HomeMy WebLinkAbout871805WHEN RECORDED, RETURN TO: McKay Marsden, Esq., LLC c/o DSW Partners 4 Triad Center, Suite 400 Salt Lake City, Utah 84180 Attn: McKay Marsden, Esq. below. 871805 BOOK Q PR PAGE 1 7 f QUITCLAIM DEED Recitals QUITCLAIM RE``:F:I`rE. L1Nlrr ;._.N COUNTY CLERK F. t... 11 A. Pursuant to Warranty Deed dated December 31, 1979, and recorded in the Lincoln County Recorder's Office on March 4, 1981 as Entry Number 553853 in Book 173PR, Page 537 of the Lincoln County real property records, Carl H. Erickson and M. Lynne Erickson acquired the property described below. C. Accordingly, Carl H. Erickson became the sole owner of the real property listed B. By Quit -Claim Deed dated September 12, 1986 and recorded in the Lincoln County Recorder's Office on May 5, 1987 as Entry Number 672123 in Book 250 PR, Page 672 of the Lincoln County real property records, M. Lynne Erickson quitclaimed to Carl H. Erickson all of her interests in and to the real property described below. THIS QUITCLAIM DEED is given by Carl Henry Erickson, with an address of 825 East Canyon Breeze Lane, Draper, Utah 84020 "Grantor to Carl Henry Erickson, as trustee of THE C.H. ERICKSON TRUST, under agreement dated December 7, 1990, as amended, with an address of 825 East Canyon Breeze Lane, Draper, Utah 84020 "Grantee For valuable consideration, Grantor hereby quitclaims to Grantee all of his right, title and interest in the property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming and more particularly described as: Commencing at a point which is 40 Rods East and 49 Rods South from the NW Corner of Lot 1, Section 33, TWP. 35 N., R 119 W., and running thence West 20 Rods thence South 20 Rods, thence East 20 Rods, thence North 20 Rods to the place of beginning. Containing an area of 2' /s acres more or less. Together with water and ditch rights and all oil and mineral rights. Also an access easement into the Freedom canal at the NE Corner of the plot being deeded. SUBJECT TO easements, restrictions and rights of way of record. GRANTOR MAKES NO WARRANTIES, WHATSOEVER. DATED thiOth day of A. 2001. I N-41.014Ae-pj atignd buloN ss xo�ul'xO `uos)iarxg rixuaH pu3 .r.-- r 4e1n 0 elms 1 roo u �1WOO P 1 9o119 Lrein '911PleAfti r 1 PQM 009 41^O$ tat 1 AIiQPO '1 H 31t1>:i3 1 1V <f► 1 L wKlnd N •uosxatxg bum ixi0 iq `i00Z jo 7 am axojaq papaiMouxau suns luaurnxasut Suto2axoj atis Id"I I IVS JO XINf1OO HVII1:IO MINIS