HomeMy WebLinkAbout956961WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Jeffery J. McKenna, Esq. Barney McKenna Olmstead, P.C. P. O. Box 2710 St. George, UT 84771 -2710 MAIL TAX NOTICE TO: Gay Lee Guckenburg 355 West Mesquite Blvd., D211 Mesquite, NV 89027 STATE OF NEVADA COUNTY OF CLARK AFFIDAVIT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE RE: DEATH OF TRUSTEE )ss. RECEIVED 12/1/2010 at 10:00 AM RECEIVING 956961 BOOK: 758 PAGE: 121 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 000121 Gay Lee Guckenburg, Sole- Surviving child of James and Mildred LaCoy, Sole Surviving Successor Trustee of The LaCoy Family Trust dated August 19, 1993, and Sole Beneficiary of The LaCoy Family Trust dated August 19, 1993 of legal age, being first duly sworn, declares as follows: That James F. LaCoy, the decedent mentioned in the attached copy of Certificate of Death, who died February 26, 2001, and Mildred H. LaCoy, the decedent mentioned in the attached copy of Certificate of Death, who died July 19, 2009, are the same persons as James F. LaCoy and Mildred H. LaCoy, Settlors of The LaCoy Family Trust dated August 19, 1993. That on August 27, 2009, Lorraine A. LaCoy, resigned as the acting Trustee of The LaCoy Family Trust dated August 19, 1993, thereby appointing Gay Lee Guckenburg and James Randall LaCoy as Successor Trustees. A copy of the Resignation and Designation of Trustee is attached hereto. That James Randall LaCoy, the decedent mentioned in the attached copy of Certificate of Death, who died May 31, 2006 is the same person as James Randall LaCoy, Successor Trustee of The LaCoy Family Trust dated August 19, 1993. 000122 Affiant is the Sole- Surviving Successor Trustee named in The LaCoy Family Trust dated August 19, 1993 and as such has full authority to act as Trustee in all respects. Affiant is now the acting Trustee of the trust. Dated: Jo -f, i 0 2010. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 1 1 day of October, 2010, by Gay Lee Guckenburg whose identity is personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, and who, being by me duly sworn (or affirmed), did say that she is the Sole- Surviving Successor Trustee of The LaCoy Family Trust dated August 19, 1993, and that the foregoing instrument was signed by proper authority, in the capacity and for the purposes stated in it. Rqb. oL)(Roln-sr A,) NOTA UBLIC I` e' Address: 211 Y}'� Q .{�.Q L' i�, My Commission Expires: Notary Public State of Nevada a County of Clark k EVELYN W. MADSEN QQ'', M Appointment Expires 7 June 4, 2011 No: 07-3514-1 Exhibit Legal Description for Lincoln County, Wyoming property Serial Number W- 0315711 T.20N., R.112W., 6 P.M. Sec. 30: W% E%, E% W1/2 T.20N., R.113W., 6 P.M. Sec.26: E% Containing 640.00 acres, more or less. 000123 COLORADO WYOMING Moffat County Campbell County C -14489 W -50361 Montezuma County Converse County C -11658 70 -2259 C -24974 W- 0317874 W- 0317847 -A NORTH