HomeMy WebLinkAbout877128 KNOW AI,L MEN BYTItESE PRESENTS, That First National Bank-Kemmerer a corporadon, of the Co.,.y ,,! Lincoln , and State of Wyoming " ' doc~ hercl,y certify that a certain mortgage, bcarlna {late the 1St day of February made~mde~e~m.d by Sawaya' s Inc. , a Wyoming Corporation A. ~'irst National BRnk-Kemmerer as nortgagor__, Io.. as mortgagee, conveying certain real estate therein mentioned as security fl)r thy payment ()f ~ 2~ ) ~3~. 2~ lherein stated, which nmrtgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk aod Ex-O/f ici. Rcgisler Lincoln ~County, State of Wyoming, on the~ iSF dny of ~O~h~y ~2000 in lhmk 441PR ot Mortgages, at page 071 .,.t nmrtgaging the following described real ,'state in said Co.nb', to-wit: All LANDS DESCRZBED' IN ABOVE SAID MORTGAEE 877128 o ¢ ,-,,', o .... is, with a not,, secnred ti~ereby, and the aforementi6ned debt Iully paid satisfied-'reh, ts.I and disel ar ,ed and in ~nnsideralion thereof the said mnrlaa~ee ti.cs ~.ycb~rgli;~se' and quitcla m unto the sa d mort a or the ~remis, .... g , ,;..-',',~'9/VZ. , ' ~. g g I .s thercb) conve)ed and mortgaged ,i?'i'NWiT~'ES~,¢'il~:REOF the 2'~rst Natmonal Bank-Kemmerar' - has ca fi'sod fl. ~b l)i~eff~ tg'he signed by its Pres 5dent '.'.' ami i[~",:!.;~p¢~ai[~ ;4hJ:=",tt~&?alfixed ti,is' 1 St day of November " '7" Sig~!)~l"~e0 ~tl :~nd Del/¢~r0d in the presence of Asst. Cashier ~. : Nute: H it is not desired to describe lands in space therefor, insert the following: "All lumls described in said nlorlgllge," Till,; STATE OF WYOMING, (:,,,,,,fy of Lincoln j ss. 1st ()n this day of Nov em'b er' X~ 2 O01 before me personnlly appeared James J. Joslin I,, me i,ermnully known, who, being by me duly sworn, did ~ay thai he is Ihe Pr es5den~ First National Bank-Kemmerer nmi lhal the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and,that said instrument was sigiled and seah'd .n hehulf (d said eorlmralinn by aalhorhy of its Board of Direclors and said Loan Processor acknowledged saki instrument 1o be the free .act and deed of said corpornlion'. My commission exoires o I the ...... t.-~:,. 'V' ',,.' .,,.~February , , . .ay o~ ~ A. I)~ 2004 TIlE S'I'~TE OF ~YOMIN6,. Connty of. ] ss. This instrument wss filed for record ut o'clock M., on th,. day of. A. D. 1{1 .... and duly recorded in B~k on Page. County Ch,rk nnd Ex-()ffM. il.gister Ily N.. Fees, $. Ih'pul) ('.h,rk