HomeMy WebLinkAbout877127 KNOW ALL MICN BYTHESE PRESENTS, Tilat First National Bank-Kemmerer
a corporation, of the Cou.ty of Lincoln
certify that a certain morlgflge, bearing dale the ~, aod Stateof
madeomt executed by Sawava t~ T~ ' ( __day of September do,,~ hereby
..... ~ -a W omin~Doration A.D. I0~,
asmortgagor~, n~ First National Bank-Kemmer~r'
as mortgagee, conve),h~g certain real eatate therein mentlooed as securhy for d., paymc.l of $ 40 ~~
thereia stated, wi ~'1~ nmrtgage was recorded hi lh~ office of the Con.~y Clerk a.d Ex-Offlc~o Reglaler of Deeds of
__County, State of Wyoming, oo thc '26th __day of September _19~7 -
in lhmk_ 402PR ot Mortgages, at page~97 and mortgaging tile fo/lowing described real esl.h, in sahl County,
is. whh a oote se<;nred thereby, and the aforementioned debt, fully paid, satisfied, releas.d, and discharged ami in c'mshleralio, dmreof Hn~ said
does hereby relcase and quitclaim unto tl~e said mortgagor tim premises thereby cooveyed and mortgaged.
IN WITNESS'WHEREOF, the r~ r~t ~a~merer~
Note: If it is not desired to de~criba l~mh in space therefor, iosert the followiag: "Ail lamls described i. ~Md morlgag~"
Coualy et gJ~co~ } ss.
Oo this 1st
day eL Sepkember'
James~ J. Joslin '~ 20q~'ef'm'"',' personally apl,cared
First National, Bank-Ke'mmerer
;, cd that tim seal affixed to said iastrumeat is the corporate seal of said corporation, aod thaI said iastrumenl wa~ signed ami seaMI o. behal~ of said corporation
h) a.lhorily of its Board of Directors and said Loan Processor
u,'km,..h.dged sam instr.ment Io be the flee act and deed of said coq, orado..
Given trader my hand and ·notarial se01 ~1 is 1 S ....
lllE STATE OF ~YOMING , A. D. ~ 2004 '
County of~ ~ ~ s~.
This h]slrnn~e~l wfls filed for record al ~o'eloek~ bi., Oll I}le
A. I). 19~, ami duly recorded ia B~k_ on I)age~
C,m.t), Ch.~k a.,I I':x-()ifMo Ilegisler of I)e,.ds
N().~ Fees, $_
l ),'p.t) (:h'rk