HomeMy WebLinkAbout956522AFFIDAVIT SEEKING DISTRIBUTION PURSUANT TO §2 -1 -201 OF THE WYOMING STATUTES STATE OF COLORADO SS COUNTY OF A �i,�P/��/o� I, Craig Fahringer, being first duly sworn, upon ,my oath, depose and say: 1. I am the son of Alvin Fahringer, and have knowledge of and am coml., to testify concerning the facts as stated below. 000673 2. Alvin Fahringer died on May 23, 2010, in Denver County, Colorado. Attached is a copy of his official death certificate certified to by the State of Colorado, Department of Public Health and Environment, the public authority with which the original death certificate is of record according to law. 3. The value of the entire estate of Alvin Fahringer subject to probate at the time of his death, less liens and encumbrances, did not exceed one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000). 4. More than thirty (30) days have elapsed since the death of Alvin Fahringer. 5. No application for appointment of a Personal Representative of the estate of Alvin Fahringer is pending or has been granted in any jurisdiction. 6. Pursuant to the terms of the Last Will and Testament of Alvin Fahringer, Craig Fahringer and David Fahringer are designated as equal beneficiaries of the remaining property of Alvin Fahringer. There are no other beneficiaries or heirs of Alvin Fahringer having a right to succeed to the solely owned assets of Alvin Fahringer 7. I hereby direct that any bank, savings and loan institution, brokerage house, transfer agent, or any other like depository or insurance provider or agency which is presented with a certified copy of this Affidavit, pay any deposit or funds or shares in the sole name of Decedent, Alvin Fahringer together with the interest and dividends thereon, to the order of Craig Fahringer and David Fahringer. DATED: this 4 27 day of Ce ,6L 2010. RECEIVED 11/4/2010 at 11:14 AM RECEIVING 956522 BOOK: 756 PAGE: 673 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY I, Craig Fahringer, first duly having been sworn on oath, deposes and says: he is the Affiant in the foregoing Affidavit, that he has read the foregoing Affidavit Seeking Distribution pursuant to §2 -1 -201 of the Wyoming Statutes and knows the contents thereof, and the contents of the same are true and correct. ALLISON OPIELA A L Notary Public State of Colorado My commission expires: Craig Firinger 000674 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Craig Fahringer this 7 day of Oc 2010. Witness my hand and official seal. VA/ CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECORD DISPOSITION CAUSE OF DEATH 32. MA OF DEATH Natural Pending Investigation STATE OF COLORADO COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT HOLD TO LIGHT TO VIEW WATERMARK 30.0 NAME, TITLE AND MMAILING AAD CERTIFIER /CORONER (Type /Print) 0 Y 1 14S` r J3/Lt- r7c.' i/ 6 14!<',D a. S ,•5 5 J b Z a k -d 31. NAME OF ATTENDING PHYSICIAN IF OTI4ER THAN CERTIFIER (Type /Print) Accident Suicide Undetermined Manner Homicide 34. IMMEDIATE CAUSE (ENTER PART lal`i CONDITIONS DUE TO OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF IF ANY WHICH GAVE RISE TO IMMEDIATE CAUSE (b) 11141.9i-, (-�`41 STATING THE DUE TO OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF UNDERLYItJG CAUSE LAST .Ic) (c) PART OTHER SIGNIFICAN.TCONDI II PART 1 (6.g., alcohol abuse, obesity, smoker). DATE ISSUED MAY 2 3 2010 THIS IS A TRUE CERTIFICATION OF NAME AND FACTS AS RECORDED IN THIS OFFICE. Do not accept unless prepared on security Paper with engraved border displaying the Colorado state seal and signature of the Registrar. PENALTY BY LAW, Section 25 -2 -118, Colorado Revised Statutes, 1982, if a person alters, uses, attempts