DAKOTA Billings County M- 17500(ND) UTAH San Juan County U -20544 Fremont County W -9485 Johnson County W -39577 Lincoln County W- 0315711 Niobrara County W- 0317815 Park County W -39691 Sweetwater County W -19448 W -22067 W- 023207 W- 024417 W- 025486 W -26207 W- 0318316A W- 031341 Washakie County W -41815 W- 46108 -A W- 0314025 W- 0314025B Weston County W -40744 000124 el DECEDENT'S NAME First, Middle. Last) JAMES F. LaCOY 2 SEX Male 3 DATE OF DEATH (Month. Day. Year) February 26, 2001 4a AGE Last Birthday (Years) 84 4b UNDER 1 YEAR 4c UNDER 1 DAY 5 DATE OF BIRTH (Month Day Year) July 19, 1916 6 COUNTY OF DEATH Dickinson MONTHS j DAYS HOURS j MINUTES 7a LOCATION OF DEATH (Enter place officially pronounced dead in la, 7b, 7c HOSPITAL OR OTHER INSTITUTION Name (If not in either. give street and number) Dickinson Co. Memorial Hospital 7b IF HOSP OR INST Inpatient. Op lime Room. DOA (Specify) Inpatient lc CITY, VILLAGE, OR TOWNSHIP OF DEATH Iron Mountain 8 SOCIAL. SECURITY NUMBER 9a USUAL OCCUPATION (Give kind of work done dunng most of working file Do not use retired) Owned /Operated 9b KIND OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY Oil and Gas Leasing Co. 10a CURRENT RESIDENCE STATE Michigan 10b COUNTY Dickinson 10c LO y- C�ALITY (Check one box and specity) L=_i INSIDE CITY OR VILLAGE OF TWP OF Kingsford 10cl STREET AND NUMBER 1811 Woodward Ave. 10e 2(P CODE 49802 11 BIRTHPLACE (City and State or Foreign Country) Wausaukee. WI 12 MARITAL STATUS Married. Never Mashed Widowed. Divorced (Specify) Married 13 SURVIVING SPOUSE (If wire gi a name before first marred) Mildred Harcourt -Cooze 14 WAS DECEDENT EVER IN u 5 ARMED FORCES> (SPeci6 Yes o, No) No 15 ANCESTRY Me.ii,,n Pu.rto Rican. Cuban. Central or South American. Chicano. other Hispanic. Afro-American, Arab. English. French, Finnish, e (Sperry below) French 16 PACE American md.an Back. Wh4e. etc h Asian give nationality e Chinese. F Asian Indian etc (Specify banes! White 17 DECEDENTS EDUCATION (Sperry only highest grade completed) Elementary/Secondary (012) College (1 or 5 2 18 FATHER'S NAME (F rst Middle. Last) x 14 MOTHER'S NAME (F.,. t 1001dle S0,03.00 Wore r maned. x_7 ea' a i e Lenerville 20a INFORMANT'S NAME (Type Pont) 1 Witdrod T.aCny 2013 MAILING ADDRESS (Street and Number or Rural Route Number. City or Village. State. ZIP Code,) P.O. Box 2342 Kingsford. MI 49802 21 METHOD OF DISPOSITION Burial. Cremation, Removal. Donation. Other .(speedy) %trial 22a PLACE OF DISPOSITION i r other +aces Cemetery Pa (Name ofCemerery Crematory. k 225 LOCATION City or Village. State Iron Mountain. MI 23 SIGNATURE OF FUNERAL SERVICE LICENSEE l j J i 24 LICI7JSE -NUMBER (at L� 6170 <'5 NAME AND ADDRESS OF FACILITY Erickson- Rochon Nash Funeral Hose 901 Carpenter Ave. Iron Mtn., MI 4901 'RINT .NENT INK 1 10198 LF CF 044 26 PART I Enter the diseases. iniuriei. or mpbr.ations that caused the death Do NOT enter the mode of dying. such as