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r~OOK '~ ¢ :~ ~'AG~ 0 0 8 QUITCLAIM DEED , -.,,~, ......., _. ".,...:..~.., t:
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Kent Erickson aka Kent Dean
Erickson and Polly R. Erickson aka Mary Paula Erickson, husband and wife, of Smoot,
Lincoln County, Wyoming, in consideration of the trust created herein and for the other
covenants contained herein CONVEY and QUITCLAIM unto Polly R. Erickson and her
successors, Trustee, for the uses and purposes set fo~h in the Polly R. Erickson Family
Trust between Grantor and Trustee, dated the 29th day of August, 2001, PollY R. Erickson,
beneficiaw, all such right, title, interest, properly, possession, claim and demand as they
have or ought to have, in or to all the following described premises, in the County of
Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to-wit:
Home Prope~y:
An undivided one-half (1/2) interest in the following real properly located in
Smoot, Lincoln County, Wyoming, more pa~icularly described as follows:
Beginning 1033 feet No~h and 110 feet West of the Southeast Corner of
Section 6, T30N, R118W and running thence West 300 feet, thence No~h
107 feet, . thence Nodh 66045' East, 326 feet, thenCe South 150 feet to the
point of beginning, containing .93 acres, more or less, Lincoln County,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Kent Erickson aka Kent Dean Erickson and Polly R.
Erickson aka Maw Paula Erickson, husband and wife, have hereunto set their hands as of
the day and year first above written.
-PolICJR. Ericksoh -
The fo~e§oin§ Quitclaim Deed was ackaow~edged before me by Kent ~ckso~ aka Ke~t
Dean E[~ckso~ a~d Polly ~. E~ckso~ aka Ma~ ~au~a Er~ckso~, h~sbaad a~d w~fe, t~s 29th
day of Octobe[ 200~.
~t~ess my haad and off~c~a~ seal
~ Coun~ of ~ State of ~
~ Lincoln ~ Wyoming ~
~M~s'~ Expires 2/2~~ N~RY~U~IC
My commission expires: Februa~ 26, 2004,