HomeMy WebLinkAbout877046 VERIFIED LIEN STATEMENT FOR LIEN FOR MEDICAL NAME OF CLAIMANT: State of Wyoming, Department of Health. ADDRESS: 117 Hathaway Building Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSO~ TO WHOM MEDICAL CARE WAS FURNISHED AND AGAINST WHOSE PROPERTY LIEN IS FILE: NAME: ELSIE RATLIFF ADDRESS: 77 CIRCLE DRIVE AFTON, WY 83110 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF REAL PROPERTY: Lot 13 of Westview Village Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat therof. Together with all improvements situate thereon and all easements and appurtenances belonging thereto. Quit Claim Deed recorded March 3, 1987 in Book 248PR on page 587 of Lincoln County public records. NAME AND ADDRESS OF VENDOR(S) FURNISHING MEDICAL CARE: The primary vendors providing medical care were Star Valley Senior Citizens, Valley Pharmacy, Kemmerer Senior Center and Star Valley Hospital in Afton, Wyoming', and various other providers on file with the Department of Health. DATE OF SERVICE:.ll/01/1999 to present AMOUNT DUE FOR CARE: $ 24,655.54 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE ~D OWING CLAIMANT, STATE OF WYOMING, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, FOR ALL CARE: $ 24,655.54. ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I do hereunder set my hand thi~~ day of October, 2001. ~epartmebt of Healt~ Its: Recovery Manager STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LARAMIE ) The foregoing Verified Lien Statement for Lien for Medical 'Assistance of ELSIE RATL~FF was subscribed and sworn to before me by Debbie Paiz this~ day of October, 2001. WITNESS my hand and official seal. '~--Notary Publ' My commission expires :~{~p ~ a.{~i~