cardiac or respirator, arrest, shock. or heart ladure 41 only one Cause on each tine IMMEDIATE CAUSE (F anal ACUTE CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT disease or condition _i re in death) Sequentially 151 conditions 1F ANY teaduig to immediate ca use nter UNDERLYING CAUSE (Disease or me, that in.hated events resulting .n death) LAST DUE TO (OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF CHRONIC DIFFUSE ARTERIOSCLEROSIS DUE TO (OR AS A CONSEQUENCt: OF DUE TO (OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF) PART II Other significant conditions contributing to death but not resulting in the underlying cause given in Part f CHRONIC CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE 28 ACTUAL PLACE OF DEATH (Home. Nursing 29 WAS CASE REFERRED TO MEDICAL Home, Hospital. Ambulance) (Sper.dy) EXAMINER? (Specify Yes or No) Hospital NO 30a To the best of my kno ath c urred a he ime, date and place and due to the cause(s) steed Z z (Signature and Title) M D Et-, 300 DATE SIGNED (Mo 1.. Yr) e 1 TIME OF DEATH Q. FEBRUARY 27, 2001 5:30 am 30d NAME OF ATTENDING PHYSICIAN IF OTHER THAN CERTIFIER 7 YPe or Runt) 33e' INJURY AT WORK (Specify Yes or No) office building. etc (Specify) a; i 0 RAR'$.SIGNATU r, tee INJURY At home, farm. street, factory. STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT'OF COMMUNITY HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF DEATH 33a ACC :SUICIDE: 'HOM ,'NATURAL 0R PENDING INVEST (Specify) 320:: LICENSE' NUMBER 4 3493 32a. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON WHO COMPLETED CAUSE OF DEATH (ITEM 26) (Type or Punt) 331 PLACE OF 33c. TIME OF PRONOUNCED DEAD (Mo Day. Yr ON 33d .DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED 31c CASE NUMBER 31e TIME OF DEATH 31a The case reviewed and determined not to be a medical examiner's case (Check a one On the basis of examination and of Investigation. in my opinion death occurred only) at the time, date and place and due to the cause(s) and manner stated. INJURY M 31b 31d 0000 00787 27a WAS AN AUTOPSY PERFORMED? (Yes or No) NO Yr 340. DATE FILED, (Month, Day. Year) February 26 2001 STATE FILE NUMBER 1680179 Apuroiimate 1 Interval Between Onset and 5 DAYS 'n I YEARS 270 WERE AUTOPSY FINDINGS AVAILABLE PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF CAUSE OF DEATH' (Yes Or No) N0 33g LOCATION Street or R F 0 No City. Village or Twp State I. DECEDENT'S NAME. ,Pura 111d11, 1.r..', MILDRED H. LaCOY 2. DATE OF 131R1'l1 rll.mh (110. Ilk', FEBRUARY 23, 1913 3. SEX FEMALE 1 1 4. DATE OF DEATH (Month. Dar. Yoe, JULY 19,2009 5. NAME. AT 11112111 OR (/H11'l1 NAME t'SI•D F PERSONA' IR'SINESS n,,lnd. AK a. n,.1,„ MILDRED H. HARCOURT -000ZE 6a. AGE last Birthday "r" 96 611. UNDER I Y :AR 6c. UNDER DAY MONTI'S I DAYS j HOURS MINUTES 70. 1.0('ATION OI. 1)I:ATII rEno'r place of/kin/b.....atone& Arad of '1,. 