HomeMy WebLinkAbout877096 State of Wyoming Cowser Record
(In compliance with the CORNER PERPETUATION AND FILING ACT. ~yoraing StatUes. 1977, Section 36 ll-lOl, et. seq.. a~ t~ R~es a~
Re~atio~ of t~ ~ard of Regist~tioa for ~ofess~ Engi~e~ a~ ~fessio~ ~ Su~eyors)
Reverse side of this ~ may be used if mo~e s~ce is ~eede~.
Reco~ of original su~ey a~ citation of source of histo~cal info~ation (if co.er ~ lost er oblile~ted). Descri~ion of
co~er ~numenl~iion evidence ~u~ a~/or monument and accesso~es eslablis~d to ~r~l~le t~ location of this
corner, Sketch of wlatlve location of monument, accesso~es, a~d refe~nce ~i~ts with course and distance lo ad.cent
co~e~s) (if dete~ined in this s~ey). Method a~d rationale for ~establishment of lost or obliterated corner.
~.S13/~ /''''1.....Ic~
~ ~ SEC.
ou o:
Two standard U.S.G.S. brass EXIST.
caps directly next to each USOLO
other and marked as indicated SC ~,:_
The left cap overlies the one NO~35'16"E~ ~--'
on the right. They are located 51.36' rq ......
on an old, but down, east- co r~-~ ;
CAP rx:~
west fencetine. The caps ' ~
project 8 inches above the ,-,-< '.:., :,
ground. ~earing and distance -;'~q'2'~
shown are to I,/4 Car. cap. SEC. 13 ~ ~-~,
SET: z ~
SEC. 1
rate of Sield Wo,']~: May 27, 2001 office Re/e,~nce: .5664; BK 2.56 pq. 15
CROSS INDEX DIACRAM ~i~/~g~y. ~dUress Th~s co~er reco~a ~s p~d
by ~e or under ~y di~c~io~
Crank Companies, lac. and su~ision,
2 ~ ~ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 121~141516 171819 20 2122 25 2a 2~ ~E~ & SICNATURE
'--F T-- -q--F- T-- q--r --T-- q-- --F ~--T--Fq--- Kemmerer, Wyoming
~31 [ ~-32 ~ [ 3o , [ 34 [ [ 3~ [ [ 36~ x
--H-?-?f ?-?k?- H-t ?f? -t-k