to use or furnishes to another for deceptive use any vital statistics record. NOT VALID IF PHOTOCOPIED. STATE OF COLORADO CERTIFICATEOF DEATH STATE FILE NUMBER �9� S i¢Irra ,t. RONALD S. HYMAN STATE REGISTRAR 11- 11 II 11111111 I REV 51/07 000675 1. DECEDENTS NAME (First, Mrddle. Last) 2. SEX 3. DATE OF DEATH (Month, Day, Year) Alvin Neff FAHR1NGER Male May 23;201 4. SOCIAL SECURITY 5a. AGE Last 5b. UNDER 1 YEAR 5c. UNDER 1 DAY 6 DATE OF BIRTH 7. BIRTHPLACE (City and State or Foreign. NUMBER Birthday (Y r Mos Days Hrs 50 (Month, Day, Year) Country) 81 February 11, 1929 Elysburg, PA 8. WAS DECEDENT EVER IN 9a. PLACE OF DEATH (Check only one) U S ARMED FORCES? ®Yes p �NO HOSPITAL' i OTHER: Inpatient ER /Outpatient 008 I Nursing Home Residence :other (Speedy) 9b. FACILITY NAME (M noriinsfifulion, give 3(30'03 and number) 8c. CITY. TOWN, OR LOCATION OF DEATH 8d. COUNTY OF DEATH Highline Care Center Denver Denver, 10a DECEDENTS USUAL OCCUPATION --1Ob. KIND OF BUSINESS /INDUSTRY 11. MARITAL STATUS Married, 12. SPOUSE W Wile, give maiden name) (Dive Smo of work done during most of working life. Never Married, Widowed, Do not use refired) Divorced Specify) Machinist Steel Widowed Helen Barjuca 13a. RESIDENCE -STATE 13b. COUNTY 130. CITY,TOWN,OR LOCATION 134. STREET AND NUMBER Colorado Arapahoe Centennial 6432 South Eudora Way 133. INSIDE 134. ZI CODE 14. WAS DECEDENT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN': 15. RACE: Arderican.Indian, 16.. DECEDENT'S EDUCATION ISpeciiy only highest CITY ;(Speedy No or Yes If yes, speedy Cuban, Black While, etc. (Specify) grade completed) Elementary or secondary LIMITS? Mexican. Puerto Rican, etc.). (0 through 12) College (13 through 16 or 17 Yes El No CI Yes No 801.21 Speedy: White 12 17 FATHER -NA V (First,, Middle. Ga t) 18. MOTHER -NAME (First, M/ddtg, Las? (Malden Name)). 19. INFORMANT -NAME and :relati0nship;30 dedea5ed: Freeman Fahringer Elizabeth Neff Craig A. Fahringer (Son) 209. METHOD OF DISPOSITION 20b. PLACE OF DISPOSITION (Name of cemetery, cremator or 20c. LOCATION City or TOwn, State Burial o Ell Cremation Removal )roe, state other place) i Donation CI O ther(Speomty) Horan McConaty Crematory Denver, Colorado 219. SIGNATURE OF FUNERAL DIRECTOR OR PERSON ACTING AS SUCH 21b. NAME AND ADDRESS OF FACILITY:. Horan McConaty Funeral Service /Cremation 1091 S. Colorado Boulevard, Denver, CO ZIP: 80246 229. REGISTRAR'S SIGNATURE 32b. DATE FILED (Month, Day, Year) .L.�.h.d;�,,..lg� t2 1 itl (d 2010 23. TIM OF DEATH 24. DATE PRONOUNCED DEAD 25. WAS CORONER NOTIFIED? Month Day an Hour (Yes or No) 3 05. `P .14. .:May' 23 2010 150.5 Yes' TO BE COMPLETED ONLY BY CERTIFYING PHYSICIAN TO BE COMPLETED BY CORON 26 To thelbest 0l my knowled� ,death occurred at th tim date. and place, and due to 27. On the basis of examination and/or investigation, in myopimon death occurred at the the causes) and manner. stated time, date and place, and due to the cause(s) and manner as stated: Signature "J y "2 Signature. 25: DATE SIGNED (Month, Day, Yeai V 29. DATE SIGNED (Month, Day, Year) May S 2010 33a. DATE OF INJURY (Month, Day, Year) Yes No 33e. PLACE OF INJURY -A horde, }arm, street, factory, office building, ate. (Specify) R ONLY ONE CAUSE PER LINE FOR I, (b) AND (c),( Do not nIer mode of dying (e.g. Cardiac or Respiratory Arrest)alone. IONS Conditions contributing to death but not related to cause in 33d. DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED 333. LOCATION (Street and Number or Rgial Route Nom 35. AUTOPSY. (Yea or No) her, City, County, State) Interval between onset and death Interval beMveen onset and death 36. IF findings cone/de /ad in determining cause of death?