'h HO.SI'ITAL OR 0111ER INS I l I' )'ION Namc nl not 0■ ,min,. am .,n,1, „,,.l 0111014rr ...h-, DICKINSON COUNTY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 7b. CFI Y. VILLAGE. OR TOWNSHIP OE DEATH IRON MOUNTAIN 7c. COUNTY OF DEATH DICKINSON 110. C1 '1412BN1' RESIN. NIA STATE MICHIGAN 411. ('(1UN 0' DICKINSON Xc.,-.i /.i 11 Y win. A d„ n„. Mar d,., rn, h.,1, o, ]AL 1,111 ,rn\vw 0,, 141 +nl,uu s a s KINGSFORD &I. 5')51411' ANI) N(IMIH4K hmh.dr• Apt .ve it applicable, 1811 WOODWARD AVE. 110. /11' CODE 49802 '4. 1115'1111'1 Al I- a 'al .oil vow ,r CALGARY,ALBERTA,CANADA 1 11. S( ICI AI. SI 1 rlY' NI IMREtt 11. DECEDENT'S F What Is to highest dr4100 or lour of suhmd completed nl the time of dcalb? FOUR YEARS COLLEGE 12. RACE Amcnca, Inman whm•. Rlucl. er n( 1.on, go,. n „men "hr, 6 Chun., 1711,.,,.,. flu,, r lu,hrn, eh r Woa'r all deco ,q r WHITE 13a ANC! ti 1 1 1 5' M,•,,,an. 1010,.,. \ml.. Ahwm. I ncll.I,. lon,h, Dutch. ele .1 nn, all non upp4. D •vom hullo! n. ,•um, 4010014a) mho• ENGLISH SCOTTISH BURMESE 1311. HISPANIC ORIGIN .1e. 1,r .\'o1, NO 14. WAS UCl'1iDaNT EVER IN THE U.S. ARMED FORCES? D ns ,m un) NO (5. USUAL OCCUPATION (no Arm/ A nark dam, during moat al ,row *mg I, /r U. o. 1111' 1111' 10111 SALESPERSON 16 K INI) I/1131'SINESS OR INDI"S'l 11 Y OIL COMPANY J 7. MARI 1111. X14 f1 Mimi. ,,er %mat. Winonrd. Ih,creed e.cp,. ern WIDOWED In NAME OE St1RVIVIN(i SPOt :SP. 0 /0 /e. gbr Dame NO.' l,r,l marred, 17. FATHER'S NAME doll. ANAOe. 1.0014 GORDON S. HARCOURT -000ZE 211 MO1111 II'S NAMI. HEF(IR14 111451 MARRIED (to,,, AIWA, I.au, ELIZABETH •MAXWELL 21a. INFORMANT'S NAME. iliyn•l'rmu LORRAINE LaCOY 21 b."111.1 ATWN51111' II OIL Ii1)1.N'1 SISTER- IN-LMI 21e M AILING 41)1)51. 5S l571.1e1 and %umbel or 11ur.1 Hole .Yaulh ('1,0 nr li4,g,'. .5'(wr•. /I/ 1 918 EAST C STREET IRON MOUNTAIN, MI 49801 22. 411:1'1101) DE DISPOSI'1'IIIN I5ri111, Cremation. Ilntun,hmc,n. I)unnlnn. Renm,nd Storage L(perrh, CREMATION 23a. PI A('P Il1 DISPUSIII( „/a ccrue.) .>eoamr All ono'', WILBERT CREMATORY 231,. LOCATION City or Village. Slate ESCANABA. MICHIGAN 24. SIGNATURE OE MOIt'1'U 54 (1NC'p. LICENSE/. 2St'l 1('EN51•.NI'MHI•R 4151 l ,r,•,nr,•; 5618 26. NAMI. AND AUURE.SS OP FUNE.RAI. FAcil.l'ry 2 ERICKSON- flOCHON NASH FUNERAL HOME 901 CARPENTER AVE. IRON MOUNTAIN, MI 49801 27n. CERTIFIER l( 'heck mdr ,,m, Ti •M <'erlifyinµ 1'hysiclnn Tn the hest nl my A halo. ,61111 1-7 Mecal 111, nu tl, hlsl. of ennmnm,. and, L 1 100,0,411 m We r,n1a•. dnln. al' pl• I due m to th 1 re- Signature and Title mato d ilia In Ibe nna, ,rid: n m,e•.l:11::t a 1puwou. &oh. r nr Dud r� 2111,. A(' 11(41. 05I'Ill,SIIMED 1'IML' O P1)EAl'II A 21/h. 1'51)141)l1N('l /D I)1'.AI) ON 1 Alo Um 1r, JULY 19, 2009 25.. 'rIMR PRONOUNCED DEAD 4:15 A M 2'). 411.1)1(4 I EXAM IN ER TA( .11.1) r rl'r n, 401 NO 314 I LA('I. Oi 1)1441'11 1110100. 11.0111.'.. Mom It Rune. Il.sprhd. Ambulance 1 ape( /11 HOSPITAL 31 IF I10,PITAL. blpntienl„161pmnca4 Emergency )loom: DOA iSpe pp) INPATIENT 271). 