HomeMy WebLinkAbout877134 QUITCLAIM DEED WELLS FARGO BANK, successor in interest to FIRST SECURITy BANK, N.A., a corporation organized and existing under the laws o£ the State of Wyoming, grantor, with its principal office at .i~ hereby CONVEYS AND ~UITCLAIM-and b y mcse resen adrmmstrators, rem/se, release ., . p. ts ac zor my heirs, executor Wyom~ing CorporatiOn, grantee, of P.O. Box 96, Alton, WY 83110 for the sum often DollI~C'~arsad . and forever qmtclaan unto the GARDNER RANCH, ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations, the following described tract of land situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming: SEE ATTACHED EXI-ImlT A FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION. The officers who sign this deed hereby certify that this deed and the transfer represented thereby was duly adopted by tim Board of Dh'ectors of the grantor at lawful meeting duly held and attended by a quorum. In Witness whereof, the grantor has caused its eo .rporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly auflmrized officea-s ~s ici- _ day of November, 2001. / t.' WELLS FARGO BANK BY Chr:[s /qawson, Assistant: Vlce President Attest: State of Utah County of Salt Lake On this ~ day of November, 2001 before me personally appeared · who, being by me duly sworn, did say that~he is the ~' e President of Wells Fargo Bank and that sa~d mstrumem was signed and sealed on behalf ;~sa~ corporation by authority of~,~e President and the aforesaid officers acknowledged to me that said corporation executed $~C~m~' . Witness my. hand and official seal. Notary Public My Commission Expires: I ~&'~'~q COH~SS~ON EXPIRES ! ~ ..... , ..... ., COUNTY CLERK .- ....... ~ ...... PR PAG~~.. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The SE~ASE~A of Section 30, ~3N RllSW of ~e 6~ P.M., L~coh Co.W, Wyo~ EXCEPT~G ~e following described parcel: Begi~ at ~e No.east Comer of the SE~SE~ of said Section 30 and running · ence Sou~ 412 feet to t~e right-of-way U.S. Highway 89 Nor~; ~cnce N 41 ~34' W, 550 feet; · ence East 360 feet, more or less, to flae po~t of beg~g. TOGET~R ~H ~e right of in.ess ~d e~ess ~ described ~ ~e W~ran~ Deed from Ozro David Gardne~ and Shirley ~ ~rdner to BIa~ Ha~on, Inc. recorded September 15, 1972 ~ Book 139PR on page 411 of ~ncoln Counw public records. EXCE~G also ~e l~ds conta~ed ~ ~e Warr~ty Deed from AncieI ~-iffi~ and Luella ~iffi~ to Lincoln Counw, Wyom~g recorded Au~st 23, 1938 in Book 16 of Deeds on page 51 o~ ~e records of ~e records of the Lh~coln Counw Clerk. Tract 2 Pa~ of Lot 4 of Block 7 of ~e Alton Townsite, L~coln CounW, Wyoming berg more pa~icularly described ~ follows: Begin~ng at a point 5 rods Nor~ of ~e Sou~ea~ Comer of said Lot 4 ~d thence Nor~ 5 rods; · ence West g rods; · enc~ South 4 rods; thence East 2 rods; ~ncc Soufl~ 1 rods; ~ence East 6 rods to ~e place or' Pa~ of Sections 20 ~d 29, ~3N RllSW of~e 6th P.M., Lincoln Coumy, Wyoming being more pa~ic~Iarly described as follows: Begins at a point 2,065.5 fee~ Nor~ of ~e Sou~west comer of ~e NW~A said Section 29 and ~g ~ence East 957 feet; · ence Nor~ 1,749 f~t; · e~e East 363 t~ot; · ence No~ to a point 1,320 feet E~t and 660 feet Nox~a of flae West Queer Comer of Section 20, T33N RI18W of thc 6th P,M,; · ence West 1,320 feet; '~ence ~Sou~ 2,554.5 feet to the point of begi~ng. TOGETHER ~TH an cascara of ~ght ~ofWay, to wit: In. ess m~d c~ess along exist~g roadway and along ~e West 33 feet of ~e SW~NW~ o~ Se~ion 29, T33N Rl18 ~d also aio~g ~e West 33 feet of ~e NW~A~ of Section 29 ~d extend~g ~ ~e SW~SW~A of Section 20 along fl~e West 33 feet of fl~c said Sections. EXCE~G ~e follow~g described parcel: Begi~ing at a poh~t which is 1,320 feet East and 660 feet Nor~ of ~e West Qua~er Corner of said section · ence Sou~e~terly at an angle to a po~t, which is West 74 fee~ fzom Sou~west Corner of ~e SEMNW~ of said Section 20; · ence 74 feet East; · ence No~ 660 feet to ~e point of beg~ng. '