMINER CONTACTED? 32. WAS AN AUTOPSY PERFORMED? Iitlh(`k i I I li liiilll I p t cAU$ FOFDEATH (See Instructions and Examples) 34. P ll tho l Ih of e #I ,S diseases injuries, or complications that directly caused the death. DO NOT enter m erma 1 p f� is such as cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest, ventricular fibrillation without showing the etiology. DO NOT ABBREVIATE Enter only one cause on a line. Add additional lines if necessary. MMEDIATECAUSE (Final disease ATHEROSCLEROTIC CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE or condition resulting in death) a. Apartment Number: 17. KIND OF BUSINESS /INDUSTRY 48. LICENSE NUMBER 21778 ED CT FAMILY EMBER I ri r pU�'�IIVI ii r PIP,. iltl I II. II��V EfA trio I pu, 2 9�i�' h� �li�lid a1P1Vl, IINP, i'f F �i l "ir',I Idyll P: 1lil I I Ill�l I u(u� I dIII ry VPII I(�lill 71 'I Ii INS NW'I' 9 tllipl� ei I II Ill 911111 1 idl NI I I I I't 'II I 15 �I )Decedent's Fto "Other 28. COUNTY OF DEATH u TULSA /461/0,/s. 33 t WEREAVTOPS'Y FINDINGSiAVA ABLE TO COM LETE,EY/X SE O )$EAT` ❑lr §S, l141n, l Approximate interval: Onset to death. Undetermined 36. MANNER OF DEATH 37, IF FEMALE: Ild i V lu l II ure Nat) t� Accident Suicide Not r p nt within past year Pregnant at time of death Not pregnant but prepolfn Within 1' II ,II I il l i Pending Investigation ❑Could not be determined Not pregnant, but pregnant 43 days to 1 year before death Unknown if pragpgnt Gi the pas 11 i1 IM 1 b 39. DATE OF INJURY(Mo/DaylYr/I40. TIME OF INJURYI41. PLACE OF INJURI(e.g Decedent' ,e: stun <onstrecre en a e, w00 1 42. DESCRIBE HOW INJURY 6CCURRE Be RESIDENCE- Inside City Limits ,S Yes No 47 NAME, ADDRESS AND;',Z)P C CAUSE OF:DEATH (Item a4 ANDREW 'SIBLEY M.0 8g. yyS&ENCE- Apartment Number S ED 35. 1 FART II r i d hif hranri Atti contributing to death but not resulting i n the underlying cause given in PART I. 145 IF TRANSPORTATION)N,lURY 9' OpWg R Plpeeengp o tn er /r1/ /4 1 49 DATE CERTIFIED 3/8/2009 1 u�ll ox I of it MBA) S SUCH ipQl'I ill II I �I Y AT WORK Yes No (Mo/DayfYr) 51. DATE RECEIVEQ BY LOCAL REGISTRAR 52 DATE RECEIVED BY STATE REGISTRAR MAR 2409 Mo/Da y /Yr I (Mo /Day/Yr) VS154(1 -04