1)41 51GNI(1) .Ma Oar )'r, 1 27..1 ICI "(SI. NI .1)4111 it 7 2o Oct' 33052 12 MLDICAI. 1 XAMIN1'5 "1! 4141 IN 01 33. NAMI: OF ATTENDING l'IIYSI('IAN IF 0'1'111111 T11AN (1'.I1'I1P11'It 1 /1p,w'Vaal, 'PRINT N ANENT K INK 'EDEN T ,RENTS (MANT 3ITION 'AVON CAL IINER 4113 I /1,113 LF CF 187 34. NAME. AND ADDRESS 01' (,IiI1'rIFYIN(i PHYSICIAN „r rn,nr 39. MANNI(R OF DF:ATII Accident. Suicide. llnnncid Natural. Indeterminate or Pending 'Spode, NATURAL r 41a. DATE. OF INJURY 1111, 11,0 1'r, 41d. INJURY AI W(II(K 410 PLACE 1 E 15)4'1(5 AI home, )arm. ctr CL construction situ. „uodcd 1 ran. etc ,.1) dr r( 1 STEPHEN LEONARD, M.D. 1711 S. STEPHENSON AVE. IRON MOUNTAIN, MI 49801 !STRAWS SICNAI 141RF A 151, DA EE HEED (.)bnuh. tar lean ,4 July 21. 2009 PART 1. linter the tin of events diseases. injuries, or wlifphc11 1 1 1001 u the death DO NO 1', :n1cr lenmmnl events such as cnrdmc arrest, respiratory arrest I Approsinxue ittervnl Between or ventricular fibrillation without Showing the etiology lemur only one:caItSe I a h Onxt ant Death If diabetes was tin Immediate. inl: C y i e �R _y`�[/�/.',•(/�, cause of death he cure hr underlying or contrib. 11 1 201Z record dmhntvs m either fart 1 DIT ID I I I AS A 10hIS11,1 M 1 1411 TR Of l'1111 11 of t come of V SE OF death sa t 1 t as upp,pnmc 40 t k y n 20 IMMP;111Ai'h. ('41151 (Fu11 DI 3 1 1n AS A 1't1NSI'QI'1 NI'1 1111 disease or conduit,. I Sequentially lot condoions. IF ANY. luading lo the Louse listed an line a. Enter Ilia UNDERLYING CAUSE initiated the etenis resulting I in death) LAST DUI ID t110 35.5 1 t WShgl.'1 NCI 01 4111. 1IMF. Uh INJ('RY 51 40a. WAS AN At''lOI'SY 1'1..51 117(1111)" 5,., NO STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF DEATH PAI(T II. 0))11g3 Su;N)hR .AEI ('115(11'111,55 cunlnhultng to dea but nil revelling in the underlying cause gsen In I',ri I. 41c. DES('I(IHI, 1111W 15)1(13Y OCCURRED 4 1 1 I t 'IRANSP111( INJURY Drier I/Know. l'a..engel. 1'Mc etc. I Sprr at 37. 1)11) 11HA ('(3) US I? ('ON'F111 litI'I'I:'((1 I)EA'Fi 1? Pr.ahl, ■o j 1 1,1110„ n 411,. 6'(112/. Art( R'SY FINDINGS AVAII.AI!I.E TRIO)( r1) ('OMPIETION OF CAUSE 111 DI .I'll'' 1,e. Uo 41g. It )4 A Ell /5 Street or RED No. 00425'65 000126 STATE FILE NUMBER 36.11 I'I'MAI.7. Nat pregnant within puss )car [1 Pregnant nI none of death I..I 5 1 4 E 1 I. 11 t p 4- ant It J_ illy. f d Ih L J Not pregnant, hat pregnant 43 days 0, I year f before death 1. 1 1'04 ,,4 d prgnann wntu, the pass year City, Village or 1115,., State CERTIFICATIO ITAL RECORD ft" Decedent: Name;: James Randall LaCoy Gender: Male Date of Birth: July 05, 1949 Date and Place of Death: Date of Death: May 31, 2006: City of Death: Cheyenne Additional Decedent Information Place of Birth: Cheyenne, Wyoming` Residence: Cheyenne, Wyoming Marital Status: Divorced Name of Father: James Francis LaCoy Maiden Name. of Mother: Eva June Hein Informant: Gay Lee Guckenburg Certifier: Name: Address: This is a true certification of the document on file in the office of Vital Records Services, Cheyenne, Wyoming.; June:28, 2006 This copy is not valid unless prepared on paper with an engravi d!boder. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DEATH CERTIFICATE State File Number: 2006 001773 Social Security Number: Age at the Time of Death: 56 years Manner of Death: Accident Time of Death: William C Ryan, Coroner 310 W 19th St, Cheyenne, Wyoming County oof< Death: Lararnie Relationship: Sister Disposition: Method of Disposition: Cremation Place of Disposition: Sunset Perk Crematory, Cheyenne, Wyoming Cause of heath: The immediate cause is listed on the first line followed by any underlying causes. (a) Pneumonia (b) Numerous Rib Fractures Other Significant Conditions: Ateleotasis Lt. Lung, Severe Alcohol Abuse Injury Information: Date of Injury: Time of Injury Location: Unknown, Wyoming Description of How Injury Occurred: Fell, possibly numerous times, fracturing his ribs Brent D. Sherard, M.D.,'M.P.H. Director and State Health Officer a A r �.r�.�ira., m9ii ,le3is ,:a�� 9 RESIGNATION AND DESIGNATION OF TRUSTEE Lorraine A. LaCoy is the acting Trustee of the The LaCoy Family Trust Dated August 19, 1993, FIN 021 -03 -7873. Under authority of Article 1.3 of the trust, Lorraine A. LaCoy resigns, effective the date of this document, as Trustee of the LaCoy Family Trust Dated August 19, 1993. Dated this 27 day of August, 2009. WITNESSES: STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF DICKINSON Personally came before me this 27th day of August, 2009, the above named Lorraine A. LaCoy, Trustee, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge the same. Prepared by: Suzanne M. Fleury P47895 Attorney at Law P.O. Box 743 Iron Mountain, MI 49801 mss/ orraine A. LaCoy, Trustee G� s Mulder SS: Su M. Fleury, Notary Public Dickinson County, Michigan My Commission expires 04/27/11. 000128 ACCEPTANCE OF TRUST Gay Lee Guckenburg is named as a successor trustee of The LaCoy Family Trust Dated August 19, 1993, EIN 021 -03 -7873, after the resignation of Lorraine A. LaCoy, first successor trustee Gay Lee Guckenburg signs this acceptance and agrees to serve as trustee immediately upon signing this document and agrees to be bound by the terms, conditions, and responsibilities of an acting trustee under the trust agreement. Dated this day of ;�Lt ?�C5 T 2009. WITNESS: STATE OF u.T=-{ t COUNTY OF `>F i Personally came before me this 3 day of uci tas r 2009, the above named Gay Lee Guckenburg, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge the same. i_UANN■ H. GREENWELL Notary Public State of Utah My Commission Expires Feb. 27. 2011 106 'West Mn, ali Meer; Pfeasant., UT 84647 Prepared by: Suzanne M. Fleury P47895 Attorney at Law P.O. Box 743 Iron Mountain, MI 49801 2 SS: 000129 Z, tU/Z Gay Lee uckenburg t Notary Public Acting in the County of a,r, p k --e County, State of U My Commission expires: 4_Lb Xl L L i i